California Kind with Phil streaming now from TXR bar

Thanks for the link.

Just wow





Nice Groove. Thanks for the link UncleSam. 

And I don't know if I've ever really seen Phill dance before he was groovin watching Tennessee Jed and pretty much appreciating Mr. Sears from what I could tell

double bass w/ sears?

thats a rarity.

Sears switched to keys when Phil sat in.

Thanks Mr. UncleSam,

For the stream link.

It actually played out here in the sticks,  and sounded pretty darn Good.

Think I recognized some of the TXR characters there near the stage.  Maybe a Hippo sighting ??

Phil Lesh is a god damn machine!

Played the 4 long shows in a row at TXR including Sunday Nights nearly 5 hour throwdown... The second set alone was 2 hours long and ended at 1 AM.

Yesterday - after an exhausting day with just 4 hours of sleep and a lot of caffeine, I went home, took a nap and woke up to find Happy Cat's stream of Phil, once again jamming, this time with the CA Kind at the TXR Bar!~

I want 2 of whatever he's on....