Bob Weir with DNB in Alaska


Huh, how bout that. That's a great band for Bobby. Doubt he'll learn much of the DNB music, but all those guys are A+ GD players.

With Katie on vocals, it will be good. Someone just needs to spike Bobby's drink with some coffee so he can keep up with the high energy players,

Nice. Glad to see Bobby doing this. 

I will give credit where credit is due: Bobby Shatnerizes Jerry ballads better than the DNB guys.  That Stella Blue @ Mexicali's last yr was downright Hideous.  But it did clear the place out so I could move up to dead center 15' from stage for the rest of the set so I ain't really complaining . . .

Is Peter Rowan going to these? (Asking for Plf)

For $30 


Just got tix.  Need to find floor space.  Gonna be rough.  It's spring break.

think I'll pass

I'll catch it on a stream, or later on LMA or YouTube

Awesome. Bobby should be a good fit. Lots of potential with the setlists.  So these would start 2am est?

Wow. Isn't the Sitzmark the bar at the bottom of the lift at Alyeska? What a way to get your Apres Ski. Fantastic.

ya really can't call it DNB

more like DNLB


Sounds a bit like 21st Century Kingfish.

I've always thought the DNB should work more Kingfish songs into their repertoire.

Probably won't be quite like that, but that's a good rock band behind Bob for sure.

I'm not a huge Bob fan anymore but I'd catch this if it was remotely close.

It will be interesting to say the least. 

Can still get a room at the Alyeska, all 3 shows are SOLD OUT.


Bobby left to his own devices during an Alaska ski-slope three night run.

Slippery road ahead. Please use caution.

Bob will be swimming in steak and wine from the Double Musky all weekend. 

Bobby Shatnerizes<<<

blah blah blah

Is it now a "reflex" to mention "Shatner" every time the word Bobby is brought up?  If you looked up into the clouds and saw Bobby's face, would you silently say "Shatner" to yourself in the same way Jerry would say "Newman"?!?   The first step is admitting you need help.




just saw peter r. w/ jack casady w/ markd at mccabes last night. they were joined by that kate skene gal, and she was purty good. can play and sing well, does not get into the way.


sideshow, sideshow....


mark told me this on the drive up, gonna be weir-d indeed.


peter dedicated Arise to David last night.

Was a fine show last night.

I was not going to Alaska without David, and this does not change my mind. Mildly intriguing, but no.

Sideshow you have no soul.  Pete channels Jerry on Stella and Barry's pedal steel seals the deal. I would rather hear them do my favorite Dead song than anyone else alive.

Tickets sure went fast.  I should have bought more.  The sitz only holds about 400 people.  Lots of my friends are shut out.

>>>>>>> you looked up into the clouds and saw Bobby's face, would you silently say "Shatner" to yourself in the same way Jerry would say "Newman"?!?  

Um, yeah, because when Bobby does a Jerry Ballad SHATNERIZE is pretty much the only & perfect description that comes to mind.

>>>>>>> Sideshow you have no soul. 

"Soul" to me would be a Heartfelt and Enthusiastic vocal performance channeling the inner soul of the singer and bringing out the best of the songwriter including nuances the writer never intended/thought of.

That Stella Blue was merely a Cringeworthy local bar band level lead vocal which is none of that.  Most of the audience thought so too as the floor pretty much emptied out & I managed to get 10' from the stage center very early in the 2nd set, in what had been an insane Sardine Can situation up to that point.

Us Easties are a Tough Crew, what can I say.  You Converted Chef Bill tho . . .

Um, yeah, because when Bobby does a Jerry Ballad SHATNERIZE is pretty much the only & perfect description that comes to mind<<<

Perhaps you don't know what you've got until it's gone.

Was just listening to Black Peter from Santa Clara ... clearly not kirk'd out.

Regardless, vocals are never a deal breaker for me ... they're mostly all gravy as far as the GD Catalog goes.  It's not like we're talking about a Beach Boys' song that are more dependent upon multi-part harmonies.

Are you not at least a little moved by Bobby filling in for two contemporaries / friends who are struggline for their lives?

As far as I'm concerned, this "space is getting hot".

Bobby and the Midnite Suns


>>>>>>> Are you not at least a little moved by Bobby filling in for two contemporaries / friends who are struggline for their lives?

Sure, yeah, good for them, & if it were w/in 2 or 3 hours I'd attend @ least 1 . . .

In front of the venue just before showtime @ the 2nd Phil Coney Is. show a guy was giving out promo's for the NRPS after party show, I asked him "how much is it?", he answered "$20", I said "You'd have to pay me $20 to see the NRPS" he replied "But you're paying $100 to see Phil" I said "No I'm waiting around for the cheap tix to materialize so I can pay $20 to see Phil".  That may have been Dave's last gig . . . I did buy a sixer of Heinekin's @ the local Bodega & hang out curbside for about 45 min's of the NRPS set . . .


I don't care much for Pete Sears rendition of Stella Blue either, and I'm as westie as it gets.

It has nothing to do with where you're from or the size of your "soul".

It's what works or doesn't work for each individual.

> I asked him "how much is it?"<

why would you ask if you don't like it? jerk store called...

So glad I made it last year.

They still owe mexicali a shoe.


I was at a concert;  I therefore have License to be a Jerk.  At least I wasn't smoking cigarettes, spilling beer, talking loudly, or shoving my dick into a stranger's ass.  Also the guy was kind of an uptight Ubercool Superhippie so I felt like taking him down a few notches.

You know, as bad as I may feel for Nelson's situation, ie having to hold benefits to pay his med bills, he had golden opportunities to expand DNB's fan base thruout the 2000's.  He coulda scored opening act slots @ many a Phil/Ratdog/Dead reunion show, especially summer shed tours (& especially in the northeast), or even afterparty gigs (the bands associated w/Panic do this all the time, Bloodkin/Jerry Joseph).  He could have really built up a fan base, as DNB has a pretty good song catalog (better songs than Phish/SCI in my opinion), a killer set of musicians who can do both psychedelia & shitkickin dance music very well, and of course name recognition.  But I guess he's too much of a hippie @ heart & would rather play bar gigs in the Calif Hills/Napa wineries to the same 100+ fans over & over for years.  Hell, he wasn't even @ the Alpine Reunion in '02 which featured just about every other artists remotely associated w/the GD.


Is it now a "reflex" to mention "Shatner" every time the word Bobby is brought up?

Of course not.

Only when he sings Hunter-Garcia tunes.


>>> You know, as bad as I may feel for Nelson's situation, ie having to hold benefits to pay his med bills <<<

I must have missed these benefits for Nelson's medical bills - where/when were they?

And Bob, there may have been reasons that DNB weren't able to appear at gig's you're making reference to. Band member booking conflicts, personal family things, stuff we know nothing about. Or at least that I know nothing about. Maybe you have the inside scoop? (Not being snarky, just thinking.)

Hoping for Nelson's complete recovery...

Wow Alaska gets all the cool bar gigs ;)  I have been so sad about David's cancer idk what to say cept stay positive and wish him all the best. I hope the road will call him back home soon, but either way some of the best times ever in a small room with Nelson and Crew. No dis respect Sideshow but I think David was very humble to not try and sell DNB as some Dead spin off outfit,could it have paid off... hindsight... maybe? Honestly, I think the best "family" studio album since Jerry's passing is NRPS "Where I Come From",great new songs from Robert Hunter and Nelson, and that classic Riders sound for the next generation, but that's just my .02 of course.

At the end of the day David shared the big stage with Garcia many times, and I believe they were solid friends, saw DNB in my hometown because of his association with Garcia, and to be honest I did not know a lot of New Riders stuff then (2000), left reborn on a new musical High Adventure that did not need a GD cover to sell it.. Just great music cool groovy folks all dancin' and not too many  either, just enough. I think David likes hills and does not need the big stage, idk... but Long live The DNB.

super cool of Weir to do these gigs should be very fun, I hope some fine soul out there records em.



Cool that Bob has stepped in for Nelson. I hope the three shows are memorable for those who make it!


Get Well David

long live the DNB


long, long

>I was at a concert;  I therefore have License to be a Jerk.<


oh my. like the strangers who video'd you? glad we don't have to attend the same small bar gigs...over and over....


good luck and cool on bobby. should be interesting to say the least.


sideshow you should maybe just quit. the hole is getting deep.



It's what works or doesn't work for each individual.<<

In Pete's case w/Stella Blue, the verses work; the bridge not so much.








>>>>>>> sideshow you should maybe just quit. the hole is getting deep.

Nahhhh, I enjoy going all Christgau on your ass . . .

Sending all of you (Buddy Cage, David Nelson, other fellow Zoners) Healing Vibes on the four winds from Grand Canyon's Nankoweep Granaries.  (I bet the Ancient People stored their cannabis here as well.)  Its hilarious when people feel need to explain that which clearly needs no explination by its shear overwhelming nautre.

DNB is a magical time/space/Jam portal that defies description but is as impressionable as an acid trip.  Grateful that DNB & Friends still gives us incredible musical experiences and also excited to hear AK DNBB on LMA or Tube.  

Personally i think Bobby is designated hitter to deal with recent show-talkers:  "STFU!!"




>>>>>>>  (I bet the Ancient People stored their cannabis here as well.)  

Um, isn't Cannabis an Old World plant?  Ie not present in the New World until the Columbian Exchange?

Now if you went with Peyote . . .

>>>>>>> David was very humble to not try and sell DNB as some Dead spin off outfit

Hmmmm, Jorma & Hunter never had any issues w/hitching their Sidecar to the Chuckwagon on occasion.  Ironically, if I recall correctly, the one reunion event NRPS did a side gig at was GD50 in Chicago, now that's something to be embarrassed about being a part of (along w/DeadCo).  Also, the rest of DNB pays the bills backing up those Moonalice chuckleheads indulging in CosPlay as Musicians.  Can't get any more embarrassing than that.  But it was Jerry & Hunter who told us to "keep yer day job", which I certainly did all my life.  And Hunter has A LOT of mouths to feed from what I've read/heard.

Oh, and I'm patently opposed to DNB covering GD tunes, their own material & covers stand well enough on their own.  Friend of the Devil, well, OK, he had a part in writing that & they play it pretty well . . .


Who is Moonalice? 

>>>>>>> glad we don't have to attend the same small bar gigs...

"Hey Maaaaannn, The Mere Presence of Your Pushy Shovey Land Bad Vibes are Harshing My West Coast Mellow, Maaaannnnn"

Talk about Reinforcing the Stereotypes from both sides of the Continent . . .

nick was right. you ARE an ass sideshow.

>>>>Wow Alaska gets all the cool bar gigs

We get lucky from time to time, but not often enough! 

No alimente a los Trolls


Ha ha I was the only Child my parents had that lived, so I have quite an Obligation to live up to . . .

I'm still a fan of yours sideshow. Don't let the haters dissuade you from being you.

Nick calling me an Ass:

- "A Rich Creamy Steaming Bowl of Irony Chowdah"

- "Takes One to Know One"

I'd like to see Bob dig into, and perhaps add to, his Cowboy repertoire for these shows.  Maybe bring Big Iron back and work up some topical covers like North To Alaska.  Some more of the Kingfish repertoire would be nice too.  Would love to see a Lazy Lightning>Supplication with this line-up.

I guess the bobster ain't showing up for Phil's b-day..

i'd rather play w/ sless molo mookie and sears as well. 

>>>>>>I'd like to see Bob dig into, and perhaps add to, his Cowboy repertoire for these shows.  Maybe bring Big Iron back and work up some topical covers like North To Alaska.  Some more of the Kingfish repertoire would be nice too.  Would love to see a Lazy Lightning>Supplication with this line-up.


Totally agree but just doubt it will happen.

Might get The Wheel.  I think this lineup would do a great PITB.  Hopefully he doesn't pick a couple songs off his new record to play.  I hope he learns a few of the Nelson tunes, bt wouldn't really hold my breath for that either.


I'm curious to see what happens.  I think it has some pretty cool potential.

Yup great band for a  Playin'. Estimated, TOO, Mexicali, Jack Straw. Most exciting band Bobbys been in, in quite a while. 

Release the sbds!

"David was very humble to not try and sell DNB as some Dead spin off outfit"

"Which is why he hired the best Jerry clone on the planet to play in his band?

If you think Barry is just some dude aping jerry, you're not listening very well.

thom's ears are full of hate, so it gets lost on him. 

thom's heart has turned into a lump of coal. 

>>>he had golden opportunities to expand DNB's fan base thruout the 2000's

No. once Pete/Barry/Molo got the Moonalice gig, they couldn't tour anymore. Pete said as much to us back in 2010.

Boy, a few touchy people here with an ax to grind.  But that's to be expected, noise from the usual suspects.

I love DNB, but to think that they haven't consciously tapped into the post Dead gestalt is ridiculous.  Just who is it that goes to their gigs?

What Turtle said

There’s times when Barry really sounds like Garcia, that bubbly sound.

nelson: Yeah, Barry has a sound like that at times, but he’s not copying anything. He loves Jerry’s playing. He started down that road when he was young first learning guitar so it’s definitely an influence. But Barry’s way into swing playing. He can play all kinds of stuff. He’s one of the most fluid guitar players I’ve ever heard. He’s loose and can make it flow and build. It’s just amazing

Read more:

>>>>>>> once Pete/Barry/Molo got the Moonalice gig, they couldn't tour anymore

Yeah, 'cause that's just every musician's Dream Gig, lmfao . . . yeah I know "never underestimate that paycheck power" . . .

What is Jimmy Herring's dream gig? 

Did Kadlicek move next door to Sless when he got his dream gig? 

Jimmy Herring was Born to play lead guitar in Panic.  I always Rile Up the Panic faithful with my "Mikey Sucked" rants . . . then I follow up with "Can't Get High" is the Worst Panic Song Ever, and "Climb to Safety" is really about Stalking, and not about how Awesome it is to have a Significant Other, as it may Superficially seem to be about . . .

I'm gonna put some Jazz is Dead the Jimmy years on my radio tomorrow. In your honor.  

Jazz Is Dead is great because, unlike JRAD, they never Befouled their music w/Awful Amateur Bar Band Level vocals.  Of course that sold many less tickets . . .

Also check out the ARU reunion tour of 2 summers ago.

Yea, it's a pity that JRAD can't recreate those fantastic Grateful Dead vocals.

Really Thom?  I know you're a Climate Change Denier and all, but you can't actually BELIEVE what you just typed . . .

Thom's sarcasm kind of meets your curmudgeonliness, Bob. smiley

<<noise from the usual suspects.

<<you people. 



Can you be more specific Thom? 

>>>>>>> Thom's sarcasm kind of meets your curmudgeonliness, Bob

Yeah but I live in the land of Logic, not Delusion (or @ least I like to think that I do) cool

These are the hardest tickets to get in my almost 20 years in AK.  Glad I got mine when I heard the news.  I should have bought a lot more.

Wanna wish all my friends going to Alaska to see the BNB(BobbyNelsonBand) a safe and wonderful trip. I had a blast last yr. Just not in the cards for this yr. Should be some really interesting shows.

Maybe this lineup will do some shows after Alaska.

I wanna hear Bobby do Dirty Business and Sing it smiley

>>>>Maybe this lineup will do some shows after Alaska.

I hope Bobby comes back with the Campfire tour. 

<<<>>>Maybe this lineup will do some shows after Alaska.

i was thinking this as well. 

potential seen, band could melt some faces.. excited to eventually hear these shows. 

just saw this on


"The Friday & Saturday Alaska shows will be streamed on Radio DNB! More Info to follow!"

Gosh I sure hope this turns ou to be true, weird I thought this would be up on this board, safe travels north to Alaska.

Needless to say I will try and tune in ;)

Is Budboy up there? Or is Timmy streaming?

>>>safe travels north to Alaska.

I'm heading south to these shows.  Lol

Anyone else on the zone going?

Kind of wish!

Barry will have his hands full, trying to get Bobby to pay attention to cues 

Going to be interesting!

have fun to all that go!

post pics, please!

hey Ras!!



Want to wager he stops and starts over a few songs?! Lol

"Really Thom?  I know you're a Climate Change Denier and all, but you can't actually BELIEVE what you just typed . . ."

The logic here is crystalline.  I will be starting a new religion based on the insights that you have provided me. 

Gonna charge for the streams?

What time are the shows supposed to start, Eastern Standard conversion ??

2am I think

That's a great way to raise money for Nelson 

will that be Budboy streaming?!

more info please!!

today they announced a benefit for David Hunter at GAMH with Kimock and friends

he has brain cancer .... May 12

tickets on sale now

looks like the donation is voluntary.... kick in for the man and lend a helping hand

hopefully ill hear the showreel when i wake up

Donation to the
Deadicated Maniacs for David Nelson Fund

Friends and fans wishing to help David as he undergoes cancer treatment can make a much appreciated contribution to Deadicated Maniacs for David Nelson. Donations will go directly to help offset medical and related services as he recovers. Thanks to everyone for lending David a helping hand.

Yes, the show starts at 2AM east coast time.  I'll take pics, if I can operate my phone, but I still haven't figured out how to post them on the zone.  This is a really big deal for us up here.  Tickets sold out in 3 hours.  People are offering $200 a ticket for any night.  Bobby needs to come back and book a bigger venue. 

I'm gonna party for everyone of you this weekend!  Hope I survive!  I got the pass from the wife to go with the boys.  Heading south in a few minutes.  Pumped!

Hey Ro! 

Safe travels!

email me the photos and I'll post them for you!

email in profile, you don't have one 

That's a great idea Ro.  I don't see your email in your profile...  

It's there now...


Radio DNB has always been FREE! & Always will be!

We will be asking for donations only.........Now Carry On........See ya Tomorrow!


Radio DNB Mixlr250px.jpg

Have a Great Time BudBoy





It makes me sick they killed the moose that was in the lift line... it obviously wandered into a bad spot and should have been left alone. Watch the video, does it look aggressive until the last few minutes, it just didnt know what was going on. Bad call.

Stream? Says offline

Radio DNB is Friday and Saturday nights, not Thursday.

DNLB w/ Katie Skene & Bob Weir

The Sitzmark

Girdwood, AK



Barry Sless

Mookie Siegel

Pete Sears

John Molo

^ w/Katie Skene

* w/ Bob Weir



Set 1

Shake Rattle & Roll

Sweet Melinda

Can't Find Way Home ^

To The River ^

Don’t She Look Good

Easy To Slip * (Bobby Solo)

Peggy-O *

Loose Lucy *

West L.A. Fade Away *

Mexicali Blues >

Big River *

Ramble On Rose *

China Cat Sunflower >

I Know You Rider *

^^^ WOAH !!

a 14-song 1st set, the first 5 without Weir... impressive

BB, I'd guess that you left out an asterisk on Mexicali Blues 

Yes, on China Cat too

Set 2

Gonesville > *

Friend Of The Devil *

Lay My Lily Down *

Shakedown Street > *

Stella Blue > *

Not Fade Away *

^^^ nice


wonder if Weir will at some point mention Robbie Hoddinott's recent passing... 

would be very cool if the band whipped out an old Kingfish song that Weir sang on where Robbie played a rippin' lead... maybe something like Muleskinner Blues, or Big Iron, or Bye and Bye

might be a good fit for Sless also... I think Barry played in a latter-day version of Kingfish, also maybe Mookie briefly played with 'em too

((((( RIP Robbie )))))



How about a honest review of the show last night?!


Was Easy To Slip really just Weir solo? Would love to hear some Barry steel guitar on that tune... (((try to remember to forget)))

The DNB by themselves were great! Bobby played well, but everything he played was at half tempo.
All the Dead songs Bobby did were originally done in a nice upbeat 4/4 timing in the Grateful Dead days.
Last night, All the Dead stuff was slowed way down. Sometimes painfully? Hopefully they pick up the
tempo tonight!

>>>>> Bobby played well, but everything he played was at half tempo.


Oh Bobby.


David Nelson Band’s Alaska Shows with Bob Weir to be Streamed to Benefit Nelson’s Medical Fund

Last month, David Nelson, guitarist for New Riders of the Purple Sage, announced he has been diagnosed with colon cancer and would be taking some time off the road. Later, his David Nelson Band revealed that Bob Weir would be filling in for his old friend Nelson to front the band for their upcoming Alaska run this weekend, and now, an audio stream of the shows has been announced, benefitting Nelson and his medical fund as he receives treatment for cancer.

The streams, which will cover the second and third nights of the three-night run at The Sitzmark in Girdwood, AK, will start around 10pm AKDT on March 17 and 18. Provided by Radio DNB via, listeners will be encouraged to donate to the “Deadicated Maniacs for David Nelson Fund,” which will help with Nelson’s medical costs.

The stream will be available here, and donations for Nelson are being accepted at David Nelson Band’s website.

Read more:

Thanks, BB!

that's pretty standard for Bobby these days...can't wait to hear more!

Say hi to everyone and someone post some pics...even of the scenery and hotel 

have never been to Girwood!

Hey Ro.  I just emailed you some pics.  Gotta pull my shit together..,,  great show

Was Easy To Slip really just Weir solo? Would love to hear some Barry steel guitar on that tune... (((try to remember to forget))) <<<<<


^^^ THIS !

rumored DNB benefit shows in the bay area?


here you go...




Great shots wink


Have fun gang.  Looking forward to streaming tonight




I can see Mike Flynn and Russia from there...

surprised Weir didn't drop a STFU on that crowd

IMG_1816.JPGHow did you hear the show last night?

Bobby already fiddling with knobs!

IMG_1817.JPGAJ and Bobby

thanks for posting the photos!

I'd forgotten -- from last year when I attended the DNB Alaska run -- that the stage at the Sitzmark is quite small and that the only logical place for Mookie to be set up was on stage left (the audience's right)...

so, the usual DNB configuration was just flip-flopped, with Barry on stage right, Pete next to him, then David, then Mook, with Molo set up right against the back wall


IMG_1823.JPGWeir's Pedals



IMG_1826.JPGTiny stage

When David Nelson comes back, will Katie still be in the band?

***** Pete Sears has a different outfit on!!!****

"The DNB by themselves were great! Bobby played well, but everything he played was at half tempo."

Welcome to the Weird World of Weir 2017!!

He's been like this for the past 10 years at least.

My friends who went to Muerto y Queso said the best set was the one that Bobby sat out.



At 48 years old, I've found that I can still be "there" on a snowboard if I pick and choose my "battles" (i.e. days when the conditions are good & my body isn't complaining too loudly).

Perhaps musicians face similar issues as they age re: variables that are most conducive to being "there" and really clicking in the moment?

Even if my moments of being "there" are fewer and further in between, I'd much rather find the pathway to facilitate vs. deferring to old norms that aren't so much.  In this sense, I'm truly grateful for what I can access and appreciate it like words can never tell.

What if 10 years from now, these will be looked upon as the "good old days" and Bobby has some sort of dementia ... yet can still figure out a "path" to keep the spirit alive?  Will you be one to embrase the more frequent "flubs" and provide encouragement to be a part what still is accessible (even most faintly so), or will you be one to "critque" -- still clinging to '77 or '87 as a benchmark?

Best band Bobby has played in in 22 yrs.

^ interesting read.  Skip used to own the Fly Me To The Moon Saloon in Telluride! ... although it's kind of funny to read about him being "active" in seeking out music ... since the last few years in Telluride he was pretty much doing the bare minimum while trying to sell the place.

"Perhaps musicians face similar issues as they age re: variables that are most conducive to being "there" and really clicking in the moment?"

Phil hasn't slowed down a bit.  Kicked ass from here to eternity last night.

"Best band Bobby has played in in 22 yrs."

Maybe, but it's a pity that he's turning them into just another slow tempo Bobby vehicle instead of letting them do their own thing and having him go along for the ride.  He should be adjusting to them, not the other way around.

>>>  it's a pity that he's turning them into just another slow tempo Bobby vehicle instead of letting them do their own thing and having him go along for the ride.  He should be adjusting to them, not the other way around.

I agree w/ Thom!  (for the first time ever... feels weird saying that, lol)

there are a number of songs that DNB plays that Bobby could easily plug into with very little rehearsal -- e.g., many of the songs that Mookie sings -- such as:
Into The Mystic
Last Frontier
High Five
Rag Mama Rag
Sitting Here in Limbo
On A Night Like This
Standing In The Doorway
Every Grain of Sand
Dreadful Wind & Rain
Gone Home

and, of course, there's GD or Dead-related songs that are in DNB's rotation such as:

Cumberland Blues
Beat It On Down The Line
Oh Babe It Ain't No Lie
The Wheel
Box of Rain
Iko Iko
Bird Song
Rosalie McFall
Deep Elem Blues
Dark Hollow
Fire on the Mountain
Lazy River Road
Been All Around This World
The Eleven
Sisters & Brothers


Final point -- IMO, there are some DNB songs that David and ONLY David should sing... those shall remain nameless for the time being cheeky

Phil hasn't slowed down a bit.  Kicked ass from here to eternity last night.<<<

That's great for Phil, but not everyone "ages" on the same trajectory ... both mind and body.

Why is faster "better"?


I'm still trying to put my face together after the last 2 nights.....  My take is that DNB is trying to make it work for Bobby.  They came out swinging the first night.  I felt like they were making a statement about their band.  So damn tight....  They should have sold out the Sitz without Bobby.  I can't believe Sless isn't more well known.  He was on all night, both nights.  The band served a few up to bobby and he didn't go anywhere with it.  But they were always there when he needed them.  Super high energy the first night and more settled in the second.  Had to head home to the "Real" world.....  Hopefully we get a Cold Rain and snow or a Playing.  They played around with them at the sound check.


Oh yeah, the place was packed with skiing families on spring break.  We got a table up front.  There was  a small handful of heads in disbelief.  Still doesn't seem real.  Thanks to Ro for posting my pics!!  Can't wait for the stream!!!!

Sugar Magnolia at sound check

I find that I agree with Thom often on music.  Always wondered how someone with such good taste in music...............

And the fact that Bobbie is dragging them down is a surprise to who?  Thought it an interesting idea but not one I expected much out of.


Of course Barry and the boys are making the most of it. 



Band on stage at other thread.

Loose Lucy... Weir acoustic... apparently this is a repeat from the first night in Alaska



Dark Star

Sless SHREDS on this!



the highlight of the dead stuff for sure, imo. the other one was good as well. 

w/ some practice, this band would melt faces coast to coast. keeping bobby in check would be somewhat difficult, but if accomplished, the music would fly. potential seen. 

the dark star and the other one simply blow away anything phil did over the 3 nights w/ sj and jk-not that it matters, just an observation. 


Tru dat

why has phil so dramatically under-utilized barry and keeps doing busboy and cover guys?

>>>>why has phil so dramatically under-utilized barry


I don't get it either.  Sless is amazing.  I wish I could find a recording of the first night.  His pedal steel work on Stella Blue was incredible.

why has phil so dramatically under-utilized barry and keeps doing busboy and cover guys?<<<

Perhaps Sless's association with Moonalice placed him out of Phil's immediate loop? 

Maybe the pay is enough to attract only busboy and cover guys?

We know Phil likes Molo, but Molo is not often in the lineup.

Barry Sless = Amazing ! One Of MY Top ALL Shredders Fact ! ALL these Years !!

I heard from Mookie last night. He said that they are still trying to put together something at TXR for tomorrow night and/or Wednesday. With maybe very special guests.  Stay tuned and keep it on your potential schedule.

Short notice means low turnout.  If they want to raise money, why not announce with adequate lead time?

I imagine there'd be plenty of support from people who live in the bay area who are able to make plans without much lead time.

If it was nailed down they would have announced it Zooey. They are still working on it.


Kind of the point of Mookies message and my post.  Hopefully it will happen but at least folks know that it could.

No shows for now. Maybe soon.

Hey there MarkD!  Have you heard from anyone in DNB about how they felt about the shows?  I was wondering if it was fun or more of a challenge.

I did listen the last evening and thought it all sounded Great. 

Enjoyed the Weir acoustic cowboy tunes, and the DNB band backing Bob on the GD stuff instigated him to play & sing better than usual.

Best I've heard in a Decade or so.  And the Female Vocalist is just awesome, ephemeral and absolutely Perfect.

With just a touch of rehearsal time, that ensemble could play a handful of award-winning shows wink

Hello .org! (waves)

>>>And the Female Vocalist is just awesome, ephemeral and absolutely Perfect.

She's also a good guitar player. 

>>> She's also a good guitar player. 

decent enough, but nothing to write home about

one thing I noticed about Katie Skene... when she's singing lead vocals (w/ DNLB, at least), she often stops playing guitar completely...

YMMV mentioned me for compiling setlists for 2 of the 3 Alaska shows! cheeky

Garyfish, your Friday setlist has an error! Do you know which song it is???????

>>>decent enough, but nothing to write home about

Well, she's no Sless, but she had a few nice licks last weekend. 

Cool. Now that you've hit the bigtime will I still have access?


Must have used Viva as a reference. mentioned me for compiling setlists <<<<


Right ON G-Fish ! You Know Your Music ! Rob !! yes wink

>>> Garyfish, your Friday setlist has an error! Do you know which song it is???????

ha... yeah BB, now that you mention it, that 2nd song in the 1st set should be "Gone" -- a Katie Skene song that I had no idea what it was, but I relied on your Mixlr setlist (later you changed it)

it wasn't my fault & I'm not gonna apologize... I blame the Democrats and ObamaCare wink

Ha Ha........Cut & Paste!