

How can he show his face in public anymore he only deserves to be mocked. Please read this if you have family members or friends who listen to Fox News

► Carlson "passionately" hates Trump: In a number of private text messages, Carlson was harshly critical of Trump. In one November 2020 exchange, Carlson said Trump's decision to snub Joe Biden's inauguration was "so destructive." Carlson added that Trump's post-election behavior was "disgusting" and that he was "trying to look away." In another text message conversation, two days before the January 6 attack, Carlson said, "We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait." Carlson added of Trump, "I hate him passionately." The Fox host said of the Trump presidency, "That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump."

He's a twat.

And his viewers are twats.

Just another bad actor.  Politics and Journalism are full of them.

You have to be an idiot to continue to watch king assClown 

Piece of shit of a human being if there ever was one.  Charlatan, peddler of fear and manufactured outrage, and groomer of domestic terrorists. 

And the thing is he doesn't believe half the crap he is pushing but does it anyway for the almighty ratings.   

>>>Just another bad actor.  Politics and Journalism are full of them.

I wouldn't doubt that but we have never had a smoking gun where one of the top US opinion journalist a person who can make or break Presidents is shown definitively to hold the exact opposite opinions of what they have been saying for the last 5 years. Not only did he hold the exact opposite opinion -  he has spent the last 5 years viciously attacking anyone who believes what he believes. 

The only time I think there would be something comparable is closeted gay men who have spent their careers attacking and criminalizing gay people. 

One final note. There is a complete news black out across all of right wing media about this story. No one wants people asking uncomfortable questions about the clown car of grifter's who have been spewing for the last 20 years. Do they agree with Carlson in private too? You would be more likely to find out that Kim Jung Un is an asshole reading the North Korean press than you would be to find out that Carlson and Fox News have been lying in the right wing press.