Biden bombs Syria


They had it coming. 

Not too surprising. It was only a matter of time before Joe was going to flex what's he's got.

testing out the new 2021 raytheon weapons. 

Hows that for some white supremacy?  Ka pow mother fuckers!

Major Hammertoe couldn't sort it out !

Surprise, surprise, surprise!


So what ever happened to that $15 per hour minimum wage? 

Where's my stimulus check Joe!?

Good thing Trump totally rebuilt our Military complex that was in disarray, and gave the service men raises, approved by the Obama administration

Let me ask a fair question:

Put yourself in Biden's shoes. You inherit a shit-show in Syria. Some of it was caused by historical US actions. Much of it wasn't. For 100 different reasons, simply saying "fuck it" and pulling all US assets out of the region isn't a viable solution. The opposition starts bombing us and our allies. What would you do? How would you respond?

Please don't give political answers, or "perfect world" solutions. Base them on the reality of the situation and geopolitics in that region.

We're back.

Nice job Joe, make hamas think twice. Them boys gonna be takin a lotta steps back. 

^bk -- that's the definition of corporate apologist. not trying to troll you, it's just a fact.

of course the corporate politician funded by raytheon/etc., is going to drop bombs. the guy that voted for the iraq war is definitely going to drop bombs. 

it's simple, just don't drop any bombs. 



and wow, raz. 

there it is folks. 

disgusting. you sounds exactly like the trumpers you despise. 

blue maga. 

I asked a question, ogkb. Your answer is exactly what I expected. It's political hyperbole that doesn't answer anything. I didn't even offer solutions or make judgments, I laid out a few facts and asked, "what would you do differently."

Your response is to not drop bombs. That's doing nothing. What are the immediate actions you'd take instead of dropping bombs?

You're really good at telling everyone what they're doing wrong. You're horrible at assessing global geopolitical situations and offering viable solutions. You have to do better than simply to say, "do nothing."

but you're saying to continue dropping bombs. 

i don't know what's worse than that. nothing. killing people. innocent people. 

for no reason. 


and correct, just don't drop bombs. i understand for a corporate apologist that doesn't make sense, b/c we already purchased all the bombs lol -- but it's simple. dont bomb countries, ever, especially for no reason. 


now please explain to me why we need to be in iraq, afghanistan, yemen, syria.

tell me why. why are we there? why are we killing people in those countries? 

why are we wasting so much money for no reason? 


your solution is to continue trusting corporate politicians who are told by their masters to use their new weapons in countries that have oil. 

the corporate media has done such a spectacular job at propagandizing anything war over the last 21 years, combined w/ american exceptionalism, and overall lack of compassion for other humans, has people like BK defending what Biden is doing. 

do better. 

Believe me pyro I wished everyday for chump to grow a set and stand up tooooooooo anyyyyyy fuuuuuuucking bodyyyyyyyyyy !

Putin, Kim, Assad , etc, etc, etc

Did you not wish for it ???

Please stop,, you just argue for arguments sake. You're like a walkin talkin foxnews.

You can't possibly be so ignorant and divisive in real life,,   so why be that way here ?

After Jan 6th, haven't even you had enough of ignorance and divisiveness ? 

I have.

Your expecting too much performance from a car with one gear.

Cue up his GWB broken record love affair...  

^^your post above is disgusting and reads like a trumper wrote it. 

you are the definition of blue maga. 

despise trump. 

cheer biden bombing the same people. 

i just don't respect people like you. 

<<<>>>You're like a walkin talkin foxnews

sorry man, you're very unintelligent. 


fish -- this is your chance to tell the group why an RN would vote for something like W. 

go ahead now.....

>>but you're saying to continue dropping bombs. 

lol, I didn't say anything of the sort. I asked what you'd do differently.

>>now please explain to me why we need to be in iraq, afghanistan, yemen, syria.

I wish I had those answers. The short one is that in the long-term we don't (and probably never did in the first place). The reality is, like it or not, that we've played a major part in creating all these shit-shows, and we've made ourselves so friggin' important that we can't just up and leave without some sort of strategy. I'd love to see a strategy to get us the fuck out of there, but I don't think that anyone knows the fuck how to do it at this point.

so we just have to keep dropping bombs? 

I'm asking you what you'd do in the immediate situation.

I already told you silly, you are a one geared bottom feeder so I gave you some bait, you ate it and have returned for more almost daily since. Don't worry tho, I've gotten a lot of amusement from it...And for the record, I'm a CRNA by trade, not that it matters but I worked hard for the distinction 

to stop dropping all bombs. 

you stated you voted for W. just thought that was kinda embarrassing to admit. 

Some folks are a bit nieve as to where they live.


The hypocrisy is amusing.

I imagine you likely still don't get it tho, so go ahead and bring it up every time I post, it's good for a chuckle. Not that we need any reminder of your simple gear ratio, but it's still fun to see the tires spin

Okay, stop dropping bombs. What would your next step be to get them to stop bombing our assets and/or allies, and to move towards stability in the region.

I swear, if you say, "pull out immediately," I'm going to get $5 Dominos pizzas delivered to your shop every day for the next week! I'm asking for real critical assessment and solutions.

Bk supports the killing of black and brown people.

Like the republikan party,, I see the shit fer brains young pups (gotta be young to be sooooooooooooo fucking stupid)  splitting off to start their own list,,, thankfully keeping their assinine fucktard opinions and rancit vibes to themselves.

Every time any one of em post the zone iq drops exponentially. 

Here's the rollcall -- 

bry pyro racket tinpan dank greg,,,,,,, who else, there's a few

Racket seems to want to become my new personal troll.

I hope it works out well for you, and your dreams come true..

Another reason to advance clean fuels and get the fuck out of the Middle East. 

Never understood Pro business Trump wanting to get rid of a start up industry like clean fuels and alternative energy, and loose jobs that were running side by side of coal and gas. Hell eventually the Coal and Gas people would of jumped in too, it's not like they don't have the money to. Would make perfect sense to remain the leaders of an energy sector that did both.

fish, you still have your bush/cheney sticker? lol tool. 


raz is so stupid and racist, he doesn't even know he's a republican. 

too good. 


bk, come on man.......we destabilized the region enough. we've killed enough innocent civilians. we have destroyed enough families and generations. 


you want to stay longer? 

if not immediately, what's the plan? just stay forever, watch and kill? b/c that's what we do. we watch. we take. we kill. 

>>.we destabilized the region enough. we've killed enough innocent civilians. we have destroyed enough families and generations. 

I 100% agree. Much of it can be traced back to us bombing Iraq back to the middle ages and killing 600,000 directly, and another million more through disease and starvation. Our direct actions created a power vacuum that is the driver of what we see today in Iran and Syria.

>>you want to stay longer? 


>>what's the plan?

Beats the fuck out of me. That's why I'm asking you. Pulling out immediately, however, seems to be a shitty plan that will cause even more instability and innocent deaths.

I knew you still would have trouble comprehending.

Bk thinks I'm dreaming about him.  Haha, get over yourself.

We are the slaves of the brown people in doing the work the Saudis, Israel, and Corporations want us to do, and we use our brown and poor white soldiers as the tool to do the heavy lifting, and sacrificing of limbs and life that go along with it. The middle class funds it while the rich elitist dodge their tax responsibilities and our representatives give tax breaks to the Corporate world.

The new slaves of the world are no longer just black, or brown, too bad all of them rural Trump supports cannot see thru the bullshit they are wrapped up in with the majority of us. 

Good luck in your quest, Racket. I really hope it works out well for you.

Unfortunately, in Afghanistan, our actions over the years have resulted in only two centers of power - the Taliban and the weak Afghani government, propped up by us. It ain't rocket surgery to realize that the Taliban will take over if we leave. Is that what we want?

What we shoulda done post 9/11 was clean out the training camps, as we did, and then turned the country over to the most powerful anti-Taliban war lord we could find. Keep paying him to stay in power - gotta be cheaper in lives or money than actually fighting there. Our paying him would give us some leverage to gradually improve his behavior and the plight of the average Afghani.

We didn't do that, and now it's too late. No idea what our plan should be going forward. We need to get out of there, but I don't think it's fair to the people of Afghanistan to leave them to the Taliban. The country is broken, and it's mostly our fault at the moment.

Look what happened when Trump pulled out of Syria for 24 hours.

stop wasting my $

yeah pull the fuck out.

what are we accomplishing with so much $$ and soldier's lives, not to mention the poor avg villager.

if we want to bomb them, we don't have to be there.

pack up the shinebox.



figure the rest out on the downslope.





So, when tens of thousands of Kurds and Druze are eradicated, Isis has regained power and land, and Iran is well on its way to a caliphate, would we then go back in to help, or just let it all fall?

I'm just wondering what the next move would be, or have we packed up the board and washed our hands of the mess that we helped to create?

Again, I'm just asking questions about the foresight of "just getting the fuck out," and what that means.

And so it goes in that region from the beginning of time and every major power in their time that was able to get there has taken their shot.


First slap yourself, then bring your kids down to the military recruiter's office, and then ask that question again.


yes, we helped create some of those things.


and in hindsight, doubling down on bad decisions doesn't make them twice as smart.


we are currently deployed in like 175 countries folks. How's your health insurance plan looking?



So, you don't have an answer, it's just, "get out and let the shit hit the fan"?

We're talking global geopolitics here, not your knee-jerk personal shit.

I'm not saying to "double down." I'm asking what the hell a strategy would be. Just pulling out overnight is about as about as bad a strategy as doubling down.

The answer is to not do. It's really simple. Like yoda said.

bk you're sort of like the guy who won't take yes for an answer.


Lol personal. just not your kids, right?


And yes, I get the financial and societal ramifications of our involvement in everything. Don't patronize me. What I'm asking is how to move us out so that we don't have to go the fuck back in.

Doing nothing isn't a strategy, and in this case it's not one that you're choosing to see the results of.

If my kids joined up, so be it. They are adults. You weren't drafted. Why did you join up, and why did you stay in for so long?

Do MBS and Bibi have the might together to handle things?

look bk there's no easy answers...

if we weren't so hell bent on being the global police force for the corporations and oligarchs, me maybe could start to have nice things.

>>look bk there's no easy answers...

No shit, Sherlock. That's what I've been saying. I've made it clear that I agree that the current path is useless, and that I also believe that we play a huge part in the problems. All I've asked for is some critical and long-term thinking on the "do nothing" and "GTFO now" strategies. Neither of those seem to address the complexities, and both seem like they'll lead to bigger problems. Not one person who has pushed for those strategies cares to even try to answer.

>>>>>>What would your next step be to get them to stop bombing our assets and/or allies, and to move towards stability in the region.

Well, if we didn't have assets in the region, there would be nothing to bomb.  As for allies, Israel has shown time after time it can take care of itself.   As for Saudi Arabia, we don't need them.  They have a piss poor record on human rights and the only reason the US is their "ally" is for cheap oil.   Let them and Iran fight their own fights.   

>>Well, if we didn't have assets in the region, there would be nothing to bomb

But we do, Ken. I'm all for an exit strategy. Just leaving overnight, though...

Explain how that will work and how you, as president, would handle the political, domestic, international and shitstorms and deaths that would ensue.

I signed up so someone else wouldn't have to serve in my place.


and you should switch the hash around from one shoe to the other once or twice a day, or you could get a crick in your back.


and make sure you wear clean socks

Brand new socks, and that method was useless!

There are only about 2,500 American troops left in Iraq and probably another 1,000 or so in Syria.   Wouldn't take much to load them up on planes and send them home.  Let the Russians, Syrians, Kurds, ISIS, and Turks figure out how to fill the void.   If Putin wants to send Russian boys off to die in the dust of Syria, that's their business.

Food not bombs.

>>>>Let the Russians, Syrians, Kurds, ISIS, and Turks figure out how to fill the void.   If Putin wants to send Russian boys off to die in the dust of Syria, that's their business.



We have to show them how to kill the humane way instead of with chemical weapons. We're like the teachers of war rather than the perpetrators.

If the real interest wasn't purely about money one of the 2 options would have been exercised --- complete withdrawal or complete decimation.


"Do MBS and Bibi have the might together to handle things?".............They should with all of the weapons we sell them.

<<<>>>I'm asking what the hell a strategy would be. Just pulling out overnight is about as about as bad a strategy as doubling down.

whys that? 

not sure it gets any worse than invading a region (!) 20 years ago, spending almost 7 trillion during that time on what? absolutely nothing. we destabilize. we slaughter. we destroy generations of families. we end up creating more hate towards americans, and rightfully so. 


just end the wars. they are endless wars b/c we have the top 5 weapons makers in the world. think about that. biden is dropping bombs b/c those 5 companies lobby him to do so. lol. insanity. 

we leave afghanistan, yemen, iraq, syria today. right now. take all the soldiers and bring them fuck home. 

have em give out covid shots to americans so we can get this fucking show on the road! 

<<<>>>>It ain't rocket surgery to realize that the Taliban will take over if we leave. Is that what we want?


this is just insane, and a result of americans watching corporate media. and if you say no, then you are a republican that is conflicted about your true values and morals. cant deny that shit. 

we destabilized the region so much, when the taliban has control (so they now again?), it was even more stable. 

prior to our invasion and destruction, the poppy fields were less prosperous. the poppy/heroin production has skyrocketed since 2001. sad. 

it's always amazing to hear americans say we have to stay there to protect the afghans, lol, when we made their country more dangerous and unstable for them than ever before. saying shit like what surf said deserves a bitch slap. it's disgusting and reeks of American exceptionalism. 

>>>>>what surf said deserves a bitch slap

Apparently Feeter would like to assault me now - insults not enough I guess.

Bring it, pussy pizza boy.

^lol, i would never man. 

but you def deserve one for that disgusting comment. 

Lol, pussy pizza boy.


>when the taliban has control (so they now again?), it was even more stable<


Well, women and girls certainly knew their place.



The US needs to withdraw. It's the how that's difficult. 

I don't have the answer, maybe someone should ask advice from a former Soviet official. 



I like you, ogkb, but you have this thing where if someone has a different opinion than you it makes them the enemy, ill informed or brainwashed. You turn everything into name calling rather than ideas.

1. Stop all wars and bombings

2. Admit that we were wrong and accept our role and responsibility in the destruction that we have caused 

3. Make a positive change and show respect to the people in the Middle East and stop using them for their oil.

Until we start our way on this path things will only get worse. It might never happen especially in our world which is dominated by greed and evil.

i'm a pussy pizza boy. 

surf supports endless wars and that americans must protect middle easterners. lol. 

> just end the wars

I wish it was that easy, and so did Randolph Bourne back in 1918 when he wrote War is the Health of the State.

My statement:

"We need to get out of there, but I don't think it's fair to the people of Afghanistan to leave them to the Taliban."


I don't know how to do this - do you?

((( i'm a pussy pizza boy )))

i'm a pussy pizza boy
ur a pussy pizza boy
we're all pussy pizza boys

Does the color of the pie match the crust?

if the taliban or whatever extremist group is allowed to go crazy it really much different for the avg afghani?

pretty sure we aren't doing much for them.

where's all the cash?

yeah, fuck it. pack up the usa shine box.

who is arming the taliban? 

afghan is like the new lorean dmz? just leave the boys there for 60 years...or whatever.

meanwhile the usa cadillac is becoming a pinto, unless you're rich...


Oh g b

Do you literally hate Biden?

By the way I had some awesome Italian pizza last night from Mountain View

Arugula and cheese and another one with prosciutto. Classic 

The Republicans are better at peddling hate that's all and brainwashing by saying the same lies over and over and over again

A lot of the workingman eats  that shit up and somehow pretends to think that Republicans are on their side

The US helped create the Taliban when we gave them all those Stinger missiles and stuff back when they were fighting the Russians.   I feel sorry for the people, especially the women, who have to live under Taliban rule but as noted above, the presence of US troops isn't really making it better.   Instead, it gives the Taliban the moral high ground by allowing them to argue that they are just trying to rid the country of the infidel occupiers.

<<<>>>>Do you literally hate Biden?

biden hates us. 


<<<>>>>A lot of the workingman eats  that shit up and somehow pretends to think that Republicans are on their side

same w/ the dems and the blue maga crowd. 

exact. same. 



^dave, how'd you find a picture of me?? 

<<<>>>>Do you literally hate Biden?

It's not like he bombed the guy and made you pay for it.



bombs killed one Syrian militia member.

wounded two.

world war 3 it wasn't

biden didn't get congressional authority. 

just like trump......



^He already has it. It is covered by the congressional authorization passed after 911. Congress needs to address this open ended authorization. 




>>> it's simple, just don't drop any bombs >>>


They would be "mindless", not "simple". Big difference. One requires careful analysis of the options, and choosing the one which most benefits and protects the most people. The simple answer accomplishes neither of those.

^^thats there justification for their endless wars. should be illegal. 

both sides love it. 


^so we just keep killing innocent people? we've destabilized how many countries out there? we have to stay so more people don't die? 

seems like dems don't want to leave the middle east. 

time to take our endless war money and give people in the US healthcare, jobs, security, living wage, etc. 


^Democrats have tried to repeal it, keeps dying in the Senate. 


^i know, dems and republicans love it. 

Lol, you just love your talking points, don't you?


^^if the Democrats love it, why do they keep trying to repeal it?



bk -- what will your dem apology be today? 


lumber, why do senate dems keep voting to keep it? 

Pointing out fact and reality isn't apologizing. Your arguments would be strengthened if you showed an understanding of laws, processes and procedures as they are, not just yelling about what things should be.

For instance, you had no idea that the POTUS has congressional authority to bomb. You don't understand reconciliation. Your assertion that  Biden is spending all his time on Tanden is completely false.


>why do senate dems keep voting to keep it<


Still fuzzy on the concept of cloture, I see.


Additionally,  I don't recall McConnell bringing it to the floor 




lol, of course i did. 

if the bombing was so justified, necessary, why not ask congress? just using the bypass law works, no shit -- they've all done it since then. 

And they'll continue to use the bypass until it's repealed.

i get my news from joe, willie and mika in the morning. 

The "what about ISIS" logic is fundamentally flawed and actual they are now stronger than ever in Syria as a direct result of our bombing s and wars there. What about all the fucked up things going on everywhere in the world? Guess we should just a start bombing every country because we care about the civilians. The truth is the federal government just likes bombing people. We want to se guns and military weapon, build a military and attack for domination. We also want their resources Iike crude oils. That's all, really. You can waste time talking political points because that's what politics does. It helps complicate simple truths. 

We attack and kill people for power and greed. 

The man without a party sure loves posting

 >>>>>The truth is the federal government just likes bombing people


Seems unlikely.

Narrator: Faster than a speeding tricycle. More powerful than a tele-tubby. Able to crouch behind tall buildings in a single squat 
Man 1: Look! Up in the tree! It's a bird! 
Woman 1: It's a 16" thin crust! 
Man 2: It's Pussyboy!

>>We attack and kill people for power and greed.

Learn some history, buddy. The 2nd Iraq war was for neither. It set the precedence for attacks of vengeance.

Well either way you slice it, the United States is an aggressive nation with a thirst for oil. You won't find anyone at the head of the military that would argue with that. 

dave has been nipping nicely as of late. 

you've always been a little nipper. 

not sure why people are arguing with pyramid and timpane.

what they state is essentially right.

you can play semantics all you want.


We must always put positive spin on Democratic party policy if we want them to keep winning. 

Forget all about their gentrified cities. 

> not sure why people are arguing with pyramid and timpane

Pragmatism vs. Idealism

^^ 100% CORRECT ^^

It's idealistic to think we can end racism. Let's be pragmatic and focus on saving the middle class before they become working class. 

The middle class boomed in the post-WW2 era because of manufacturing. We don't do so much of what made us great any more.

What did the unskilled do last century. 

They got skills. Up until about the early 1970s, you could drop out of high school, go down to a local factory, get work, and buy a house within a few years. But most of those kinds of jobs get done in other places now. Capitalism still requires a robust middle class to get things made, but it doesn't require it to be located in the US.

So we shouldn't pay service workers livable wages because manufacturing was harder. 

Of course not, Slack, but unions declined at about the same time as the transition from manufacturing to service work. It's everybody for themselves now, for the most part, and even if you're in a union, you don't necessarily get the same kind of benefits as in the past

I know a lot of service workers and unskilled laborers that make considerably more than many teachers.

For the education and continuing education required, teachers are the lowest paid of all professionals.

I didn't say anything that would be considered idealism. I'm speaking of more humanitarianism if you wanted to put it into a category. The people of Syria are also humans and when I see what happens to them from the hands of our government I feel a spiritual unease and sadness. I don't think we should be killing people. That's all, really. 

The other thing to consider is that the (now service-based) US middle class still buys a ton of stuff, but they send those dollars out of the US mostly. In effect, we're subsidizing the emerging middle classes in developing nations, instead of taking care of our own.

> I don't think we should be killing people. That's all, really.

That's idealistic, Timpane--and quite noble, I would add--but that's not how the world actually works.

Why do we continue to talk about taking care of a class of people doing better than a lower class? 

Is nimbyism just pragmatic?

Lol, Mike Edwards. That's just my opinion. Im not an idealists at all. I don't believe in perfection. I know war is wrong and I don't think we should be killing people. You can justify these things to make yourself feel ok about it. The elected leaders of our country have always had blood on their hands. If you're ok with that, that's your choice. I just disagree with that stance. 

Mile Edward's, I have a simple question for you:


Why are we in Syria fighting?

We're about the least of the worries of the people of Syria. Assad, the Iranians and the Russians have the corner on that market.

I'm not saying I like it, Timpane, but war is the way of the world, and it's always been like that.

And yeah, if your values align with the lyrics of John Lennon's song Imagine, you're an idealist. That's not a bad thing, but I have to tell you that it's a tough row to hoe. It's the path of perpetual disappointment.

We are exploiting Syria for their resources. How are we any different than Russia or Iran? 

Well, although we killed up to a million Iraqis and Afghanis, Assad, Iran and Russia have killed a couple hundred thousand Syrians.

Mike Edward,


values align with lyrics of John Lennon song >>>

They don't. 

Perpetual disappointment>>>>

Are you perpetually disappointed? I'm not. I grow tired of the same ol battle crys and false justifications though. 

War is the way of the world>>>>

I agree. We should work to change that. If that makes me an idealist for wanting to change that then I'm ok with it.


> Why are we in Syria fighting?

That is not a simple question at all, but I'll take a run at it from a slightly different angle.

A few years ago, I read that once the oil started flowing in Iraq again, that oil was then shipped to Asia, not the US. I found this odd, since the US had borrowed about a trillion dollars from the PRC to finance the war in Iraq. Why, I wondered, did we borrow a trillion dollars from China to secure a source of oil for Asia? The answer I received went something like this: We borrowed all that money so that the global oil trade would be stable, which would benefit the US in some way that I could barely understand.

Syria is one piece of that global jigsaw puzzle is the best answer I have for you.

That's not a simple question>>>

Wrong. It is. The answer is what's very complex.




Have we not killed our fate share of Syrians?



Yup. You nailed it. More simple than you thought.





I get that it's about oil, but it's not as simple as that.

I agree. I don't believe in oil as a cause, personally. 

Unfortunately, every war since the industrialization of the world has been about oil and the side with the most oil has always won.

And that's your idealism in your first line, and your pragmatism in the second. Hang onto your idealism as long as you can, dude, because the world will surely try to grind it out of you.

this is my pal rami dawg. he is from syriaramid.jpg

Mike Edward's,

It is extremely important to hold on to love and respect for people and that includes our Syrian brothers and sisters. Don't le the world take that away from you, bud.

At age 60, the world hasn't won yet, Timpane, but it hasn't been easy maintaining my ideals.

>>Have we not killed our fate share of Syrians?

We've killed more than our fair share of many different peoples. It's high time that we started looking at real, long-term exit strategies. Just upping and leaving, at least in some places, would leave power vacuums that would lead to further humanitarian nightmares, which would draw us back in.

how's it get worse? 

destabilizing libya and creating openair slave markets. how's it get worse in modern day? 


lots of corporate apologists up in here defending endless wars yet they consider themselves "liberal". 

that doesn't make sense. 


Understanding that endless wars are the way of the world isn't the same as condoning them.


that's for that, mayor pete. 

rumsfeld and cheney say the same thing. 


> rumsfeld and cheney say the same thing.

Really? Got a link, pussyboy pizza man table-for-one?


when you realize you have the same views as the war criminals you hate. 



So, no link? Figures. You're just a smack-talking sack of hot air.

you need a link to know that cheney and rumsfeld support the endless wars? 


Ogkb is definitely not a student of history. He only seems to know what the Leftist propaganda machine feeds him.

I mean, here's a guy who contends that Ilian Omar isn't anti Semitic, and that the MSM railroaded Bernie through anti Semitism.

> you need a link to know that cheney and rumsfeld support the endless wars? 

Of course not. I want to see a link where they say that endless wars are the way of the world isn't the same as condoning them. Link it, or STFU.

by the way i like the term blue maga. pretty good.

i saw dude with maga on his work shirt, underneath the letters it was "mexicans are good amigos".







lots of blue maga here. 

today it's been the strongest and most telling tho. 

bombing poor countries really brings out the american exceptionalism. 

fuck yeah. 

also, what's wrong w/ going out to dinner by yourself? 

Turtle voted blue MAGA. Blame him.

I'd hang with anyone on that list in a heartbeat, ogkb. You on the other hand would need to show me something other than the same old same old before I'd even consider it.

Hey and by the way, didn't you mention you were from Philly at one point? I lived in Fairmount in the early 80s, but I'm guessing you're from the south side.

By the way, please quote where I said anything of the sort regarding bombing.

Stop lying to make your stupid points. Be best.

turtle voted bernie in the primary.......

mke -- that's fucking hilarious. thank you. 

i lived fairmount as well -- art museum area.


bk, you didn't say we should stay and figure it out over the next 1000 years? 


> i lived fairmount as well

No shit? I used to tend bar at a place called the 99 West at 24th & Fairmount. That was probably before you were born though.

You can't find a quote, which would be in this thread. That makes you a liar.


not familiar. 

i was @ 28th and brown for a few years, up the street from the north star bar. you know that place? 

i am sure it was very diff in the 80s in parts of that hood. 

idk man, you say a lot of shit, without really saying anything, ya know? 


you say you are against the wars/bombing and want to leave, but can't right now? 

yeah, that makes you pro endless wars. 


i registered dem back in 16 or 15 or whatever to be able to vote bern in the primary.

time to change that back to indi or whatever the f.



I say a lot less shit than you, guy. I also don't lie and call names like you. I know that it's hard for you to read and understand, but you could at least try.

i call people names. and i'm also called names. 

i'm ok w/ that. 

being wishy washy on corporate politicians trying out their new toys endlessly? 

not ok w/ that. 

point out the lie, bk. 

i'll wait. 

Never heard of the North Star, ogkb, but that's not surprising. That area has changed a lot in the last 35+ years.

And yeah, it was an interesting time to be in that neighborhood. The ensconced white community was getting squeezed out blacks on the north and Puerto Ricans on the east, and the white folk were not at all happy about it. The 99 West was a shot and a beer joint, and the racism flowed freely there.

I suppose you'll call me racist now because I'm not color-blind.


i only call racists racists. 

ive never seen you post anything racist. 

funny you guys think otherwise. 


You've blatantly lied about things I've written here. I've already pointed out 2 direct lies in recent posts.

Tell us about your time with the Nitrous Mafia.

BK, does ogkb ever give you dogman flashbacks? Their approach is really quite similar, but at least dogman had some style.

so you support withdrawal or no man. 

jesus christ. 

what's wrong w/ nitrous? 


mike, now you're trying too hard man. 

That's the risk we run, ogkb, but of course you knew that from trying too hard yourself.

yeah, i'm guilty. i do hate blue maga. 

I want to see us out of everywhere. In some places our immediate withdrawal will create situations that will draw us back, in higher numbers and with more force. Withdrawal needs to be purposeful and coordinated, with the goal of staying out. This is new and different  tactic. We generally do what we can to stay.

Whether you agree or not, do you at least understand that there is a shared goal?

I love nitrous. It's the nitrous mafia that's a problem.


Mike, I don't wake up every morning to find 20 threads started about me, with someone making 1,000+ posts about me a week, written at all hours. If anything, I'm understating the numbers. So no, there's nothing similar, and there was no style.

We won the American revolution because France sent ships and troops over here. There were those in France who held that French troops should not be sent overseas for such a foolhardy purpose, but they were over-ruled.


that shit was annoying -- what'd you do to that guy anyway? 

not even fucking w/ you -- wtf was that all about? 

Good point, BK. I forgot about the volume of dogman's obsessive posts. But still, they both have a tenacious pitbull kind of style.

I think that the guy was going through a really hard time in his life. You'd have to ask him why he targeted me.


One day I counted. The 20 top threads were about me, and had just over 3,000 combined posts. Two thousand were by one person. I had a total of 3 posts in all those threads. That's how it was for months.

I must say this thread that pretty rational there here


war does suck

Being an idealist is not a bad thing


Not that it matters I called myself an independent for many many years and don't believe I've ever voted for a Republican neither that's Really not relevant at all

And calling people names is okay ..... them is it OK up to a point


and I do get a laugh out of some of the commentary and I'm not always hit and run

I was thinking of starting a new thread saying how Jesus probably "hates " Republicans because they have so much hate and you're so cruel and so unchristian


Speaking of being cruel  I just hope that all the stupid fucking Texans die just don't kill my family along with you





Neo blue MAGA 


And I do consider being attributing psychobabble to me  a medal of honor

^haha as it should be. 

agreed man, the gov of texas should be thrown in prison. fuck that guy. hopefully he gets covid and dies. 

more texans voted for Biden-Harris

than new yorkers

or any other state than Cali.

^now do trump votes. 


>place called the 99 West at 24th & Fairmount<


Across from E.O. Habhegger and Sons Co Inc?


That doesn't ring a bell, OCLT, but it was a long time ago. What kind of business was that?


Not sure, but always noticed the engraved stone when i walked by. I lived in Fairmount for years, free parking lot(vacant lot) across from the prison was a real perk.


Far out. We've got a Philly thing going in a Syria thread. I was there from about 81-84. How about yourself?


1996-2002.  My grandfather lived there back in the early 1900's. He attended the elementary school at 22nd and brown in 1910, I taught there in 1999.



Very cool. And this is why I love the zone. I much prefer strangers stopping strangers just to shake their hand over swinging dicks and politics all the time.


North Star was at 26th and poplar. Loved that place.

I worked at the Inquirer for a while and there was a tavern near there called the Khyber Pass that had Guinness on tap, which was kind of a rarity in the early 80s.


Loved the khyber too. Lots of great music at that place

There was a great little Salsa club around the corner from the khyber too 


you guys know the khyber pass story? 

i think kimock used to play the north star back in the day. 


What story, Pyramid? I have many stories centered around the place.  Best band i saw there...Masada. 

Also have a few good stories about the North Star....Favorite North Star show.... Satan and Adam



the original owners son was arrested for scouting terrorist bombing sites in mumbai in like 2008 something. 

remember that one? huge death count. 

he's been in federal prison since 2010. 


I remember the bombing, didn't know about tbe owner's son. 

I approached John Zorn after Masada's set and told him that they were, by far, the best act I'd seen at the khyber....mind blowing. He was uninterested. 



John Zorn!   

I would see Dogman around the local music scene since 2012-2013 ish... our circles of friends overlap.  I never understood his shtick/persona here and many in 3D were completely amazed to hear of his behavior online.  I could never put my finger on it.

>>John Zorn!   


True story: after however many years, last month the dude started sending me "EAD Bri" memes through FB Messenger, and I had to block him.

Talk about creepy...

I have to ask: What's an EAD meme? I didn't find anything on knowyourmeme. (Edit: nevermind. My brain just woke up and I got it.)

So we moved from a bombing in Syria, all the way to a little tavern in Philly a few of us know (whose namesake is located in the Hindu Kush region), and that somehow leads us back to more bombings in a different place and time. If war is the way of the world, at least we get a respite from it occasionally, like we did in here last night. Good work folks.

eat a dick, bri

It was weird watching Dogman hump your leg like that for so long.  Schnee and Bret seemed pretty checked out, and those final years on the PZ were somewhat anarchic, which didn't work out so good.


 >a little tavern in Philly a few of us know<


Not Masada, but I was there.


Soul Coughing Khyber Pass  1996-07-15

1. Intro
2. Lazybones
3. White Girl
4. Like a Prayer --> Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago
5. Soft Serve
6. Soundtrack to Mary
7. Collapse
8. Wichita --> Wonderwall (sort of)
9. Paint
10. Sugar Free Jazz
11. Idiot Kings
12. Super Bon Bon
13. Blue-Eyed Devil
14. Crowd / Thank you
15. Moon Sammy
16. Screenwriter's Blues
17. Uh, Zoom Zip


I was at the Khyber Pass once. Nice bar!

It was either before the Ryan Adams show at the TLA in 2007 or Phil & Friends at that god-awful pier shoe in 2008(?).