Christian Fletcher.....


He's This Surfer Guy From Orange County turtle and hoover

here he is with occy...........



I thought this was about HMS Bounty...nevermind.

pretty funny.

i went to school with him. remember him blowing up airs like 5' over the back when in middle school.

he was always a spoiled little punk though. pretty much parited/fucked up his prime years.

still see his dad out, glad he's slowed down...

would like to say hello to nathan, not sure if he remebers me, but think so.

He and his younger brother were the shit in the 80's. Us East Coast groms tried so hard to emulate them on our crappy Florida surf...

“I thought this was about the HMS bounty.. nevermind” .. ha!! AMC had the Charles Laughton version on this week, as well as Witness for the Prosecution... great flicks..

>>>I thought this was about HMS Bounty.

That would be Fletcher Christian but thought the same thing.  

Here is a bit of trivia about the famous mutineer:  He has been portrayed in movies by Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, Marlon Brando, and Mel Gibson.