Cartels Cracking Down on Fent?


Mexican cartels will punish the selling, moving,or making of Fentanyl as it is too dangerous

filing that under "I'll believe it when i see it". But it would be smart, killing customers isn't good business.

Sounds like they just the price to go up.  

A surgeon friend handed me a piece of paper many moons ago, "check this out". It was a medical community bulletin letting physicians know that the cartels were adjusting their sales strategy. Moving forward for every 2 kilos you buy of cocaine you must also buy one kilo of heroin. They had concluded that their clients on cocaine were burning out and that a person could be a lifelong heroin customer. 

Gotta take care of the clientele.  

This was at least two decades ago.

What a biz, you lower the quality and they buy more.



Yeah I'm not expecting this to have any impact. It's not like the Fent smugglers aren't some Cartel themselves. At best it will be a war.