Bluelight's New Dog


Bluelight's New Dog


Elvin Bluelight ~

Elvin Bluelight makes it home.jpg


Elvin was born on September 7, 2018 ~


Is he a mini pooper?


Elvin bluelight shitting on a bale of hay....


Enjoy your new friend!

Thank you.

No, can't be. He's large for the breed

I came home with him at 2:45, at 4 he started eating. Its 9pm now and he is still nibbling.

I tried to walk him at 6pm; he had never had a leash on & the breeder did mention he will not be ready, be careful.

I took him outside & he freaked out like an un broken in young horse; broke loose from his leash and took off and ran away on me....

He's fast I noticed & decided that a quick negotiation was the best option....

He knows his name is Elvin, thank God

I said loud and forcefully "ELVIN"

He was 30 yards away, turned around looked right at me, with the cold wind blowing in his black beard, & said come here ELVIN

He's such cool and loving dog, he trotted over, we hugged & we both agreed to not do that again...

Cute pup!

Thanks Hooper

He is the most lovable dog I have ever encountered.

I got him from a place called Exceptional Puppies (in Sayville NY) and the guy knows what he is doing.

There were 21 of the most adorable puppies of the breeds popular around here.

This guy just needed to be hugged and held for a couple of hours. We will see.

Dusty his older brother lol, was not as affectionate. But he is a thinker and then he gets sudden a bursts of energy & bi lingual as well.

Speaks 3 dialects of Shih Tzu & some German Sheppard as well..

Elvin just wants to be held; he seems to have been deprived of that & that's now my job

He just went to sleep

So cute..

Thats a good ole dog....;)

more pics of Elvin please. thank you. 

Now that's a Wookie

Elvin is adorable. heart




Good luck Elvin


Elvin Bluelight loves me, he licks me until go to sleep & as soon as I awake, he crawls over wraps his golden puffy paws around me and hugs me & wishes me good morning. 

The most affection Puppy of all time.

Day 2 I saw he sensed trauma had happened to me from my T Shirt sniff..

He looks my sneakers if he has to go out?

He knows "Sit"

He knows how shake hands say "paw" and he lifts his left paw

But not quick on his paws like Dusty. I have to be very careful, he's all I got lol

As it turns out:

Elvin Bluelight

Mom: Loves Weeping Willow

Dad: Danny Boy Jr.


My other guy who is still missing Dusty is  Elvin's Uncle

Dusty's dad is Danny Boy (sr)

From the midwest..

We have been on the run sadly since Friday.

My case is being dismissed.

I am shot....

Nice day today.

Elvin & I went to his puppy shop were he bought me.

He was stoked, been there 3 times already

(I had a bunch of stuff ripped off from me at Residence & Elvin's toys were an issue)

But the sun was beating down on him like he thought he was in Miami & did not want to get out of his car..

He got his shots today from his personal Vet in Saint James NY & is asleep..


(He knows both his father's & mother's name & really misses them.....gosh..has different reaction to & is consistent...sad..I know the feeling)


Elvin yesterday ~

Elvin Bluelight first Dr visit 2 4 2019.jpg

I walked out of court today & there is a warrant out for my arrest now.


I replaced Elvin's two toys that were stolen with larger one; a Whale we named William.


We have 2 front row tickets to see Ana Popovic to "un leesh" as we can't find or trust a puppy sitter.

Date: Saturday 2, 9, 2019

Venue: Boulton Center, Bayshore NY

These two seats are dead to the right, a private row.

I paid 35 a piece / 70 for the pair. I will let them go for 30 / 60 if you plug the payment threw.. I need to update my go fund me bank acct, email 1st.

Post here or email me at: [email protected]

Elvin got his hair did, while I was at court today.

No luck, tomorrow, and have to bring him so he doesn't get arrested....

Say whaaaaaaaat???