

In case you missed Chicago playing from the Wonder Bread float in the Macy's day parade.

I think one of those backward ball cap country dudes says, "White bread" better but latter-era Chicago will do.

I hear Steve Miller is scheduled for the float next year.

Usually I'm not one to comment on gigs bands take. I'm all for whatever musicians need to do because the worst gig is almost always better than a day job. So play state fairs, play parades, host game shows I got nothing to say, but the Wonder Bread Float is a step to far even for me. WTF.

>>>I hear Steve Miller is scheduled for the float next year.     >>>So play state fairs

How about a combo of those? I saw where Steve Miller was playing the Utah State Fair last September. Usually State Fair shows are somewhat inexpensive, so I looked. They wanted $ 55 - 85 for tickets, but they did include admission to the fair. Pass. 

I saw Chicago a few years ago (2022) and they kicked ass. The show was really good.  

Just saw that video. OMG. Playing behind that Wonder Bread sign? Definitely a low point in their history. Hope the check was big. 

I didn't know Wonder Bread still existed.

It's a wonder they can pack so little nutrition in a loaf of bread.

So do you think that Chicago performance 'inspired' anyone to grab a loaf of wonder bread next time they hit the bread aisle?

Seems like it was lip-synched to me. And I think that weird douchey dance by Hoda was even the [worst] best part of the video!

Comedy ensues for sure. Thanks for posting, going to rewwatch again now. 

What a perfect match, genius marketing from Wonder Bread 






was Donny Osmond not availabel? 

I believe Donny was on the Jell-O float.

Wonder Bread. It's what they served at "The Last Supper." After all, it works 12 ways!  

>>>> I'm all for whatever musicians need to do because the worst gig is almost always better than a day job.

This.   I saw the 1990s hardcore band Quicksand last night and the opening act was an outfit called Hotline TNT and they sucked.  Seriously one of the worst bands I have seen in a long time.  Shoegaze noise and don't know why you need three guitar players if all they are going to do is hammer away at the very same chord.   But I kept thinking, well shit, they are doing what they want to do and that opening gig was probably better than whatever shitty job those kids would be doing.  Good for them.

I used to work with this guy in late 90's who was one of those people who knew everyone in live music, the kind of guy who always knew where the Prince after show was going to be. He told me a story about going to a show at the Hollywood Bowl and he was with some big shot live music promoter. As they were going in she stopped to have a long conversation with the person who took their tickets. He waited to the side and when she was done he asked her what that was about, and she said that was the bass player from Whitesnake* and we were just catching up. So yeah any paid music gig is a good gig. 

*might have that detail wrong but it was one of the 80's hair metal bands. 

Lip sync is perfect for wonder bread...     LOL at the Steve Miller comment(s)