Big News


I spent 39 hours sorting through Eric Clapton's personal drone footage of his property in West Hattenburry for this double remastered full 1186pf HD mini of Kenny Wayne Shepard playing Mustang Sally.


Sony isn’t happy about it but they can suck it!  Fat Donna just told me how much this means to him.


The sculptured shrubbery is gorgeous....

This movie made my father weep. Thank you for this.

Chime boys ~

ateix ~ Are you familiar with UNI? I think they are right up your alley.

Thank you, Timmy.

Ignore the ankle-biters; let your perspiration flow...

Wow!  Erica from Bing just called and this thing has gone multi platinum.  It’s had a few dislikes but the Secret Service is on it.  Like Erica said “don’t fuck Bing 1836 HD minis”

Well it’s happening.  In coordination with Sony Pictures, Microsoft, and Amazon I am launching my new website


It’s going to be the internets first AND only HD 1859 PSK minimovie website.  Enjoy and thanks for all the subscriptions.  



Congratulations Timmy Hoover