CBD Jumped the Shark...


...some time ago. No doubt. 

But last night, Jorma was hawking his brand of CBD Oil, available at the merch table, before his encore. It felt odd and unnecessary. "Water Song" kicked ass though.


Does Mickey shill for his new branded line of joints from the Dead & Co stage now? That would be strange....

I mean, it's just not as classy as simply asking you to donate your organs. Is it?

I like Mickey's minis. Stoney. 

It's people. Mickey's Minis are made out of people. They're making our nugs out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for scootchie-bootchies. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!


I think you're onto something, Herbal. Or you're on something.

But it probably is people. 

i cant stand the new cbd oil trend. there is very little evidence that this stuff works for anything outside of a new specific conditions, and there is even less evidence that the majority of the products on the market are accurately labeled or properly batch tested. the price on some of these bottles of oil/tincture or salves are outrageously priced when comparing them mg for mg of cbd against a $20-$30 gram of 90-99% pure crystal CBD.  

if a CBD product works for you, great, but please be aware of the placebo effect. it is very very real and has the ability to create or almost totally negate pain, as well as producing fully realized altered states that can be on par with real drugs like full thc cannabis or cocaine.

Lots of CBD dispensaries were operating last time I visited New Orleans.  They're just laying the groundwork for when cannabis gets leagalized on a Federal level.


Come here kid

Got some CBD, ya got any Jorma?

jorma seems like one of the healthiest of the old psych rockers.

the cbd deal is out of control. every pro surfer is also hocking the shit.


CBD is the new "gateway drug" to cannabis.

" I want to try marijuana but i DON'T want to get high" they say.

Some people do crazy amounts of pills, drink and smoke daily yet are worried about getting "high".


Whole plant is where it's at.






The CBD thing is definitely weird, but an example of something everyone jumps on when there is money to be made. I think that bubble is bursting soon and not much money left. Soon, it will be something else.

Regardless, looking forward to seeing Jorma at the Dark Star Jubilee again this coming May.

Actually CBD jumped the tuna!

CBD dabs is where it's at! 

^^^^"Whole plant is where it's at."  BINGO!!!!!!!! We have a winner.

My current favorite drink is Boneyard CBD Elixer and Bacardi. Sure beats a Bacardi and Diet Coke!



i cant stand the new cbd oil trend. there is very little evidence that this stuff works <<< Me Too !


Smoke Real POT.

Jorma attributes the difference between himself and Garcia to his training year round on Olympic level long distance ice skating ovals during the 70's, even during his druggiest years.  His first wife and him would go to Europe to train on the big ovals.

>Whole plant is where its at.<

The entourage effect, as they say.

Thank you, Mark D.

I heard you produce some powerful meds yourself, true?


Oh, the dreaded double post.


MarkD and Daylight have given talented and very useful advice in the Cannabis folder thread on tintures.

Worth checking out if a body is interested. 

Meds, indeed.