Any bee keepers here? I hadn't heard about this.
Many people are calling the man who trained bees to make honey from marijuana (“cannahoney”) a genius, as he has been the only person to successfully pull it off.
A French beekeeper and marijuana activist, who calls himself Nicolas Trainerbees, has become a viral sensation after posting a video, which shows his bees feasting on marijuana flowers.
Video isn't very informative, but here's its link
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: That’s Nancy with the laughin’ face Nancyinthesky
on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 – 09:34 am
since 1996 https://www
Ventura, CA since 1996
12. Do CannaHoney, CannaHoney Plus or MariHoney contain any cannabinoids such as THC and CBD?
CannaHoney comes straight from our strategically-placed hives and does not test for any cannabinoids, however, CannaHoney Plus and MariHoney may contain trace amounts of cannabinoids.
13. Are CannaHoney, CannaHoney Plus and MariHoney legal in all 50 states?
Yes, CannaHoney, CannaHoney Plus and MariHoney are legal in all 50 states. CannaHoney comes straight from our strategically-placed hives and does not test for any cannabinoids. CannaHoney Plus and MariHoney are infused with cannabis crystals and may contain trace amounts of cannabinoids. Testing shows the total percentage of any one cannabinoid is well below the .3% legal standard.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: cultivate kindness mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 – 11:05 am
I heard about this a year or
I heard about the French guy a year or so ago, and there doesn't seem to be much to it. Cannabis doesn't produce nectar, and if there's pollen involved, it's from a male plant, which are mildly psychoactive at best.