Bob Dylan "Learning To Fly" 10/21/17 Broomfield, CO


Lucky Wilbury paid a nice tribute to Charlie T. Wilbury last night with this encore:

Bob's voice is, well, Bob's voice, but the band sounds pretty hot, including Bob's keyboards.

Thanks Dave! Cool. 

Noice. Sounds great.

This is super special. Bob does not do this type of thing very often at all. Clearly the Wilburys were very special to each other. Bob didn't just do a knee-jerk tribute, he waited until Tom's birthday to do it. This is so killer!


I Like ! BD and his band should do a Whole Set of Petty songs........


Thanks for sharing! I love it.heart

Bob could start a TP cover band. or join the Heartbreakers for a small tour. 


I saw Jimmy Buffett the same night in Chula Vista and he also played Learning To Fly

Dylan sounds great on that 

The tour in 85? With Bob and the Petty &Heartbreakers  was one of my fav Bob shows.

I saw Dylan in Las Vegas last weekend.

No Petty song, but he was on point and the sound was great.

(And the only talker near me ended up getting tossed out of the show).

The tour in 85? With Bob and the Petty &Heartbreakers  was one of my fav Bob shows.)))))))


That was 86 and I thought they were Grate!!! Although The Akron Rubber Bowl was an odd venue . 

Yes, in 1985 Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers were touring on their own supporting "Southern Ascents"

I saw 3 Tom Petty shows in 1985 & they were at the top of the world.

That's why the Bob Dylan guy, jumped on the following year & toured with the Grateful Dead.


Wow.. He actually sounds good. I remember when Garcia died and I saw Dylan at the Alabama Theatre.. He played Alabama Getaway.. it was fucking magical.