Calling all psychics


Where the hell did I leave my earbuds?

I'm not the kinda guy to put my socks in the refrigerator -- not that old -- but I set these things down somewhere just the other day. Where?

I can almost see myself saying "I'll put these here for a second." Can anyone envision them? -- they were light blue.  I don't think I dropped them. 

They weren't expensive or anything --  a Best Buy deal to see if I even liked things in my ears (I don't). But they were handy to have around sometimes.

I just wish they were on a wire or something so I didn't have to keep track of two more things in my life.

I thought the subject of the thread said "Calling all psychos", but no. (I left my glasses in the other room, didn't I?)

And if anyone knows where my Keyser capo is......

Follow the stone dust and you will find them juxtaposed  the lithoness ...

Have you checked your ears?

my phone slid out of my pocket and wound up under my drivers seat say check the car...idk ?


JLP....where ya at ???

When I lose items I mostly find it on something the same color. Frigging camouflaged. 

Look around the light blue drum kit.

Alan, do you have any pets? Seems like earbuds would make fine cat toys.

I knew you were going to start this thread

As soon as I told my wife about this thread she had a vision of your ear buds in your studio, perhaps on a log, stump, or other protrusion.

They're snaked around some other cable and will require both hands to disentangle.


Have you checked your tie rack? 

I'm sure they're out by your dental floss bush!  

They're cozy with the coins in your sofa

My Catholic mother was a fan of praying to St Anthony.

actually, she was not really one to pray so much as demand that he reveal the thing to her

I'm happy to announce that Mike is gonna send the winner a CD. Whoever visioned, "in the side pocket of your favorite tan fleece shirt/coat that also went missing, as it blended in perfectly in the folded up brown blanket downstairs in the tv room" wins!