Brent pic


Anyone have a copy of that crazy Brent Pic with his hair all a flyin' wailing on the keys? Cant seem to find it 

yeah, none of them are it... anyone else?


I have it saved...can't get it posted.  Is it still the same old way to post a picture?  \image{name}

Mikey,  it's not the same old way. take a look at Formatting on the left side of the page and it will give you a tutorial. Looking forward to seeing this picture  of Brent. 

Thanks Judit!

Here we go, one of the best GD photos eveh.  I love how everybody is looking at Brent.



ha thanks there it is!!!!!!! Appreciate it

Glad I had it!  It's a classic, for sure.

Great one!

So what show is it from? Looks like '87 or '88.

Looks like it's from Shoreline:

(Second row, far right, mouse over for the caption)