Climate Change Protests Today


Where ya marching and gathering today folks, and don't tell me nowhere ? 

Me my daughters and pooch will be at our state capitol in Hartford leading the rally call. Now getcher asses out there, cuz we gotta ,,,,

Fight The Power

Fight The Powers That Be

Not a fan of Che' ?   FUCK YOU, you corporate cocksucking losers !!



Really ? 

Nobody ?

Resistance people ! 

Staying uninvolved is one sure way of losing this battle.

Getting involved is the only way to sway management  - now gett yer dicks outta yer hand, get off your ass, take a half day from work, don't have to skip class since the students all have their teachers blessing to get involved. If I don't hear some kind'a involvement from you fuckers I'm gonna be very disappointed

Climate Change is real!

Fuck Big Oil!

Thanks Ras for representing.  

Other than here, I am off social media, so this is the first I'm hearing of this.  I will be running my store today, which does it's part by recycling vintage music and film media.  I stand in solidarity with those demanding action.  Seeing so many kids getting involved in social protest and action is encouraging.  They are the ones who will inherit this world.



Go KIDS!!!

Been working on climate action activities all week here in Portland! 

We release a new climate data report 2 days ago in advance of today's strike.

There are thousands of people marching through Portland right now. 




Thanks Raz for the boots on the ground pics and whoever else participated











This is awesome. These kids can really make change. Thanks for the pics, I believe there are the we the people March tomorrow


Thinking about dropping by and lending a little support tomorrow in Marin and in trying to come up with a good sign.

i guess if I were a social media participant I would have known aboot this a while ago.

>>>>These kids can really make change.

Ahhh yes, they thought it all on their own.

Whether or not they thought of this on their one isn't all that important. Considering that the actuarial tables predict that I might have another 23 years to go if lucky. Chances are the changes to our world may not affect me as badly as the present day youngsters marching in the streets today. So more power to them!

Great to see the actions today.

The sign that got me a while ago was held by a young person. Might've even been seen on the Zone. It said "You’ll die of old age, I’ll die of climate change."