Bipartisan Rebuke of Trump and Saudis


14 GOP senators crossed party lines to vote in favor of pushing forward a bill that would pull US support for the Saudi led war in Yemen:

Not enough to survive a veto, but nice to see bipartisan agreement on something.

And ruin our shot to be the new Nazi’s of the 21st century, by starving children, and supporting these dirtbags

Gives me hope.

i'm kinda surprised.

what laws are ok to break?

when is the right time for moral outrage?


>when is the right time for moral outrage?<


Now is a pretty good time. 


Half the population of war-torn Yemen - 14 million people - are facing "pre-famine conditions", the UN has warned.

Humanitarian co-ordinator Mark Lowcock said survey work showed the number entirely reliant on aid for survival was three million higher than thought.

There was a clear danger of a famine "much bigger than anything any professional in this field has seen during their working lives", he added.

Maybe Quincy will get the band back together, eh Slack?