The Blair Jackson Interview


<<The Blair Jackson Interview from the Jake Feinberg Show

Blair Jackson was the editor of BAM magazine in the late seventies and wrote the definitive biography on Jerry Garcia.

Blair definitely knows his stuff, and while he's a true fan he isn't a blitherly blatherly dead head type. His comments and opinions are always thoughtful and reasoned.

And never forget that Blair and his wife Regan McMahon had the Golden Road magazine. Knowledgeable,  sweet and easy to work with.

Thanks Noodler, and, yes, Judit, I loved Blair & Regan's Golden Road too! (The one and only Dr Tim signed my Spring '90 copy (one of your cover designs too, right?) in which he was mentioned and referred to for being present & accounted for at The 'Dec 89 LA Forum shows - luck and fate had me at the right place, right time, and all that...)

IMG_20230729_143433 (1).jpg


Indeed, one of my cover designs. I still like it a lot. In these days of computer and AI art I'm pleased and amazed that I did it with hand-carved stamps, hand-inked pads, and hand-stamped design.

Thanks for posting it, Strawbud.

So much awesomeness!   


I always loved Golden Road.


Super magazine cover up there! Very nice work.

Thanks, hammer.

Loved the GR and Judit's covers as well.


The other one, same technical info:

17 Summer 1988_0.JPG

This photo is my copy of that issue, well handled.

Blair didn't want GD imagery so it's just what was going on in my head at the time.

Great Stuff, Judit!! Thank You.

^^^Thanks Noodler, and, yes, Judit, I loved Blair & Regan's Golden Road too! (The one and only Dr Tim signed my Spring '90 copy (one of your cover designs too, right?) in which he was mentioned and referred to for being present & accounted for at The 'Dec 89 LA Forum shows - luck and fate had me at the right place, right time, and all that...)^^^

That's a rad story StrawBud!  Did Dr. Tim share any of his LSD with you?

Leary is a hero to me, so cool that you got to meet him and that he signed it for you.

I also was big fan of Golden Road Magazine and believe I still have most of my copies somewhere in storage.

GRATE stuff!

My tour friend took pictures for the Golden Road. I was with him when he showed Blair the pictures he took at Oxford. Blair looked at the pictures for less than 10 seconds and got super excited because Billy and Mickey had added covers on their bass drums. He is a complete gear head. He is also the reason I went to the Warlock shows in Hampton so I will be forever grateful for that. 

Coolio, jaysunshine! Here goes...

So, I was attending Illinois State University in Normal, IL at the time (March, 1990 - right before we were heading to the Hamilton, Ontario shows, I believe) and learned that there was a "Safe Drugs Rally" and subsequent debate 'across the way' in Bloomington at Illinois Wesleyan University that was to feature Dr Tim and the leader of NYC's Guardian Angels. I rounded up some friends whom were also more than down for it for it and swung by my dorm mail box on the way out and there was my latest Golden Road. Sweet! I was thumbing through the hot-off-the-press issue before things got started and saw the Dr Tim blurb and showed it to my friends. That's a funny and serendipitous coincidence, we all laughed. The presentation and debate ran their course as did the open Q & A. [I almost felt bad for the Guardian Angel dude who was very likely in throws of dealing with the crack epidemic, escalated street violence in NYC, etc, etc, as most of the people there were for and to see Tim and talk about psychedelics - but anyway]. Leary was complaining that he couldn't even get a decent bag of weed anymore (we invited him back to our dorm but he said he had to catch a flight. LOL) and that based on the smiles in the audience he was pretty sure that our acid was just as good as his, blah bah blah. Afterwards, a few people were hanging around chatting and asking specific questions so I meandered up towards the podium. He immediately stopped mid-sentence when he saw the Golden Road cover, "Hey, I'm in THERE!!", he grabs it, thumbs right to the page while explaining that his son is a Deadhead, they really enjoyed the show(s) together, how cool of a magazine that is was, and whips out a Sharpie, "Do you mind?" Hell No! He was still rambling on after signing it, seemingly caught up in the memories he had at the show with his son which was all really sweet and sincere. He was really cool and overall sort of like an excited 14 yr old boy over a mini-bike or something. Looking into his darting blue eyes was like seeing vast and wild psychedelic universes which was all good too. I was sad to learn about his debilitating cancer and subsequent death in 1996. Sidebar: John Kahn and Leary died right around the same day, May 30/31, 1996. RIP Time & Space Travelers.

NORML, Illinois you say?

Jokes aside, thanks a lot for sharing that story Strawbud!

RIP Leary. I can only assume he'd be happy about the full recreational legalization of Cannabis in almost 1/2 of the United States

as well as the decriminalization of psychedelics and other substances in several others.