Cold, cold, cold


That woman was freezing...... 


Mother Nature that is...... 


2 degrees ain't a lot of degrees. 

I was just telling my work mate about my favorite Little Feat quote.



Been freezing my nuts off here all week.


I'm moving to Arizona.

They say between oceans rising and winters getting colder places like AZ and Atlanta will do very well.  

Where is here that you freeze your nuts off?

Sounds like it's warmer here in Matanuska Valley.



Brrrrr its in the 50's for the next day or two

Until you are in a climate where you may lose your feet for wearing sneakers y'all just need to deal with it.



The frozen rain that fell this morning is still on the trees (and everything else). It's cold here.

Really cold outside, really warm inside at the thought of over 15 years a Zoner and looking forward to many more here.


Cool (cold), Dave...

Matanuska Valley<<<

Home of the Thunder Fuck that grows through the snow looking for the sun



Cold here also.  I think it is going to be a long cold winter.  

We've are having a mild Winter this year. Thank Jebus!



Next week should be fun. Possibly 7" by the time it's done.IMG_0469.JPG



I imagine that a mild winter up there would freeze the hell out of the SF Bay Area residents.

Well we have very low humidity so I'd have to agree. It is pretty warm right now at 15 degrees Fahrenheit. The other night it

was -10 and still comfortable. I'm looking forward to -30 and blizzard in another month or so. I prefer this dry cold.

We might not get much snow this year though :(



Here in DE we seem to avoid a lot of the severe weather just to the North and South. I see some below zero temps out there.

US Current Temperatures Map

I'm looking forward to -30 and blizzard in another month or so. I prefer this dry cold.<<<

I just plain cannot wrap my head around -30. Where is that Zippy?

Where else would it be? Im in Alaska. 300 miles to the North of me in Fairbanks it is -60 so -30 is nothing.

As I say though it's a dry cold. You couldn't have those same temps in a humid place like the Northeast.



Still recovering from a pretty nasty ice storm on Thursday.  Although downtown cleared up pretty quick, here in North Portland, the ice is still melting ever so slowly and the driveway was down right dangerous skating rink up until this morning.   Much of the yard and garden is still encased in ice and the slow thaw is making for some wicked ice cycles:

On the chicken coop:

Ice on Chicken Coop.JPG

On the rain chains:


Ice on Rain Chain.JPG


Alaska. I always sucked at Geography, but with Google maps it so easy to see it laid out. As I looked at the state the thought struck me that it is so detached from mainland usa it would make more sense to secede than say TX or CA and it could slide nicely into Canada, geographically speaking and governmental matters matter aside. 

Not my kind of temps, dry or not, but I hear it's beautiful in Summer.

I have been To Fairbanks  FLYING Over The Canadian Rockies is one of The Most Beautiful Sights You Will Ever See !

full sun, wind chill 15 degrees, a few steps south of the mason dixon

Saw my first snow flurries of the season today.

-5 right now. Might get up to five above zero later today. Only an inch of snow on the ground.

Cold is cold and it's very dry but it is colder here. Glad I'm not in Portland.



Only 32°f here, but that's about 50°f colder than I prefer. I'll be moving to a tropical climate once the kids graduate high school

vineyards-at-archery.jpg cold here too



I like it between 30 and 80 - that's why I live in W, OR. We has a little ice  here, but not as bad as PDX..Maybe snow later this week.

Minus 10 degrees right now. I gotta walk twenty miles round trip into town and back today to look for work.

Thankfully you can still hitchhike up here so I might be able to thumb a ride on the return trip. Gonna grab a burger at

Red Robin so that makes the trip worth while.



I >>>>>gotta walk twenty miles round trip into town and back today to look for work.


So if you get a job are you going to have to walk there every day?


Yup. I live out in the sticks. Thankfully there is a restaurant half way into town that I'm hoping to work for. There is also a

warehouse grocery store even closer. Most of the work available is in the center of town though. If that is all I can get

that is what I'll do. As I said though hitchhiking is still a common practice up here.

You can still get a ride every once in awhile.



Just got back to CA after a weekend in Chicago for music. 12 hour wait at Midway for our flight because of Midwest snow storm. It made me remember why I left 23 years ago for the Bay Area! It sure was pretty though! It snowed pretty much non stop from Saturday afternoon through Sunday evening. Chicago peeps are tough and do not let a little snow stop their party! 

looking forward to the Lady Zipperdy photos

Looking forward to you leaving me the fuck alone. Thank you.



dried out too tender?

11 degrees with 40 mph winds today

somewhat warm rain right now (40s)... we'll get a couple inches in the hills, which will put our reservoir at overflow levels, so we won't have to worry about drought issues for another year.

it has gotten down into the 30s a couple nights, which isn't that unusual for December, but it's supposed to drop into the 20s this weekend, which is rare. 

if that happens I'm kinda hoping the local ponds freeze over... if so, I'll go watch ducks land and slide (only happens once a decade or so... always a hoot).



Another round hits us in CO this weekend, starting at some point tomorrow and dropping like 40 degrees in 24 hours! Brrr!

Warmer in Alaska. 15 degrees here.

got down into the 30's, but nothing froze... starting to warm up a bit now, which is nice since our old house is a total sieve