CBD for dogs


I imagine it's the same as for human consumption just smaller doses. The dog has had a few seizures the last couple days. Had them in the past but maybe once a year or two.

Any recs! 

My brother's dog has CBD treats that my bro got him last year.  They really do seem to work pretty dramatically.  His dog is about 100 pounds and is just a total lovable klutz.  When my brother knows he's having guests he busts out the CBD's and the dog is seriously chill AF within 10-15 minutes.

I texted him and am awaiting his response.

Get it in crystalline, or isolate form if it's available. You can use a digital gram scale with 1/100 gm precision for accurate dosing.

Any other delivery method and you're going to pay 10x more by weight. CBD is a molecule, so focus on MG per dollar and nothing else.

Might start dosage at .05g twice a day. dog should respond favorably

I trained my pup to chop fat rails of CBD isolate.

Seizures --- both human and canine - need a mix of both cbd and thc.  The whole plant is the medicine.  Stripping components down is only for humans to fuck with & feel smarter. 


My Hüsky at age 6+ shows no signs of joint pains or muscle aches,  but He enjoys eating a few Vegetables.

He does eat Dog Treats with Glucosamine,  and I would try CBD Treats if they are from a clean source,  free of pesticides.  For now,  He doesn't seem to need any herbal medication.

However, he appears extremely Healthy and eats Organic,  Free-Range lamb and venison mixed with the Fancy kibble.


Thanks for the prompt answers.

Where do you buy CBD treats for dogs or crystalline form? Pet Smart?


Found this on a google search now doing the math on my wifes gummies. 


Good results with CBD for canine seizures from everyone who has tried it. We make our own, including some THC in the mix. Dosage is found by experiment. Start low.

My dog just turned 7, and had no joint problems until a few weeks ago. All of a sudden, every time he gets up from laying down he can't put weight on his left rear leg. Within a minute he's fine. Took him to the vet today, and it's either situational inflammation in his hip, that isn't getting better, or arthritis.They said that he can resume his XC skiing regimen ASAP. 

^ Sorry but didn't laugh Bluesnote!

Waiting for Siobud's brother's response.

I'm super weary of giving my dog even small amounts of THC. Two years ago my dog dug into the compost and chowed some flower remnants from an extract I made. It seriously fucked his shit up. We took him to vet and they asked if he was a "pot dog."  Not knowing what he found, we said it was just compost. We don't have edibles laying around. They tested him and he had THC in his system.

There were 2 other "pot dogs" at the vet that night. Both of them had gotten into real edibles, and holy shit, they were all sorts of fucked up.

I agree Jonas. I make a non-alcoholic whole plant tincture from CBD dominant weed. My pup gets a squirt twice a day.

Our dogs are old and arthritic, and literally jump up and down, beaming; when it's time for the THC tincture. They know. 

That said, I have seen even very small amounts of THC cause reactions in others' dogs that were disturbing enough (to me), that I could only advise to proceed individually and with wide caution.


And Jonas; while whole plant medicine is generally preferred for humans, sometimes these things are simpler and more straightforward to address, and observe, and record results (or lack thereof), by introducing one component at a time. This is paramount when it comes to children, or pets, or elders, or anyone else who simply may not be able to explain to you that the medicine you just administered made them feel better, or worse.