The Capitol Theatre and Port Chester - Nice Article

Been hearing on this site that it's sketchy as fuck. Pack heat.  


Been hearing on this site that it's sketchy as fuck. Pack heat.  >>

Read the article. Don't believe everything you read on this website :). Go see it for yourself firsthand. It's not Disney World. PC is a little gritty. It is not Cupcake, Long Island or Darien, CT. It is definitely a town on the upswing. New condos are being built within a block or two of the theatre. PC is a heck of a lot more affordable than living anywhere in Manhattan. As far as the picture painted here by one person, I haven't seen any of that. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, I just haven't seen that myself.

And the report posted here may have been based on history, nothing current.

vip room

fuck that

steal your wallet room

There's more data sucking ads than content on that page. Can't finish reading. 


What makes it different from other similar sized theaters? 




ONE person on the board made some comments that are outdated at best about Port Chester. I LIVE HERE--15 minute walk to the cap.  I lived in NYC for 5 years, and living in PC is more like living in NYC than in westchester (I moved here from white plains).  It's multicultural. If you have a problem with that, stay away.  I love the diversity.  Mario Batali has a restaurant in downtown port Chester as well as a "miniature eatily" - that's his huge Italian market neat Madison square park. Greenwich is 10 minutes away and I see plenty of  very upscale CT peeps,here all the time.  All my friends who live in NYC, queens and brooklyn that have come to visit love it.

The restaurant selection is amazing. Coals and rye house are the best places for beer--rye house has amazing drinks too. Salsa picante, aqui es Santa Fe and panko are my current fav ethnic restaurants.  Neri's a short walk from the cap and kneaded bread at the end of Main Street-are awesome bakeries. I have a beer distributor across the street from my apt.

i have no complaints. I love living here.  I walk to just about everything, including the train to NYC. 

as for what makes the cap so special--it's just so easy to have a good time there. It's not perfect, but I am very happy that it is my hometown venue.

any "brave souls" who want to explore pc and want some suggestions--let me know.


Wait, wasn't the whole thing about the crime and dangerousness just trolling by the Return of Zippy? People took that seriously?

Is it safer than The Warfield?

For those of us uninitiated in the culture / morass of trolling, is it Port Chester that is being trolled or LaZoners who defended the town / were concerned about  the post-truth / false notions being told about  a fun place 2 visit 4 those who have visited? 

IMHO MikeW's issues with PC were more fun.  55 minutes from Sodom?  Like what's up with that.  

I enjoy tales about what it's like living in a city, town, beach, community.  Sure hotels r fun, still crashing out having breakfast spending time with folks who lived in Chicago or Miami or Cheyenne back in the day.  So fun.     

>In 2010, Bailey who was working at New York’s Blue Note Jazz Club, got a call informing him that concert promoter Peter Shapiro wanted to open a new venue and the two signed a long-term lease for the Capitol Theatre in 2011.

 i thought shapiro owned the place?

As part of a deal with the Cap's owner Marvin Ravikoff (announced in December of 2011) Peter Shapiro leased the Cap (from him) for “more than 10 years.”  This is according to Mr. Ravikoff, who declined to discuss exact terms.

Is it safer than The Warfield?>>

The Warfield is on the edge of the Tenderloin. In my last visit there, my hotel conscierge insisted on calling a taxi to get the two blocks from Union Sq to Market. In my walk from the cab to the theatre marquee, I saw more waste, degredation, drug attics and Prostitutes, than I have ever ever seen anywhere else. The Cap and Port Chester are Disney World compared to the red light district in any major city, especially the SF Tenderloin. 

Waste, degradation, rug attics, & prostitutes? 

Sounds like U left coasters really know how 2 party  on down.

After shoes Port Chester has Chinese food & street corner taco pushers who merchandise in watered  down hot sauce.  

That article is a great read. Thanks for posting Howard. I also appreciate the input from the perspective of a Port Chester resident Sam. Nice job. Def. add me to the list of folks who love the theatre & the town.

Aqui es Santa Fe gave me the worst food poisoning of my life last week.  I may have to market "The Salmonella Diet".

Other than that love the town and love The Cap.

i'm going to recommend port chester to some friends looking for a place in passaic.

they will be running that bitch within a month


>>>>>drug attics


They're the wurst.

"Drug attics". Oops. Momentarily brain lapse. Meant addicts. As in the word addiction and not a substance occupying a space on the top floor.