The Bombing Has Started


Putin - "We decided to launch a special military action [...] aimed at demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine."

"To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside: if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. All relevant decisions have been taken. I hope you hear me."

Explosions reported in both Kyiv and Kharkiv.


Fuck. Those poor people of Ukraine. 


Fuck that little Putah!

Twitters are showing all the craziness.

Man this is fucked.  

Invasion HAS Begun ~ RUSSIA 2-24-22

"Noting that Putin is demanding the 'denazification' of a country led by an elected Jewish president."


Biden Ukraine.jpg

There goes covid.

Putin: “I have taken the decision to carry out a special military operation. Its goal will be to defend people who for eight years are suffering persecution and genocide by the Kyiv regime. For this we will aim for demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine… 

"… as well as taking to court those who carried out multiple bloody crimes against civilians including citizens of the Russian Federation. Our plans do not include occupying Ukrainian territory.” 

Calls on Ukrainian soldiers to lay down arms; all “follow these demands will be able to leave the battle zone.” 

“Anyone who tries to interfere with us, or even more so, to create threats for our country and our people, must know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never before experienced in your history.” 

Has anyone woke up Joe yet?

He's been on the phone with Volodymyr

Threatens to withold any more sanctions until Zelensky comes up with some dirt on Trump :-)

Historical event.jpg


Russian tanks on the move - 3.5 hrs. from Kyiv.

It hurts my heart.

Videos on Twitter are fucking insane.   Worse than Gulf War I.  Way less precision and not out in a desert.

Just awful.   Russia has just fucked itself out of the society of civilized nations.  

Russian paratroopers like Red Dawn:

Ukrainian naval base on fire:

Fucking nuts.   In a lot of the videos you can hear the locals talking and they seem perfectly calm.   

I got a bad feeling about this.  Just weird and terrible.  


"And the great hunt would always begin with the armies spread out in a semi-circle, I would say about the size of Rhode Island.

Then they would ride forward, driving everything before them.

Beasts, men, even bugs.

Now, the ends would kind of close in to form a shrinking circle.

Everything within that circle panicked to get out.

When the Mongols could see each other they had worked themselves up into a pretty good frenzy.

Now, when this killing started,

it'd last for days, weeks, even months.

And it went on until the young son of the Khan asked his father that the last creature alive be allowed to go free.

Well, now, my friend.

Well, now.
They're all over.
Check it out.

This is very unusual"


The Cold War feels a lot warmer this time 

Time to light those Mutherfuckers Up!

Is this the opposite of Vietnam?

The only thing that might cool pooty's jets (pun intended) is for the Russian people to protest, by staying home. You can't protest in the streets over there, they'll cart you off never to be seen again. But if everyone just stays home bringing the whole country to a standstill.  Only the Russian people can stop him,, and replace him, war won't get it done. My Lithuanian kin are very worried. 

I'm smokin em cuz I got em,, but I'm not really gettin high

The New World Order

China refuses to call attack on Ukraine an ‘invasion,’ blames U.S.


>China refuses to call attack on Ukraine an ‘invasion,’ blames U.S.<


No surprise, this was ironed out in the meeting between Putin and Xi, during the Olympics. 



China is going to use the same reasoning when it invaded Taiwan.

I was briefly scanning Fox news this morning to see how those cunts were spinning it. It's evidently Biden's fault that our gas prices will go up because of this, because starting in 2017 we began relying on and importing mass amounts of Russian oil.

Um, who was president in 2017?

Ease up Odessa.

Sometime golden oldies never get old:

"I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country."


I wonder who will go down as a bigger mass murderer - Bush or Putin? Bush still has a tremendous lead but Putin might might it a game before it's all said and done. 

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace — but there is no peace.

This is about the growth of authoritarianism and its threat to liberal democracy.

Mark who takes what side. 

We know where the Orange Man and his cult are.




This has potential...

Richard Engel @RichardEngel    56m   (NBC Reporter)

Advisor to Ukrainian interior ministry says Russian forces entered Chernobyl and that fighting there destroyed a nuclear waste storage facility.

"Bombing east to west, north to south"

Trump doubles down at Mir A Lago praising Putin for "just walking in and taking over a country".  A former prez praising a dictators attack on a sovereign democracy.  What the actual fuck.

Observe, remember, plan.


>>>>The only thing that might cool pooty's jets (pun intended) is for the Russian people to protest, 

Russians are taking to the street in protest:

This war doesn't serve the Russian people one bit.   Once the sanctions kick in and bodies of dead Russian kids start flooding home, the ant-war movement will only grow stronger.

Putin threatens protests in Russia.



>This is about the growth of authoritarianism and its threat to liberal democracy.<


Mark who takes what side. 



Agreed. Dangerous times.


From Twitter - Russia’s stock market has lost nearly 40% of its value today — and at one point was down nearly 45%. It’s one of the biggest single-day meltdowns in modern market history.

Haven't looked at the videos of the protests in Russia yet, but I was thinking last night that's why Putin wanted Nalvalny and his cronies taken care of. Less internal upheaval for this move.

Nothing but respect for the people protesting the war in Russia that is really putting it all on the line. 

Also fuck the Italians for trying to negotiate a carve out for luxury goods in the sanctions. 

You can bomb the shit out of brown people all day long and many countries will look the other way. 

But if you start fucking up other white people, it's a whole different ballgame. 

Sad but true.

I don't think this ends well for Russia.



What courage from the Russian people. AMAZING. Thanks for those, Ken. Another

S1 E26  Organia, Organia, there's ain't no place I'd rather be, baby won't you carry me, back to Organia...

images (5)_3.jpg

Humans can't achieve permanent peace. Ever. More accurately, the male side.  First world or Third world, extremely wealthy presidents/generals/politicians/assholes of large importance pay/train/brainwash their own poor into destroying/murdering for them. And it seems to be a very effective model the world over. 

(((((((((((((( мир )))))))))))))))))))

Silly humans.

How about offering citizenship in a free country for all Russian defectors?

Moscow exchange down 40%.   I bet Putin is excited about that.   

I don't see how this ends well for anyone.   I fear escalation on multiple fronts. 

My coworker just moved to Latvia, I'm sure he's second-guessing that decision.   

Could this be true???  Russian forces surrendering? Hmmmmm...

There is a ton of propaganda on both sides and I would view any reports with caution, but it does seem the Ukrainians are putting up a stiff fight.   Plenty of videos of Russian helicopters and warplanes getting shot out of the sky which couldn't have been faked.   Problem is the Russians have a lot more where they came from.   

We are less than 24 hours into this war so we will see.

Of course. Agreed. But I AM heartened by the protests in Russia. Not that it will matter but, what courage. 

Springsteen   and Govt Mule

I am sure Moscow has massive amounts of crypto currencies.  Would buyers of crypto monies technically be supporting Russia's government?

Why the World doesn't rise up baffles me!


>>>>Why the World doesn't rise up baffles me!

Keep them amused, distracted, or worked up fighting each other. 

1400 anti-war protestors arrested in Russia.

>>>Why the World doesn't rise up baffles me!<<<

I have a feeling understanding the principles of thermodynamic ducting as applied to hypersonic weaponry is gonna be a tough class for you.

putin sure is a dick.

lol @ Bss

>>Why the World doesn't rise up baffles me!

The overwhelming fear of nuclear holocaust?

I liked it better when we were talking about Phil Bombs. ..

Ukrainian woman confronts Russian soldiers in Henychesk, Kherson region. Asks them why they came to our land and urges him to put sunflower seeds in his pockets [so that flowers would grow when they die on the Ukrainian land]

The best way to prevent Eastward expansion is to take Ukraine as a permanent acquisition. Once the Russians have it, they won't be dangling it as a bargaining chip any more, they'll have it for keeps. It's very logical (as long as Putin doesn't mind the bloodshed).

As for NATO, the Russian takeover of Ukraine won't make NATO more amenable to making concessions--just the opposite, we'll be entering a new cold war. But Putin will already have what he wants.

The planning for this operation probably started the day after Yanukovych fled from Kiev.

Don't think them other west hating fucks didn't notice how easily this went down,,, Taiwan is toast. Chinese Taipei during the Olympics.

Russia ain't gonna start a nuclear war if the whole word is against them silly.

Draft the unvaccinated.

Draft the convoy. 


Putin Bunker SIgn.jpg

>>>>Draft the convoy. 

Right?   The sight of thousands of Russians being arrested for peacefully protesting their government's illegal war in Ukraine sort of puts the whole "freedom" convoy thing in perspective and really highlights how selfish and entitled these fools are. 

Take it to the streets!

Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch a catastrophic new European war, combined with the sheer weirdness of his recent public appearances, has raised questions in western capitals about the mental stability of the leader of a country with 6,000 nuclear warheads...

Following Putin’s speech on Monday, an Elysée official made an unusually bold assessment that the speech was “paranoid”. Bernard Guetta, a member of the European parliament for Macron’s grouping, told France Inter radio on Thursday morning, after military invasion began: “I think this man is losing his sense of reality, to say it politely.” Asked by the interviewer if that meant he thought Putin had gone mad, he said “yes”.

Guetta is not alone. Milos Zeman, the Czech president and long one of Vlaldimir Putin’s staunchest supporters, denounced Putin a “madman” after the invasion.

“All our Russia-watchers, watching his press conferences, think that he’s descending even more into a despotic mindset,” another European diplomat said.


Interview with former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov.



 on Trumps praising Putin's move on Ukraine 


>Andrew Bates, the White House deputy press secretary, responded with a scathing tweet.

“Two nauseating, fearful pigs who hate what America stands for and whose every action is driven by their their own weakness and insecurity, rubbing their snouts together and celebrating as innocent people lose their lives,” Bates tweeted.

Bates has a way with words.


What can I do? I can't think of a fucking thing that I can do to help people in Ukraine and Russia at this time. The whole thing is so painful.



I just did a quick look up of Ukranian churches in Oregon, as I know we've got a large Ukranian and Russian population here.  Think globally act locally?


Portland TV station KOIN has a few suggestions;


And of course, World Central Kitchen (not sure if in Ukraine yet?);

Good ideas, Noodler. World Central Kitchen and Doctors without Borders have special places in my heart.

I'm thinking that people in Russia will need help, too. I'm not taking it all on, just thinking, for now.

And the soldiers who are at Chernobyl? Yikes.

My kin, good Lits - Kacerguis,  are in the process today of fixing up the house and barn for the poor folks escaping the insanity who are heading their way.

Ukrainians fleeing the war will not have to apply for asylum in Lithuania, the Migration Department has said.

Poland to set up reception centers for fleeing Ukrainian refugees

String of centers along the border to offer meals and medical care, as well a place to rest and receive information.

I'm thinking this tragedy might just be the tie that binds this country back together. The dems + pubs might have to agree on how fucked this is and force the better angels of our nature to shine thru. 

Come Together

Ukraine crisis: Poland, neighbors ready for influx of migrants

RIP soldiers of Snake Island . This shit is fucked up.


Russia Sends Bone-Chilling Message To Sweden & Finland; Threatens ‘Military Implications’ If They Go The Ukraine Way


Russia just got kicked out of the 2022 Eurovision competition.   That will show them.

Time to free Cuba?

It's 2022. Nobody wants to invade that shithole known as Russia.

Ukraine forces have little chance of success going toe to toe against the fucking ruskies. They should adopt good ol underground tactics. Sabotage the roads rails and airports,  cut off supply lines, fuck em up from the rear,,  like Hogan's Heroes. 

Well, the invasion is going slower than expected and the Ukrainians are putting up a hell of a fight.   I guess that is what happens when you have one side fighting for their very existence and another side fighting for a madman's ego and bank accounts.

>>>>They should adopt good ol underground tactics

Have you seen the videos of the Ukrainian army handing out rifles to everyone who can lift one and people making Molotov cocktails?   Even if the Russians are able to seize Kiev, they are in for a long and bloody guerrilla war with NATO supplying ample arms, technology, and intel. 


^Ukraine tv broadcasted instructions on the preparation of molotov cocktails. 


Heard a report this morning saying Russian tanks were 20 miles outside of Kiev and Russian special forces were already in the city


It's been reported that the US has been training the Ukrainians on the tactics used by the Iraqi's during the Iraq war;  moving military equipment into the cities, training locals with weapons, guerilla warfare at it's finest (like our founding fathers did w/ the British).  NO way they win over that army, but they can definitely inflict casualties...   

I'm worried Pootin will do carpet bombing to eliminate the headache, hope someone has an EMP, don't think they've been used in war before...  be a curious approach to take out any aircraft.

(did the Finish come up w/ Molatav cocktails during WWII?)

oops, double post

My man's not about to be defeated. He's got the future in mind.

'Inground dog pool goes here, and I use this for ashtray, thanks putin.'

God Bless Ukraine.

And if you want to know just one of the reasons that Putin wants the Ukraine, just look at the quality of that soil.

Mudda Russha's a frozen (political) wasteland...  Ukraine has some of the most fertile farmland on the planet! 

Gold guys, this is some fine zoning .. keep up the good work 

Borysko was good man. But everyone told him this was bad spot for outhouse.


.Yesterday thought of the ISS and the Arthur C Clark movie 2010 Oddesey but didn't post.

No link but the Russian space agency are making comments about the Russian owned engines on the space station. I'll look for alink.


Good luck to your folks near Ukraine,  Raz. I remember your posts on the old zone.

Fam in Lithuania, friends and their families in Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, all in varying states of worry and turmoil. WW2 was like a month ago to them, long memories. They have always referred to putin as the devil.

We are so lucky to live in the land of the red white and blue eagle, insulated from the majority of the worlds troubles. 

We just implode from within.

Anonymous declares war against Russia: starting a cyber war

The famous collective of cyberactivists, Anonymous, has entered the geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Just days after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s declaration of war and subsequent invasion of Ukraine, Anonymous has declared war against Putin’s government. The announcement came through their social media channels stating: “The Anonymous collective is officially in cyber war against the Russian government.”

Masses of people behind baracades fucking up Russian armor with Molotov cocktails:

^^^^ Tweet has been deleted!

Here's a thread on how to help.

Of course, some of these are unverified reports thus far, but...

This shows a Russian convoy disabled and reports there are some that are running out of gas.

Reports of a second transport plane going down

Reports of Putin being quite pissed at the lack of progress.

This is NOT going well for Putin. 

And Biden says:

@POTUS  on Donald Trump calling Putin "savvy" and "genius" amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine: "I put as much stock in Trump saying that Putin's a genius as I do when he called himself a stable genius."

The question is how long until Putin meets with his assassin or poison?  It's coming.  

Maybe someone close will see he's losing it. The resolve of the Ukrainians is amazing, but so is the courage of the Russian protesters. 

I briefly saw some retired general as I was flicking through this morning. He said that if Putin really wanted Kiev he made a grave error. It's a city of over 3 million and he sent in a small # of troops. There's no way they can hold the city against an insurgency.


Russia and China signed a non aggression pact, plus is purchasing Russian oil and coal. I fear this is the beginning of a much wider conflict.


Probably time for us to divest from both China and Russia. As we build our own factories prices will go up and we'll be in austerity measures, but it's better than WWIII and austerity. The question is, what are Americans willing to voluntarily give up?

Shit, some Americans think that having to wear a mask at Costco is "tyranny." Hopefully, the sight of grandmothers making Molotov cocktails in a subway tunnel to fight off Putin's invasion will put things into perspective.


Covid taught several lessons. Among them were the tenuous nature of our consumer supply chain, our deep political/social divisions and the fragility of our democracy. The world noticed and it may be seen as an opportune time to exploit/exacerbate these in an attempt to reshuffle the geopolitical and economic order of things. 



>>>He said that if Putin really wanted Kiev he made a grave error. It's a city of over 3 million and he sent in a small # of troops. There's no way they can hold the city against an insurgency.

It's no doubt that the numbers are a huge disadvantage for Russia at this stage but the technological advantages have to be significant.   If Ukraine can get support through the western border they have a chance.  See Doolittle's post above.  

I do like the card that the Tech companies hold but will they do anything?  My guess is they won't just like in the past. Money is too important to them 

No we are much better at helping through "thoughts and prayers" 

My best friend lives in Karlruhe, Germany with her German boyfriend. He has spent a lot of time in Ukraine working on architectural design projects. He still has projects there, and has made friends over the years. He's also a Rotarian, which means he's part of a large group of people (mostly men, women weren't allowed to even go to meetings in Germany until not long ago) who work on projects helping people. Fritz's Ukrainian friends are telling him that what they need most is medical supplies. The Rotarians will only be able to take the supplies to the Ukraine border, and the people there will have to take them the rest of the way. As of last night (our time) all of their friends are okay and staying put. Apparently men between the ages of 20-60 can not leave the country.

Thanks for sharing that Judit.

Hopefully, this nightmare will all end tomorrow (looking at you Putin's bodyguards), but if it keeps going, the border crossings in Poland and Slovakia will be critical for Ukraine.   If I pay good tax dollars for the CIA, hope they have been using it digging Breaking Bad style smuggling tunnels to bring in all the medical supplies, Stingers, etc.

Along those lines, called all my Congress people and WH today urging them to take all the support they are giving to Saudi Arabia for its war in Yemen and give it to Ukraine instead.    Keeps Raytheon happy but put to a better cause.

Anonymous wreaking havoc,  

Germany, Czech, and Netherlands sending weapons.

Portugal sending troops.   

META just announced no monetization for Russian channels.   More money for META - lol

This is escalating.  


.....and breweries have been transformed to molotov cocktail factories.  


Heard Putin has ordered Kiev to be cleared. 


NATO should really send troops and stop this shit now. Unlike virtually every war since WW2 this is a clear cut case of good and evil. We should have listened to Patton all those years ago.

Decent-sized rally at the Utah State Capitol. It was actually quite moving, being among all these Ukrainians and supporters. 

IMG_1818 (800x600).jpg

Stealie Ukraine.jpg

>Masses of people behind barricades fucking up Russian armor with Molotov cocktails:<

Wow that's some crazy footage. I've never seen anything like that before.

Unfortunately, I just saw some news footage of columns of tanks and weaponry pouring across the Ukrainian border from Russia. Lots. At some point it's going to be easier for them to demolish everything rather than invade and hold it.

If Trump or one of his copycats gets in office, are we looking at an invasion of Cuba?

Or maybe Greenland?

If Trump or his copyQunts get in office we will see a continued invasion of decency and humanity and their parallel territories. 

"Ukrainian army unit advancing after breaking through against the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Division (Russian enemy) after a miraculous night battle in Kharkiv this morning.

The dark historic irony is hard. The Tamanskaya was originally formed in Kharkiv by Stalin, and is regarded as the best soldiers in Russia. Now they are being broken in Kharkiv."



It looks like the An-225 Mryia(sp?) cargo plane(largest aircraft in world ) is burning after attack at Hostomel

>>>>>Masses of people behind barricades fucking up Russian armor with Molotov cocktails:<

Evidently that video is from 2018.  

>>>>>If Trump or one of his copycats gets in office, are we looking at an invasion of Cuba?

Does the lockdown of russian accounts change his political income?  



Fishcane, everyone's greatest fears.  I imagine he'd rather die than lose.   

Would be interesting if his supporters (China) switch gears if he goes all in.  


^Would be interesting if his supporters (China) switch gears if he goes all in.^


Indeed. A surprise absention from China on the UN security council vote condemning Russian aggression. 



Meanwhile, guy on a tractor makes off with a stranded Russian APC:

That's a BMP-2 ID/FV looks to be fitted with the Berzehok combat module


& will probably make a very sturdy chicken coop

Videos Show Russian Soldiers Looting Banks and Grocery Stores in Ukraine


A drummer from HS days wife is from Ukraine;

<<Full Interview: Yulia Puchko-Wilson was born in Ukraine but has lived in the US for nearly 10 years. She spoke with CBS 8 about her experience and feelings as the situation has unfolded with Russia and her concerns for her family that is still living in Ukraine and the difficulties they are having.


It was encouraging to see the Kazakhstani government deny Putin's call for assistance.   They have usually been Moscow's lapdog.

No one wants to be attached to this thing and that's a lucky thing for Ukraine.  The world is watching and penalizing Russia.  Why hitch your cart ot that mess?   

Russia could still get what it wants but at what price?  For all their mocking of the U.S.'s ineptitude, this was a major miscalculation, even if they "win".   

There is reason for cautious optimism, but the US is at war with Russia right now. You can't lead the charge on destroying a countries economy and be surprised when Putin views that as an act of war. He is a cornered rat right now and no one knows how he will lash out. 

I'm not saying I don't support where we are. Biden has been a bad ass while all the Putin Republicans pretend we can't see what they said for the last five years. The question is will Putin accept an off ramp to go quietly into the night, no matter what happens I don't see a scenario where Putin leads Russia as the country that we have come to know over the last 30 years. 

I swear, if tomorrow Biden made an empty promise to open up the Keystone Pipeline, most Republicans would have nothing to criticize him for.

Switzerland breaks with Neutrality stance, Freezes Russian assets! AmazeBallz! 

Ukraine has officially applied to join the E.U. while Bad Vlad and Igor continue to do The Monster Mash:

"These are the remnants of the 2nd Guards Tamanskaya Division after the Battle of Kharkiv.  The historic irony is deep. The Tamanskaya was formed in Kharkiv, they turned the war against Nazi-germany, they liberated Kharkiv and turned the battle of Kursk.  They have never been defeated in battle, until they where turned into sausage in Kharkiv.

I hope that they will be treated well, they did not deserve to be sent to die like this by their insane leader."


Leaving Kyiv On A Refugee Train

Sleepy Joe smoked some Oklahoma grown Durban Poison.  He's wide awake!

Geaux, Joe!!

Switzerland, Norway and Finland on board. This is unprecedented to my knowledge. 



Come Together!!


(While it's great propaganda, it can also be used as a thread bookmark, for more efficient scrolling)

Speaking of space things must be awkward on the ISS:

Currently there are seven people on board the ISS: five astronauts — four American and one German —and two Russian cosmonauts.

> things must be awkward on the ISS

As Jazfish noted above, this is starting to look a lot like the plot for 2010: Odyssey Two.

Didn't Putin threaten to let the ISS fall on the US or India?

I feel like we are in this giddy phase of consequence free conflict with Putin. I just saw on my liberal twitter feed that Republicans are all "Drill Baby Drill" in response to the conflict, and everyone was pilling on - like how stupid are they. Guess what folks we are going to have drill baby drill if we don't want Europe to freeze in the dark. This is not going to be a consequence free conflict like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Grenada. 

What if all tomorrow brings is ashes and glass

And I can't tell you child, "this too shall pass"

If all the world were windswept, cold and gray,  

And in the end there's nothing left to say


Said I'd like to know where, you got the notion
To rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby


<<A Ukrainian sailor has admitted trying to sink a yacht owned by the head of a Russian state arms firm, in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine.

The 48m (157ft) Lady Anastasia, which belongs to Rosoboronexport director general Alexander Mikheev, was docked in Majorca in Spain when the mechanic opened valves in its engine room.

He was arrested by Civil Guard officers on Saturday and later released on bail.

He told a judge that he regretted nothing and would do it again.

The man said he tried to scuttle Mr Mikheev's yacht after watching news reports from Ukraine on the television,

"There was a video of a helicopter attack on a building in Kyiv," he was quoted as saying by local media. 

"They were attacking innocents."

On Saturday, a high-rise apartment building near Kyiv's Zhuliany airport was hit by a missile, leaving a hole covering at least five floors.

There was no immediate comment from Mr Mikheev or Rosoboronexport, which exports Russian defence products, including tanks, fighting vehicles, aircraft, ships, weapons and ammunition.


I am normally not an advocate for making these kind of jokes but this cracked me up thinking that if the internet isn't down in his office yet that maybe someone could send this to him

I got a laugh out of this.

Soldier singing a Ukrainian song. He’s wearing a Yankees cap.

Of course, someone had to chime in below…."Bravo! Someone get him a Boston Red Sox cap stat!" 

I LMAO. There’s no end to the rivalry.

Putin stripped of taekwondo black belt


Seems the world is rising up to this atrocity


The Ukrainian newspaper Pravda leaked what appear to be personal data of 120,000 Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine — if confirmed as accurate, we're probably looking at one of the best-timed and most devastating leaks of all time

Somebody needs to airdrop a grip of Mardi Gras Carnaval masks, beads, Abita beer, and some freshly dipped sheets of Vitamin A on those buzzkills.

Fugin A , Dave.

Be very, very, very careful about what you are wishing for out of all this.

It's time for NATO to grow some balls, get involved and put an end to this. This isn't some Vietnam BS, this is black and white good/evil. Putin needs to die ASAP.

Actually it's basically all white. Hence all the outrage 

but other than that, yes agreed completely. 


pure evil:

Z vs Vlad, in the Octagon, UFC style is the way to solve this conflict.

Vlad is allegedly a black belt but Z looks pretty ripped. What would the line be?

Apparently, unmaintained, cheap Chinese truck tires (knock-offs of military-grade Michelins) have sidewalls that blow out readily and mud are 2 reasons that convoy is stuck on paved roads.

In the south, mud is less of a problem.


Trent Telenko, a retired Pentagon staff specialist and military history blogger, suggests another big reason may be Russia's tires, as he explained in a long, illustrated Twitter thread based on photos of deserted Russian Pantsir-S1 wheeled gun-missile systems and his own experience as a U.S. Army vehicle auditor. "When you leave military truck tires in one place for months on end," the sidewalls get brittle in the sun and fail like the tires on the Pantsir-SR, he wrote. "No one exercised that vehicle for one year." 

Karl Muth, an economist, government adviser, and self-described "tire expert," jumped in, agreeing with Telenko but adding some details about the tires. 

...When you leave military truck tires in one place for months on end. The side walls get rotted/brittle such that using low tire pressure setting for any appreciable distance will cause the tires to fail catastrophically via rips.

The West SUCKS

Who cares if a nation is a member of NATO or not, this is insanity.

Form a fucking multi national coalition and Stop putin NOW

The West SUCKS

europe is funding putin by buying energy

at what point do they realize it would be cheaper to go and take the oil by force

versus continuing to fund this war

Aren't you guys afraid Putin will lob a couple of tactical nukes into Ukraine to make his point?

What happens then? Who retaliates with what, where and how does that end? One bomb or missile in a populated area can take out, what? 50,000 to 100,000 people in a couple seconds.

Some of these old guys welcome end times or think they can survive a nuclear exchange. 

I live a little too close to Washington DC to feel good about that.

I think he would first lob one over NATO heads, probably into the North Sea.


Do tell us the plan ras? Like, spell it out.

>>Do tell us the plan ras? Like, spell it out.

Mutually Assured Destruction?


russia/china/saudi want oil traden in Yen, not dollars...


Just spoke with a gentleman from Kharkiv who still has family back in Ukraine. He told me that a Ukraine newspapper reported that Russians are destroying the bridges as the cross them. His family spends all their time underground. He believes Putin intends to use nuclear weapons. 


Zelenskyy trolling Putin:

“Good Lord, what do you want? Leave our land... Sit down with me at the negotiating table. But not from 30 meters away, like with Macron and Scholz. Sit down with me and talk. What are you afraid of?”

streaming war

LIVE CAM: Kyiv during the Russian invasion of Ukraine


So in the end, we as a planet are going to follow Putin's instructions and really just not get involved 

Li'l Putah has nukes already aimed at US cities. Are you prepared to say he's definitely sane enough not to use them?


I'm not.

Largest Nuclear power plant in Europe has a fire from shelling in south east Ukraine.

Here we go!

St Mark called.  Boomers ruin everything.

We stand with Ukraine. Or at least just nearby...sorta

As starting off a Nuclear War is not really an option, it seems to me that the easiest way out of this is for someone with access to Putin assassinate him.  Hopefully, there is a rogue member of his secret service team who steps up to the plate.

A little international gossip (I can't confirm any of it);

They're reporting General Vladimir Bakin is in Ukrainian custody.   (If this is confirmed, it would explain the Russian Martial law, and be the largest military defeat in Russian/Soviet history.)


Unconfirmed reports are emerging that Ukrainian forces have killed a high-ranking Russian Major General Andrey Sukhovetskiy.
Sergey Chipilev, of Russian Veterans group Combat Brotherhood, announced the death on Facebook.

"With great anguish we received the news about the death of our friend, general major Sukhovetsky Andrey Aleksandrovich during the special operation in Ukraine," he wrote, using the Kremlin's official name for the invasion.

Sukhovetskiy commanded the Russian Army's seventh division of paratroopers, and Novorossiysk guards mountain air assault.

The Molotov cocktails are working! ;*)

 >>>>>the easiest only way out of this is for someone with access to Putin assassinate him. 


As if one war wasn't enough....

<<Pacific Air Forces boss watching ‘like a hawk’ for Taiwan invasion

ORLANDO — The top U.S. Air Force commander in the Pacific on Thursday questioned China’s complicity in Russia’s war on Ukraine, while downplaying concerns that the East Asian nation may use the conflict to distract from a parallel invasion of Taiwan.

Military experts have debated whether Russia and China would try to launch twin invasions of their former territories, hoping to spread the U.S. and its allies around the world too thin to respond to both crises.

That speculation grew when Taiwan’s air force scrambled its jets to warn off eight Chinese fighters and a reconnaissance aircraft that flew through its air defense zone on Feb. 24 — the same day Russian forces entered Ukraine. But as the assault on Ukraine enters its second week, China so far hasn’t indicated it plans to follow suit >> (it continues)

From a FB friend living in Europe;

<< This is Suwalki Gap, according to the Russian war plan this is their endgame after Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.
Suwalki Gap is on the border of Lithuania and Poland. It is what separates Russia from the Kaliningrad exclave.

To take it Russia will have to crush Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.
This is where Europe will be forced to fight Russia, this war is roughly 3 to 6 months away. It will come, there is nothing stopping it.

The only other option is to act now and go into Ukraine with an army and put an end to it. The price in human lives will be lower, peace will come faster, and Putins terrorist reign will be shorter.
War now, is better than war later, but war it will be.

Remember the words Suwalki Gap.>>



Here's the gap on a map;



And a little bit of context (NATO)

methode-times-prod-web-bin-9be2ae5e-b2f5-11e8-aee4-2a4471c1859d copy.jpg

and some info:

Starting to miss the old pandemic days

if the Suwalki Gap is of large concern and certain it will be used by Punta, why not line up 10,000 hookers and a couple of tankers of russian vodka spiked with lsd.

Young russian male fighters all alone on the eastern front need some downtime too.

This isn't complicated. Psychology and lsd, not bombs

mexico should take CA.



And the kids they dance and shake their bones...

Fuck war. Let's dance.

St Mark called.  Boomers ruin everything.<<


Element of truth there, to be fair yet that cat and others like  ateix using their Trump like trolling were/are not copacetic to the ebb and flow of this website. 


Vibes to Ukraine!

This whole thing is just fucked from every angle. The off ramps to this not blowing into a full blown conflict get fewer and far between with every day. Right now Putin is doing just about everything he can to draw NATO into the war, because he knows the Russian people won't support this current shit show much longer. He needs a conflict with NATO in order to justify his huge fuck up. 

Fuck Putin and the Putin Republicans here at home who are still spreading his propaganda for him. 

Also no way China looks at the world coming together with these sanctions and thinks hey this would be a good time to invade Taiwan. They have their own economic problems with a housing sector crash going on right now, and Xi's only legitimacy comes from a giving the people a robust economy. If that goes he is fucked like Putin is. Also their zero Covid policy is going to be a real problem for them as the world opens up with more and more herd immunity except for the billion people in China who have isolated themselves throughout the last 2 years. 

This might be a positive, but my hundreds of extremely conservative mining "FB friends" for the first time in 8 years are split on this one, some backing mudda russha, the rest backing Ukraine...   I'd say the majority are backing Ukraine in fact...   may the republican party implode with all the cruelty of a vacuum bomb....

<<As the war in Ukraine is entering its second week I have decided to start to try and explain some of the consequences this conflict will likely have on the world of Aviation. In todays video I will touch on some of the lesser known consequences that the new sanctions will have on the Russian aviation industry, consequences that could actually bring it to a complete stop within a few weeks or months.


None of my Republican or rino /pretendlican friends are supporting Russia. The military that I work with can't wait for deployment so they can  "go kill some Russians "

" RINOs" are the real Republicans. 

Oleksandra and her four rescue dogs have been sheltering in the bathroom of her flat in Kharkiv since the shelling began.

"When I heard the first explosions, I ran out of the house to get my dogs from their enclosures outside. People were panicking, abandoning their cars. I was so scared," she says.

The 25-year-old has been speaking regularly to her mother, who lives in Moscow. But in these conversations, and even after sending videos from her heavily bombarded hometown, Oleksandra is unable to convince her mother about the danger she is in.

"I didn't want to scare my parents, but I started telling them directly that civilians and children are dying," she says.

"But even though they worry about me, they still say it probably happens only by accident, that the Russian army would never target civilians. That it's Ukrainians who're killing their own people."

It's common for Ukrainians to have family across the border in Russia. But for some, like Oleksandra, their Russian relatives have a contrasting understanding of the conflict. She believes it's down to the stories they are told by the tightly-controlled Russian media.

The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison.

  -Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky


Man, Russia is and always has been a fucked up place

> That it's Ukrainians who're killing their own people."


It's common for Ukrainians to have family across the border in Russia. But for some, like Oleksandra, their Russian relatives have a contrasting understanding of the conflict. She believes it's down to the stories they are told by the tightly-controlled Russian media<


The gentleman from Kharkiv i mentioned in an earlier post is shocked that the Russians are being this brutal in Kharkiv. "We're Russian, and they're doing this to us." He then when on to state he believes Putin will use nuclear weapons, as i previously wrote. He had always been a little sympathetic to Russian, but no more.

He also has family in Russia. 


everyone does whatever they want.

Vladimir Putin Says Russia Has 'No Ill Intentions,' Pleads for No More Sanctions


What a madman!! Just kill him already!

Santa Ana should invade San Clemente.F94C2914-FEC3-4D53-B249-FA0A76D7D37C.jpeg

<< whatever they want >>

Saw this dog apparel at the pet store today,, I would have got it for my boy but he's not the shirt wearin kind. But that shirt is all Salem.



<< kill him already

Well put my man

Putin is booby-trapping both Chernobyl and the active reactor. He will blackmail all of Europe.

True evil-genius stuff.

Where is James Bond when you need him?

It seems obvious that appeasing tyrants never works.  Like a neighborhood bully that keeps finding new targets to pick on, they will continue to push others around if no one stands up to them.

Putin is playing on the global community's fear that a strong military response to his illegal actions might lead him to deploy nuclear weapons.  Meanwhile, we renege on our commitment to protect Ukraine, and can only guess where Putin wil strike next.  

Time to call his bluff.  If he tries to order a nuclear assault, his military will realize he has lost his mind, and will either arrest or assassinate him in a coup d'etat.


>and can only guess where Putin wil strike next. <


Moldova, he's been very clear as to his intentions. Georgia, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic countries are also on the hit parade. 


 >>>>>Meanwhile, we renege on our commitment to protect Ukraine,


What is our commitment to protect Ukraine? They aren't a NATO member.

We committed to protect the integrity of Ukraine's borders in the Budapest Memorandum when the Ukrainians surrendered their nuclear weapons in 1994:

Collections happening today in Connecticut will be at the Poland Ukraine border on Saturday.

We're delivering a neighborhood jeep load this afternoon.

Ch. 3 partners with charity organization to collect items needed by Ukrainian refugees

Why couldn't one of those flight attendants sitting with Vlad at that skeevy video op put a steak knife in his ear?

That one was thinking about it, I could tell.

My sister works for a major international consulting firm and they made the decision Friday night to pull all their operations out of Russia.  This includes physically removing the company's secure master internal server unit in Moscow which is the hub for all of their operations in the former Soviet Union, including Ukraine. She was on a conference call until midnight trying to figure out how to reroute service to Ukraine from Western Europe and how to deal with all the employees in a half dozen countries who would suddenly find themselves without email or access to company files.

Russia is losing billions of dollars a day on this fiasco (not including the cost of the actual military operation) and we can only hope that the oligarchs will say "fuck this" and off the dude. 

Can you believe this guy? Wow.

And I just heard some big Russian military guy got killed. Here's their words.......

Russian General-major Vitaly Gerasimov, deputy commander of Russian 41st army, was liquidated near Kharkiv, Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate said. This is Russia’s second general KIA within the last 11 days.

any relation to Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov who is the actual Russian General of the Army and the Defense Minister? Cause that would be a BFD.

That video has a happy ending, Slick, but those folks must have been freaking out before the dude got on his knees.

> Russian General-major Vitaly Gerasimov, deputy commander of Russian 41st army, was liquidated

So, they dosed him?


The Russian troops had to stage before this, amass the equipment, etc...  they haven't been home for a long time, doubt anyones had a shower or a hot meal either.  My euro friends say morale is low, they're cold, hungry, disease and food poisoning is up, lots of defections, etc.  Prime equipment getting destroyed (everything carrying fuel), stranding convoys....   and so many train engines have been destroyed, that they raided the Kubinka museum for old armored trains.  Many of the army rifles are from a century ago... logistic nightmares.

Another brainy Euro friend said a war game based on the current info, and no major changes, had the russians losing by March 22 (cut reinforcement lines, running out of working gear, lack of troops, etc).  Then there's the continuing death of generals.  If the Ukrainians can actually get high quality reinforcements from the west in time, it could turn in their favor, which makes me worry all the more about a nut job like pootin doing something horrific (like this isn't horrific).


Speaking of nut jobs; 


It's all hurts to think about.

If the Russian leadership (and military?) wore these shoes it might be harder for them to take themselves so seriously.

Rainbow shoes.jpg


Here's a lot of info, full of links to more info;

How the US and Europe helped Ukraine prep for insurgency

Ukrainian Patriotic Song - Bayraktar (safe viewing)

and the drone video of Bayraktar (graphic content, but better translation)

Let there be songs to fill the air.

Orchestra Plays National Anthem in Central Kyiv as Russians Advance


Talked to my friend from Kharkiv, said the support for the war is strong in Russia, and even supported by some members of his family. Russia tv showing the destruction, but blaming the Ukrainians. Said Russia tv is 100% false, Ukrainian tv 50% false. 



Alot of propaganda on both sides.  Twitter, Reddit, are wild right now.

I hear there's a lot of propaganda on TikTok too.

The Ukrainians have three confirmed kills of Russian Generals so far. When was the last time a US General died in battle.

People are saying the Russians bombed a village in Belarus today as a false flag incident to get that country formally involved.  Guess the Russians need some backup.

Mud Season in Ukraine:

Stuck russian truck.jpg

>>>>When was the last time a US General died in battle


It was one of the "insider attacks" in Afghanistan.

I read the Ukrainians intentionally flooded a large area in order to bog down the Russian army. Apparently a tactic that was used in one of the many previous wars in Ukraine. 

Russian troops have taken the staff and patients of #Mariupol Hospital as hostages. 

Residents of Mariupol have contacted the Media Human Rights Initiative (MHRI) hotline, saying that since yesterday morning (March 14) the Mariupol Regional Intensive Care Hospital (46 Troitska Street) has been occupied by the Russian troops.

The staff and patients of the hospital are being held as hostages. One of the witnesses claims that Russian soldiers are forcing the other civilians there as well.

At the same time, Russians are firing at the positions of the Ukrainian army from the windows of the hospital, trying to provoke the fire in response. According to an eyewitness, the Russian soldiers do not let anyone leave the hospital, threatening to shoot.

And those patients who risked escaping returned with bullet wounds. #MHRI begs the international community to do everything possible to stop the ongoing war crimes by Russia and to release doctors, patients, and civilians held as hostages by the Ru army.

Putin's playing dirty, but Russian citizens are starting to push back in highly visible ways.

Wonder how long she will be with us for

This is really strange. Some wonder about a "setup", but I'm not sure how that would work. Released and out of jail after 14 hours of interrogation with no attorneys present. She looks fresh as a daisy. 

$280 fine (30,000 roubles?) and has to appear later.

Good thing she didn't have a vape pen

She will be killed at a more convenient time.  She might want to consider avoiding food, water, and being in any buildings with more than one story. 

Yeah, something seems off about her treatment, unless she was instructed to do this "demonstration" by Putin to try and show the world that he allows protests? A sort of "false flag" operation. I would imagine that state media would have more security and would have prevented that if they really wanted.

And/or she's dies mysteriously later this week..

She got off light( for now perhaps) just because of the propaganda machine. Being a known figure and such.

Putin last week called for a "self-purification" of Russia. Now articles in state media are advocating "ethnic-Russian-centered" thinking and "the mobilization of strength, spirit, will and faith." A very worrying turn since February 24.

Russia has now been banned from everything except the Olympics, and that should of happened a generation ago 

Putin is demanding to be paid for his natural gas in Rubles. Excellent thread on where things stand right now.