Business help


i am looking to start a monthly subscription based company like shave club for men. It will be for scents for the Man’s under carriage area. I am going to call it Dick Cologne Club for Men.


i am looking for that special person to be the spokesman, Dick Cologne. Any suggestions?

Just call it Skyjunk.

If your looking for dicks I think you may have come to the right place

Paging Dick Lovely.

Luke Skywalkers “Penis Smell” thread was better.

Slow day on the racial troll, Timmy?

i know a dick seabreeze

I think you're a little late.  My Twitter and IG accounts are flooded with similar products.

Reminiscint of when Tulsa Chris tried to call me racist for using the phrase “calling a spade a spade”. 


Sorry if I hurt your feelers once fabes.  But hey you’ve got Tulsa, Cryotte and THOD to commiserate with.  Maybe start a group email.

You need a spokeswoman. 

Your spitting fire today Timmy, my feelers may never be the same

Thanks fabes.  Don’t let this thread take too much time away from you smelling balls.

What you guys really need is; 


The latest underwear with pictures of famous politicians, celebrities, sports stars, and the like, on the bum side.......

For when your shit really stinks! 


I hear these are selling like hot cakes.



Timmy, was that last post the knock out punch that puts me on the heap of old zoners that you have taken down?


let me know 

Butthurt thread

(((Eau de Flumunda)))

Is smelly penis a problem for ya?