BLM protests that ended up with 1 cop dead (real one)


George Floyd"s murder sparked BLM protests nationwide. The first nights a cop was shot & killed in Oakland, CA. America went to bed thinking BLM violently executed this policeman. Two weeks later another cop dead near Santa Cruz we find out both where killed by a Active Duty Fort Bragg maga racist with special ops training. I doubt that info made it way to 90% of fox news viewers who probably still believe BLM to be responsible.

Maga responsible for 4 dead cops in last 6 months (2 CA & @ in DC)

Maga racists only supported cops over the summer because they shared the same goals. No not Law & Order but using cops & laws to oppressed black & brown people.

Maga banded with Neo Nazi's & Civil War Confederacy sympathizers to over-run our government. We fought WW2 & the Civil War to overcome these evil assholes. Maga crowd might as well have marched over to Arlington National Cemetery and pissed on the graves of all WW2 & civil war hero's buried there. Learn your history Americans!

All apologies for my snarky response on the other thread.  Thought Bry May have gotten to you.

No worries

I hit send by accident on first thread without any content oops



oops lol

not yelling

my new handle is def yelling tho

No worries 

I would've rushed here to tell me to go eff myself also

thread should have been called: Oops

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