BMFS Europe summer 23


My wife's gonna Kill me again! just bought tix for Frankfurt and Berlin as far as I can figure out they look like relatively small concert halls 1,200 aprox, so I figure I better grab em. Still on the edge about Hamburg and Oslo, adds about 10 hrs to my 9hr return trip..any other Zonners wanna play I hear the Beer is pretty good in Germany...Damn you nuggs with your free live streams

lol! Have fun in Hamburg and Oslo, Tommy! 

wow i would if I could!  stupid job.

Big fun ahead!

Attaboy Tommy!  You're fortunate to see him in smaller venues.

Sounds like a fun time.  Enjoy!

still waiting for a few more dates b4 booking Hamburg n Oslo, but dayamm last nights sho was soo cookin


I have a hard time getting into Billy ' MF ' Strings' music, but that's just me. Have a blast.