Comments closed.


what happened 

when next meltdown 

So is this the open board?


at 6;04 from Admin

This is bickering asshole behavior. Thread post counts mean nothing when the quality is this low and the posts are of this spirit.

Comments closed.

can't believe they were able to teach "admin" how to close comments.

Lol Pyramid

It would have gone to 400, 

Who got a warning email? Perhaps a banning?

(bickering asshole behavior)

And point made in check.


hello, foghorne....

My favorite part was "admin" dismissing the obvious popularity of the thread with an epic shamy finger.

Who cares what people like to zone about? This isn't about them!

It was a birthday miracle for you, Mark. Cheers!

Yeah isn’t this board just a distraction from life to make funny comments?

”of this quality”??? What in the actual fuck ha ha

I saw that thread blew up and figured what was happening.

It's their board and I'm pro-admin and try to be supportive, but I'm not a fan of shutting down a thread.

IMO sometimes you just have to let the kids play.

On the other hand, if one develops uncontrolled diarrhea one will to take drastic steps to plug it up.

Now I guess it's back to bashing on Ross James & the dishwasher.

Carry on.

I mean you gotta ask what admin even does.

Is their role exclusively to wag the finger?

God damn. Lol.


Hi, Turtle !


What a perfect birthday present yes, almost like it was planned.

Good thing nobody douche trolled the birthday thread. hmmmm.

Well, it was nice seeing some old faces around today.

Thanks for the bday fun, y'all.

Yikes indeed, almost as cringeworthy as 65 year old man complaining about an online message board at a music festival.

White rasta bryup bryup cha.

Let's ban everything except abortion! 

I'm surprised comments aren't closed more often. Y'all have nothing of substance to complain about (and apparently nothing of substance to discuss either). So, this isn't that. So what? If you don't like the restrictions or limitations of this message board, go ahead and start your own site, and feel free to make it the best thing ever, whatever that may be.  Open it up to the world, and avoid all censorship. Go for it. Have fun. Unless you do the work of managing a discussion site, you have no skin in the game and no legitimate complaints.  Silly nonsense.

Wow! Some people just can't stop asshole bickering.

Tofu Head! Can never finish one of your posts man but hope all is well!

seems like "admin" needs this as to feel important and take up their time. 

Thanks, ateix. I'm well and life is good. Cheers!

CT, do you have friends on It's an option if that's what you're looking for. 

Some guy over there wants to call my wife. 

and I think Bob Weir was great at the Radio City Bob & Phil shows. Like major Bobby X-factor, holy shit! It's 2018. Go figure?

>>>seems like "admin" needs this as to feel important and take up their time.


We've offered cats; but never received a response.

Happy birthday, Mark. I'm glad I was able to attend your party.

Thanks, Six. I hope you & your family are well.


Niet Niet Soviet!

I'm not sure what's going on here, but it sounds like the Tots have been peeing in the swimming pool again (or worse, if I'm reading heathentom's post correctly).


I hope that everyone's having an enjoyable Saturday evening.


Oh, Hey Tofu!  When you compliment Bobby I know that it must be good (I haven't checked out any of the Duo stuff yet, but I may try to listen to tonight's gig).



How dare they follow through on what they said they'd do?

Red white and ban

Open Board thread went all full melt

Admin drop the boot down

Happy Bday St. Mark! 

Is this thread about opening up the thread about opening up the board?

I wish there was a thing like email that people could get going amongst themselves to further personal petty bullshit.  I'll bet those post counts could get astronomical. 

I don't check my email often. 

Group chat?  I know there's a way.  Imagine, no moderation, you can type whatever you want...


troll box

3.2?  Near beer, at least.

Schwadude, do some of my posts bother you? 


No, why would you think that?  The attitudes that seem to project the notion that a place someone else builds and invites you into should be somehow subject to rules created by those who had no hand in building and opening the place are kind of curious, but not bothersome.

It feels like you're suggesting I go post somewhere else or email somebody for some reason. 

what happened yesterday....did .net forget to pay its bills again?

I am just seeking a refuge for those who feel the heavy hand of moderation.

>>what happened yesterday....did .net forget to pay its bills again?

Vivaer Than Thou. Nicely done.

What happened>>>


its not an open board man. Shit get shut down for absolutely no reason here

Other than the blatant trolls, it’s actually pretty chill over there. At times there are great discussions. Sure, people there bitch about here,  but people here do the same thing. 

cool story Brian

what happened yesterday....did .net forget to pay its bills again?>>>


This is bickering asshole behavior.>



Brian K, can we officially designate you our garbage zone emissary?

The time for diplomacy has come.


Are Mark and Ateix really that much more snarky and judgy than


On the full spectrum of internet snark, Ateix and me are probably on the mellow end of things.

You judge, Slack. It’s not like you don’t lurk there often.

You be the emissary, Mark. You’re much more qualified. 

The weird multiple personalities and socks give a creepy vibe. 

Who is believable? 

>>>You be the emissary, Mark. You’re much more qualified.


I would hold that to be true in pretty much every other situation, BK; however in this case I believe you are the right man for the job.

Your first task is the rile them up with some ham memes. Then, we negotiate their unconditional surrender.

God speed.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders?

Sorry Mark, a true emissary waxes their mustache. I got nothing. It’s all you.

what happened?

Latex and St Mark threw a birthday party 

And only hipsters showed up......

With lite beer.


I brought zima. rrg was mixing it with vodka.

true story

Massive amounts of Michelob Ultra were consumed.

I keep reading this as Comments dosed.

I'm fat. What do I drink?


If it was a comments dosed party, it might have been a bit more lively.

Did dad drink a lot?

What if someone's Dad did drink a lot?  Is that troll bait?  Why use that to try to provoke a nice meltdown so SkidMark Inc. can gather and go "oooooooooooh"?

Is Rrg trolling someone?

>>Did dad drink a lot?

If the category is most cringe worthy troll comment - we have a winner.

yeah that's not good.


comments closed people.


My dad drank a lot of beer.

Budweiser. Then he switched to Bud Light.

I think my mom was difficult. 


these threads always bring out 6, rrg, fo6, and bk. you guys love it. why knock it? this is viva. sorry it disgusts you?

Schwa asked them to take it to email but they’re just disregarding his suggestion.

There's protestors, and counter-protestors.  Just because they show up at the same rally doesn't mean they're supporting the cause.

i have a feeling schwa is a master at the super secret email thing. dude goes deep. 

Not email in specific, but any type of personal communication avenue they would like to explore.  Apparently having an audience is a thing.

Are there really people clamoring to sign up to post here?

No, Jay. Not here or at .net. 

The issue here is mean people. The issue there is ?

These threads also seem to attract many people besides me, RRG and Fog - but please carry on.

>> These threads also seem to attract many people besides me, RRG and Fog - but please carry on.

Lol! And yet, where else would you be, Six.

Hope you have a great day. Definitely looking forward to Ry.

Not “always,” Pyramid. I’ve passed on at least a few of them. It’s important to mix things up.

(((((These threads)))))

of course, 6. 

 i don't wag the shamey finger. i don't tell people to move elsewhere, while also participating. 

I made a suggestion, trying to find a way for those living under the heavy hand of oppression to find a way to be free.

I tell people to move elsewhere? 

people that shit post > people that complain about shit posts 

 Ateix - I bought you a ticket for Ry. Can’t wait to see you again.

No, it was me.  I think I got a shamey finger waved at me.

People who stand up for people with mental health/family crisis issues > those who use that to ridicule them.

>>Can’t wait to see you again.


love 6 e

Viva la Ridicule

good thread guys. 

((((this is viva))))

((( The issue there is ? )))

 Knotesau on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 09:26 am

I'm fat. What do I drink?

.net tears


Fog, do you drink? 

<<<This is bickering asshole behavior.>



lol. morning, Sunshine.


Everything's been pretty smooth, if not dull here for a while and I couldnt come up with any explanation for the influx of those that have sworn this place off for various reasons.  We havent had to shut a thread down in a while, probably since Six most recently "left" for the 8th time.Im not saying its him, but thats roughly the timing.  


Maybe put a groundscored squirrel pelt on that hurt butt to cushion it a lil, buddy. 

Well, if HL 73 won't say it - I will. Even though I have never been banned or warned - it is definitely my fault - and I am so very sorry.


>>We havent had to shut a thread down

"We"? Well congrats on your promotion to admin status, I guess.


Thats what admin said in the thread shutdown post, i just borrowed it and used it double meaning style.

 <<Well congrats on your promotion to admin status, I guess.



No "promotion" needed, bro.


<<<<Thats what admin said in the thread shutdown post, i just borrowed it and used it double meaning style


i know.

>>No "promotion" needed, bro.

lolchacho, my bro lollipop

is plf still with us?

This thread gives admin heartburn.

hello friends. looks like brian k and the rest of the "we don't come around here much" crew are waste deep in the muck. big surprise. 

What type of waste is it?  Should we have a hazmat suit?

Hey, jr! Keep your eyes on the Tiger Woods thread this week. He's playing the late Arnold Palmer's home tournament. 

If he wins it will be good feels all around. 

I might even add some pics of Jerry with Tiger to keep things humming.

Has slacker ever contributed a thread that has to do with The GD?

Or does he just post stupid threads about tiger woods and pics of people that don't zone.

Pretty sure JR has cooties. 

JR has a chubby for me. 

Be careful then. 

I’m flattered.

glad to see people have gotten over the harrowing experience of a thread getting shut down on spring forward day.  

also, I agree that it was not a good showing for those in what amounts to self imposed viva exile over the weekend. you know who you are.

Are you the same JR that smashed up beer bottles around the red rocks parking lot?

How would you characterize your offline communication with Gravy, Fog?

all the little piggies happily rolling in the shit.

<<Are you the same JR that smashed up beer bottles around the red rocks parking lot?

yes, your memory is impressive Fog. apologies if you were one of the affected people who had to call AAA for a tow. i feel bad about that whole incident even today. 

 Now who doesn’t love some subjective piggies?

 I’ve heard that some piggies are very fine people. 

Six, can you please post in nothing but loud oinks for the rest of the day? Thanks, pal.



No. I can’t. 


HI To The 4 Winds .................smiley

I make good memes

F8497923-FC94-4C88-9DA0-95A2D5352856.jpegMark’s going all alpha pig...


Mark got a real pretty mouth, ain't he?


<<<>>>I tell people to move elsewhere? 

i don't know, have you?

the old, if you don't like how it is, leave.....many have said that, not just the zoners i mentioned above. Bk said it the other day, he says a lot of shit tho. 

What did I say?

Don't drop the big one if you're a monkey on a string.

>>>he says a lot of shit tho.

and you don't?

Nu uh, I didn’t say that!

I still don’t know what the hell he thinks I said. It must have made some sense if he remembers it.

fo6-sure, i do. i don't flip flop and bs, like for example how BK does-dude is a master at this shit.

all good tho. 

bk, you didn't say stop coming around if you don't like how viva rolls? 

How do I flip and flop? I’ve been pretty consistent. 

You’re the one who keeps whining that Admin is killing the place. I disagree with that.

Tom Petty said "Don't Come Around Here No More", but he also said "I Won't Back Down", which could lead to a conflict.

>>i don't flip flop and bs

Not on one thing ever? 

I think what we have here is a possible false accusation of a flip flop and a clear 'shamey finger' wagging.

I’m chalking it all up to a generation gap.

Well, for the most part. Some people are just nasty.

Fog going wide right, as usual.

How's the roadkill been this season?

Mainly dead and laying by the road, I reckon.

Speaking of that, I saw a deer carcass with about 15 turkey vultures havin a big ol party yesterday.

No dude, that would be your golf game.

nope, nice try fo6. i didn't wag any shame finger, tell bk or you to ever stop or leave. why would i? you guys love this shit-bk is actually good at it tho, you just suck. 

I know Bill, you rule at this game and BK is great at it, i'm terrible. You complain about this place more than anyone here, thats the reason you keep hearing 'leave if you don't like it' . Its been said by so many people so many times you forgot who all said it.


I like a good discussion, and have no problem with differing opinions. I really don’t like nasty, personal attacks though.

So yeah, I’ve participated in this thread and the other. Who fucking cares? Not everything has to be some sort of cannon fodder, or cut and paste to prove a stupid point.

There is absolutely something wrong with joking about bringing someone, anyone, to the point of a breakdown. Well, at least I think that there is, but a few don’t care what I think, so that’s all it is, my opinion.

who is bill?

Does anyone remember laughter?

im laughing pretty hard over here guys. fo6, are you ok man? 

and yeah, you got me man-i'm smiling bill! 


true story-i met one of my best friends on the pz years ago, an OG zoner (i know that matters to people like fo6) who doesn't post here b/c (gasp!) viva is kinda lame....i'm here till the end tho, assholes:)

>>>There is absolutely something wrong with joking about bringing someone, anyone, to the point of a breakdown.


Where would you rank calling the publicly published booking number for a Zoner's bar band and pretending to be Peter Shapiro?

Asking for a friend. 

>There is absolutely something wrong with joking about bringing someone, anyone, to the point of a breakdown.


laughter is the best  medicine

Shit like that is fucked up.

Tell your friend that I said so.

Can we guess who his friend is?

Or just know already and...(cough)...look the other way?

>>>true story-i met one of my best friends on the pz years ago, an OG zoner (i know that matters to people like fo6) who doesn't post here b/c (gasp!) viva is kinda lame....i'm here till the end tho, assholes:)


is that the story or is there more. lol

does anyone remember lol?

OG zoner (lol)

Schwadude on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 05:49 pm

Tom Petty said "Don't Come Around Here No More", but he also said "I Won't Back Down", which could lead to a conflict.

Bob Weir said "Take A Step Back", but he also said "Some Men Look For Answers, Other Look For Fights", which could lead to a conflict.


I remember lol

I think when Zoner drama spills over into real life, that's when shit gets off the rails crazy train.  Not good juju there.

that one was for you, brochacho. knew you'd like itwink

just saying, the leave if you don't like it crowd is just as ridiculous as the rest of us. 

great community thread guys. 

leftists just love to ban things 

it's in their dna 

A pretty dysfunctional community some times, but what community isn't at some point?

rightists not ban things


Marie was a little bit Country, and Donny was a little bit Rock and Roll, but they seemed to avoid conflict.

Schwadude, who was the mentally disturbed zoner you referred to earlier?

I mean, we’re all a little weird in our own ways but you seemed to imply one of us isn’t all there.

I wasn't talking about anyone here, and not a specific instance.  I was just asking about where the troll should draw the line when it comes to troll bait.  

what schwadude is saying  - just don't make fun of people like 6 e 



Perception is reality.

btw fo6, is the smiling bill thing supposed to be an insult? 

i always liked dude on the pz, never met him tho, so i don't really understand your insult. sorry man. 

Turtle, that’s my favorite picture of Nancy.  What a great night at the BGCC.

^haha. some good L, huh. 

(((((Live like no one's watching))))

I met Bill a couple times. Seemed nice enough. Real cunt here , though. His sister was nice, too although they seemed a little 'close'. I think her name was robbie or something

>Turtle, that’s my favorite picture of Nancy. 


As much as I'd like to take credit for that pose,  I was in a pink Tutu that night. Orange is reserved for Giant's games. 

I'm sorry too if you felt that was in insult. Are we good now?

I think you should try this next time you start complaining,

'this is just wrong but i love it here and i'm never leaving'

Then nobody would suggest you leave.

>>>>>'this is just wrong but i love it here and i'm never leaving'


which dbmb are you talking about?

>> just don't make fun of people like 6 e 

Yes, instead make fun of a stable genius - like lolchacho, for example.

Slacker, i'm not much of a drinker these days. Liking the red wine blends though, if i were to.

Willy Shoemaker was a stable genius.

no need to be sorry, fo6, i was just curious

and nah, i'll post how i always have. 

In English from left to right?

that's the goal, schwa. 

see, i knew you like these threads. you're having fun, big guy. 

6 e, fog and schwa don't "get" "it" #sad


pyramid, these old guys think you are that chef guy

they aren't the brightest bunch

most here still think i'm that gunner dude 


if you can't beat them, join them 


If you were Gunner you'd be humpin Trump all over this board.

Gunner seems like a cool dude 

we need to get dnb out here in vermont. 

how does that happen? throw a good old acid party. 

the funny about fo6 bustin me on the bill thing, he has his bday thread on 2/ bday is 2/11 what???!!!!

>how does that happen?

couple 1000 $


he played at my friend's house once 

>>these old guys think you are that chef guy

No , just Fog, ya' genius. lol

But nice try.

I've also never called you Gunner.

That would be an insult to Gunner.

Gunner is actually a very talented dude.  His batiks are beautiful.  He could have a Batik Boutique.  

Hey, i'm not the one that started it.

Bill does live in Vermont, right?

Plus Gunner contributed more than just "lol".

what do u contribute 6 e?



a couple funny coincidences for sure, fo6. 

ima philly head, tho.

Did you mention something about opening up a restaurant?  Mexican or pizza?  lol

Gunner, Bill

you guys are slow 


it's a dairy queen franchise. your fat ass loves some dairy queen, i'll put money on that. 

also i love a good risotto, who doesn't tho? 

Don't joke about Mexican food. Enjoy it.

Mexican food in Vermont is a joke, and it’s over-priced and not enjoyable.

there's mexican food in vermont? 

Vermont is a hot bed for Mexican cuisine and Soul Food.

Only in a joking sort of way. 

We went to Istanbul Kebab House, Burlington, a few weeks ago, and it was excellent. Maybe the best ethnic food I’ve had here.

dairy queen sucks.


No joke about Mexican food. I think Vermont needs more good Mexican restaurants.

i'm making enchiladas right now. 

There’s an overpriced, shitty BBQ joint around the corner from me. It always has lines out the door.

i'll try the kebab house. 

It’s worth the trip to Btown, assuming you like Mediterranean cuisine. I was surprised at how good it was.

>i'm making enchiladas right now.

nice work chef

do you guys remember when fog met tulsa?

good times 

When Harry met Sally > When Fog met Tulsa

good times. fo6's fuzzy wuzzy slippers were a hit.  

there used to be this joint called paradise burrito in burlington. it was bad but sooo good. kinda reminds me of titos style in socal. 

bring that shit back but w/ good ingredients. 

You gonna serve burritos at DQ?

take it to the emails swagdude 

no burritos, schwa. ^lol

Just post a pic with todays date on it, or go find some tall skinny ass ugly long hair white dude to do it for you.. That should work.

This really is fun.  lol

There’s a “burrito” place in Barre called 2 Loco Guys. It’s one of those build your own” places, and isn’t too bad. There’s nothing Mexican about it, but it works. 

fo6, whats your go-to at dairy queen?


bacon dumbass cheeseburger 


>>>fo6, whats your go-to at dairy queen?

we all know what your go-to insult is, this after you calling fafas wife fat.

There's nothing Mexican about 90% of Mexican Restaurants in America.

And why couldn't Dairy Queen serve a burrito?

this is getting serious guys 


so butthurt-sorry your buddy can't play, viva blows.

Dairy Queen serving burritos isn't really serious when you consider that Taco Bell is serving breakfast.  There's cross-contamination going on all over the fast food industry in America.

is fafa gunner's wife ?

I had a crunch wrap this morning.

god dammit, schwa, i will try and work in the burritos. what kind of burrito would you be looking for at DQ?

is schwa the guy that thought this was stupid?

I am not lobbying for you to have a burrito, but I do support your right to do so if you choose.  Maybe a dessert burrito...the Dessito.

I think this is fun.  I think below the belt personal attacks and relentless trolling aren't.

If admin shuts Viva down after this thread I wouldn't be surprised. 

Was the Dessito too much?  I thought Burrert sounded too much like a fart. 


>>>>>If admin shuts Viva down after this thread I wouldn't be surprised.



No, really, I swear - this is the week it will be shut down.




Just forget I called this every week for the last year.

Every time I "leave" - Viva is shut down. Isn't it?




By RRG Rock And Roll Goddess on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 – 12:34 pm 





 Rock And Roll Goddess on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 09:42 am

If it was a comments dosed party, it might have been a bit more lively.

Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink 

the ignorant

 ateix on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 09:51 am

Did dad drink a lot?

Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink 

Timmy Hoover

 Timmy Hoover on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 09:57 am

Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink 


 Schwadude on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 10:22 am

What if someone's Dad did drink a lot?  Is that troll bait?  Why use that to try to provoke a nice meltdown so SkidMark Inc. can gather and go "oooooooooooh"?

Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink 

Sammy Hagar Weekend

 Knotesau on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 10:25 am

Is Rrg trolling someone?

Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink 

Gold Tone

 Number 6 on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 10:25 am

>>Did dad drink a lot?

If the category is most cringe worthy troll comment - we have a winner.


My dad drank enough to get the diabetes. 





He would fill out our foursome perfectly. We'd probably play wolf often. 

oops, wrong thread.

You sure have a way with people ateix.

It's my animal magnetism. Weirdly it tends to attract (occasionally unstable) people who like wear skins.

Nice edit Latex.

I see you just can't keep that dick filled mouth shut, can you ?


> dick filled mouth


Some in this here thread are against letting the "Assholes" back in but are doing the same kind of posting.

Oh the irony!!!!!!

Oh the numbers!!!!!

>>>>Oh the irony!!!!!!    Oh the numbers!!!!!


you could've posted in this thread instead

>>Some in this here thread are against letting the "Assholes" back in but are doing the same kind of posting.

Oh the irony!!!!!!

Oh the numbers!!!!!



ya think  lol





Rrg, do you like the crew on .net more than Ateix? 

They don't seem to like Ateix so you all could bond over your hipster hate. 

They're begging for you to sign up.

And they are all "true deadheads".

how many dicks in the mouth is cool to say here


true deadheads wear fanny packs and reminisce about the 80s and blow 

sailor>saint again tonight !

wanna bump ?


 Knotesau on Thursday, March 15, 2018 – 04:56 pm

Rrg, do you like the crew on .net more than Ateix? 

They don't seem to like Ateix so you all could bond over your hipster hate. 

They're begging for you to sign up.


Since You can never STFU about .net

I would imagine they would welcome Your presence, much more than mine.


Besides,  who the fuck actually likes Latex.





Where do these 'real deadheads flop around' is it at

Journey and Def Leppard are touring again, gonna be a hit at garbage zone

>> Besides,  who the fuck actually likes Latex.

(((Leather vests for all)))

>> Never Can Say Goodbye <<

Best three days of garbage zoning this place has ever seen.



Its true, Slacker is number one on their wanted list.



Hi Latex, I see You.... OO

Lol. Fo6.

You sad, roadkill-wearing clown.

>> I see you too Latex <3

Doesn't look like anything to me.

>>>>>Since You can never STFU about .net


I asked because you were obviously lurking over there and left a message for Edfroge.

Nothing wrong with talking about a site many here frequent. 

Some of the good ones are still using both.

who would even wanna be called a deadhead, or even worse a hippie 

I tell you - just spectating back and forth between here and .net is a blast.

watching the edits people make

.net comments about Viva

Viva comments about .net

many lols

I hope you are all having a nice Ides of March

How about all that snow. lava! Wow!

who would even wanna be called a deadhead, or even worse a hippie 

Why, I would, of course. Happily.

>> I tell you - just spectating back and forth between here and .net is a blast.

When you typed that out, were you confused as to why an emoji didn't show up on your keyboard?
Do you know what an emoji is, 6er?

Hi Judit!

.net is very trumpish. Claiming they're done with this place and don't lurk here, then they live tweet every viva thread. 


edit much?

I can too


I learned it from YOU Slacker ;)


Eddiefrog is a pile of scalper shit, and deserves it.


atedik is overqualified for .net, , with your recent masterful garbage zoning you are clearly the number one pick, sorry Slacker.


.net mock Draft Board

1. atedik

2. Slacker

By Derp Tone (Number 6) on Thursday, March 15, 2018 – 05:22 pm

LOL ateix

in an email yesterday - you asked me to refrain from emailing you, posting to you or about you, etc.

Yet you were on last night posting about me afterwards and here you are doing it again.

What kind of hypocrite does that?

you, that's who

Please stop, 6er. Your behavior, both here and in person (constantly referring back to events and people on this board, people I didnt even know) seem very... stable, unorthodox for certain, and I have to say - quite unbecoming for an elder gentleman such as yourself.

It is disconcerting.

As I asked you to do in the emails precipitated in the exchange youre now referring to, I would thank you in advance from refraining to or about me, 6er.

I hear the wind blowing again

You don't zone much over there, Fog. Is it because of their creepy pervy sock vibe that always flows into racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic anti Semitic rants?

"Draft board"?


I certainly won't respond to that kind of uncouth language, Fo6. Whatever is troubling you in the deep orifices where you keep your spirit animal -- please, do not confuse those feelings as pertaining to me in some manner.


oops, did I edit again?


How about all that snow. lava! Wow!

back-breaking, and only managed to bomb our street once before the plows came by.

Here at my house over 30" in 3 days and it's still snowing on and off.


I guess if I wrote that, I would have edited it out, 6er. But since I didn't write that, and I dont think anyone believes that I did, I don't have to prove that I didn't.

It's like basic philosophy, 6er. Very basic, almost too basic.

How much snow did you get, lava?


Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 5.30.46 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 5.30.51 PM.png


Honestly, 6er.. I dont know why you do it. Your asshole bickering... it's so unnecessary.

Hope you have a good evening ahead

(((cpt 6er)))

Slacker, are you jealous because atdx is the number one pick? He is highly qualified.

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Gold Tone
Number 6 on Thursday, March 15, 2018 – 05:29 pm

Go upstairs and help Mom with dinner, ateix.

I believe she's calling you...

--- edited:

By  Derp ToneNumber 6 on Thursday, March 15, 2018 – 05:32 pm

How much snow did you get, lava?

You really are kind of a hick, 6er


Good luck with the snow. Maybe it'll all just melt away for you.

Fo6, not even worth responding to Lol

True garbage, you and your buddy Fafa both

Sad low-IQ clown. Wahh my racist buddy wahh hahahaha

(((mic drop for mccook)))

Why do you let ateix go on like this, lava?

His behavior toward others here agitates them to act in ways that are not kind or civil.

He creepily copies their posts like an obsessed person.

It seems disruptive.

Thanks for the hospitality, lava.

You see what we talked about in our discussion today and that it  is not going to change.

That's too bad really.

Oh well.

are these the hippies and deadheads we want?

Are you absolutely serious, 6er? You fucking posted my name yesterday old frat bro guy Lol you hick!

And if you are unwilling to stand by what you write, then why worry who the fuck reads it and files it away?

Your peggin buddy Rr6 has been creepily posting shit that I have said / have had said to me on fucking REDDIT lolol

Talk about "creepy!" Jeeesus Lol feck off

(((too bad really)))

Over/under on thread count before this one gets shut downtown for “petty bickering” too?

short lines across the screen

long lines

easy to tell the difference

I only hear the wind now

and man does it blow

You dont hear shit old frat bro. As I already said: good luck with the melt.

>>Over/under on thread count before this one gets shut downtown for “petty bickering” too?

Probably before 400, but I find it's usually after 6er shows up

>>>I believe she's calling you...


He's too busy garbage zoning.

What a mess.

a mess indeed

who fucking cares anymore


>are these the hippies and deadheads we want?<



wanna dose?

This old deadhead hippie says, could y'all take a step back, take a breath, remember that we're here for each other, breathe again..

>who fucking cares anymore




it's not y'all. It's ateix.

real deadheads are the best


Damn 6ravystain. Such a bitch.

these real deadheads can handle mega doses of LSD but not some kid on the internets 

makes sense 

^haha right. 

<<<>>>who fucking cares anymore?

i think judit and lava care, a lot. 

Look at that brown nose! lol


Judit's a hippie and a real deadhead .

she can care all she wants because she's cool

lava's pretty mellow - so that's cool too


everyone else - who cares?

Gravy, how do I act like a deadhead? 

Brutalistic nihilism. Yikes.


6ravystain has got to be the worst of the worst. Isn't he supposed to be on sex vacation in Thailand rn? What is he doing, trading barbs with McCook instead?

Oh man. Mccook. Sad sad beta man.

(((lurking hiatus)))

real deadheads......hahahahahhaahha

a real deadhead would never say they are a real deadhead 

This old deadhead hippie says, could y'all take a step back, take a breath, remember that we're here for each other, breathe again.. <<<


Awesome Judit ! yes

Anyone want to tell me how to act like an old real deadhead? I'm being called a poseur by a bunch of 

real deadheads but they won't say how real deadheads act. Is it the Johnny Thunders shit? 


I made Irish Soda Bread today

Nice. I've got a kinda basic rye/wheat dough on the rise, looking forward to my bake sesh later.

y'all dig irish potatoes? 

Baking sesh with your Mommy, right?

Corned beef tacos anyone?


By Derp Tone (Number 6) on Thursday, March 15, 2018 – 06:24 pm 

Baking sesh with your Mommy, right?

This was written by a sixty-something year old man. Yeah.

it's apparent why 6 left for 6 months..

I'm making Cioppino for Two 

Six, are you and Foghorn and RRG and Gravytrain really acting like true old deadheads? 

I like the music. Not sure why digging on other music too is some fork in the road I'm not supposed to take.

What the fuck, 6? I think a lot of us would like to have some time with our moms doing something we both like. You think that's an insult? Sheesh.

>>This was written by a sixty-something year old man. Yeah.

That was written by a 12 year old. Yeah.

6er is a very mature 60-something year old man. Lol


Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 6.39.33 PM.png


Said like a creepy fucker.

A creepy fucker said the name of Johnny Thunders only solo album?

Really? Now why would he do that?

Creepy fuckers like Johnny Thunders?

That's fascinating editing you've done.

You're such a gosh darn goof ball, Ateix.

And I'm not even 60 yet .

I know you can do stalking research better than that.


But you are a very mature 12 year old.

Lol, yes. Find your melty zone, 6er

Lot of paternal issues popping up lately.

Haha - you pipe down, you rascal, Ateix.


And you pop up frequently too, Hoover, like the Pillsbury doughboy.

By Derp Tone (Number 6) on Thursday, March 15, 2018 – 07:11 pm

Haha - you pipe down, you rascal, Ateix.


Not even you know what youre trying to say anymore 6er. You and the other old real deadheads. 

If your head wasnt so far into the sand already I'd say do a faceplant.

God damn.

Golly, ateix, you have a nice evening.

I hope your bread turns out swell too.

You're such a nice young fellow.

You too, 6er. Take er slow

Thanks, as an a very old man - slow is best for me.

6 e post the name in the sand pic.


>> Sure, whatever you think is best.


wtf u tryin to say to me 6er

Ok, we have a show coming up. Can we postpone this conversation to a later date.

Lol is that right, Fo6? Got some heavy post-rock instrumental shit going on? Dubstep? Pray tell, brother squirrel-beard: what does Fo6 get down to on a Thu night?

You big pussy, nice edit.  lol


seriously though, show coming up soon

Corned beef tacos anyone? <<<<



Booger and Mike Gordon

>> as an a very old man - slow is best for me <<

Hey now, Bob the big fat slob is here!

>> Hey now, Bob the big fat slob is here!

>> *smh*
>> *check watch*

6er, isnt it getting past bedtime

And Mr. Heybrochacho - you like that picture? You want me to post it, don't you.

Say pretty please now.

You're allowed to shake your head, Ateix, but Bob is a big fat person.

>> You're allowed to shake your head, Ateix, but Bob is a big fat person.

Wow look at you. Who paid for you to go to school to think these big thoughts and write them down. Lol

Get some sleep 6er

Good gosh you doxed me by posting my first name, ateix.

But I bet you'll chicken out and edit it.


Good thing I took a screenshot and mailed it to lava first.

>> Good gosh you doxed me by posting my first name, ateix.
>> Good thing I took a screenshot and mailed it to lava first.


Was that written by a 12 year old. Yeesh

Ok 6er. Don't go probing these deep questions TOO LONG INTO THE DARK NIGHT

Wow lol

I used to get an image of and hear Frasier Crane's younger brother. As of late ,Rex Reed the honored movie critic comes to mind.

Just sent the email to lava. Thanks for your help, little buddy.

I used to get an image of and hear Frasier Crane's younger brother. As of late ,Rex Reed the honored movie critic comes to mind.

Definitely let your attorney know too 6er

Maybe I need a frontier gibberish translator to help me with Jazfish's post.


Lava and Judit are enough for now. Thanks again.

And lava and I discussed just this afternoon about how doxing someone is not good.

Youre welcome 6er, and I agree,  it was probably a very valuable talking-to that you received. I'm sure you got an important lesson in corrective behavior and the rules of this board, but I'm sure you can grow and get better.

I believe in you 6er

>>>Bob the big fat slob>>>


Judit, while I admit that it does have a nice ring to it, why is six allowed to be a 6ick to me for no reason.  I barely post here.  WTF?

>> Judit, while I admit that it does have a nice ring to it, why is six allowed to be a 6ick to me for no reason.  I barely post here.  WTF?

Bob, if I may:

6er can't help it. Best thing is to ignore him. He really can't do much about it.

It all stems from the shadow of his former persona, the beloved "Captain VT."

No one knows what happened to that man. Not even 6er himself.

We must show some sensitivity for Ol' 6er in these twilight years of his.

Just, a touch of gentleness and compassion.

I saw that melty delete supreme Latex



"Seeing things" again, Rr6?

He edits all day, but I took a tip from him and started taking screenshots.

>> He edits all day, but I took a tip from him and started taking screenshots.


Might be the saddest thing I've read "all day"

>>>started taking screenshots.>>>



>> He edits all day, but I took a tip from him and started taking screenshots.

smh. cant even

Did the real deadheads take care of the poser punk kids yet?

Not seeing "things" at all....


MOMMY !!!!


You really can't make this shit up, Wow Lol

I'm drinking a beer with over 6% ABV

Does that make me a real old deadhead, Rr6


I'm drinking a nice Chardonnay 


RRG, is Silverado not as good, as good or better than Romancing The Stone? 

I love both. 

Rr6, what made u smile today :)

<<<He edits all day


i only get a five minute window.

Lol, exactly GL

gotta love the fact that bret didn't seem to play favorites, at least not overtly. 

Everyone gets a 5 minute window.


i should have said he edits all his posts he makes at all times of day.

he edits because he posts like he’s brave and then chickens out like the pussy he is.

hes not brave enough to keep his original posts up

sorry for the miscommunication




someone is playing favorites?

is that the kind heady way?

You mean like admin here appears to do at times, ATGD?


bravery on the internet 


>> he edits because he posts like he’s brave and then chickens out like a the pussy he is.

>> hes not brave enough to keep his original posts up


It's a message board, not war or volunteering for the red cross Lol

Theres no injustice in editing out hurtful comments, no cowardice in refraining from being a little dick all the time, Lol

Try it

>> sorry

I know you are, 6er. I know

>> bravery on the internet 

for real lol


Cross is definitely a brave guy. He's almost like a real old deadhead

McDoobie is having a meltdown in real-time over at if anyone is curious btw

It's kind of like watching a livestream of some condor hatchlings wait for their parent to feed them

Gross, yet adorable


Collar, ball gag and leash night for ol 6'r

toasting in epic bread

wow..these are the "unbanned" zoners. great work admin!

im still trying to deal with atedicks not liking crushed ...but he does want to fuck me, so i have that going for me


hello sock 


what deplorable are you sock ?

who's holdin' out on the 2005 screenshots?

What made me smile today?

Watching Latex going full on China Syndrome has been a hoot. cool

Big day at the GD retirement community!

oh, and 

Happy Birthday Phil heart


>> Big day

Oh, I know.

They're starting to simply refer to you and the cr6w as simply "other trolls" over at the other retirement community, Rr6


I just perused the garbage zone.

It's an unfortunate situation over there.

I'm a deadhead.

Lance, I've noticed some soft trolling from you recently.

The kids call that a subliminal.

>>>gotta love the fact that bret didn't seem to play favorites, at least not overtly. 

Good point, playing favorites is what goes on here. No bannings is a positive sign. Good time to open up the board seeing how this mess was tolerated with no bannings.


Can everyone check in please, atix, rrg, 6r, slack,  ... need to make sure everyones ok.

<<<>>>Good point, playing favorites is what goes on here. No bannings is a positive sign. Good time to open up the board seeing how this mess was tolerated with no bannings.


If you can't say who should be banned or who should be let back in just go play fantasy sports somewhere else and quit crying. 

we need more socks 

Do you think people should be banned slacker?

I think everyone should be let back in and i don't think anyone should be banned.

No. But I don't mind getting a timeout. 

I think the specific reason for a timeout should be posted here for everyone to see. That way it can be discussed and debated and we can all learn from it. 



I still think a few cats for Admin could solve this whole mess.


>I think the specific reason for a timeout should be posted here for everyone to see. That way it can be discussed and debated and we can all learn from it. <



I bet admin has a sweet spreadsheet on the perceived rabblerousers.

( disruptive hooligans )

>> who's holdin' out on the 2005 screenshots?


>>>>>>I think the specific reason for a timeout should be posted here for everyone to see. That way it can be discussed and debated and we can all learn from it. <


Those would probably be the hot threads.  Lord knows everybody has an opinion.


I think Admin would have a hard time articulating a specific reason for some timeouts though.


 Briank on Monday, March 12, 2018 – 06:07 pm

There is absolutely something wrong with joking about bringing someone, anyone, to the point of a breakdown. Well, at least I think that there is





Oh that BK is at it again. I thought he was so "above" that two board shit. lol

And he never posts about someone when they're not also participating.



yep he's a real cool guy 

one of the "good" ones 

always adds to the conversation and never attacks

only reacts 

he's like a message board ninja 

Sweet drama posts, Timmy. You must miss Mark the mostest.

Cross-post those threads, too? 

Or maybe just lobby admins for an open board again, instead?

Or just take a banning for this grievous action? It'll be like going to the ER on acid all over again for you.

How many hours did they go without using Viva for content? 

Hey Stain.  Did you type that yourself or are you just dictating your posts to the lady boy you rented for the week?


oh, you got a capitalized lol out of lolchacho that's you're taking ass selfies again to celebrate, huh HoovER?


I'm sorry Gravy.  What would you say it is you do here?

for the record, i was the first to report the Mark banning. i think i might just flame out and be the next one. 


hey graivy, hope you're well. don't let the assholes get you down.