Conch shell / kazoo / harmonica / etc. "guy"


Is one better or more tolerable than the next?

Listening to Furthur Fest (2010) and noticed both "conch shell guy" and "kazoo guy" are both audible at the end of Doin' That Rag after the song ends, but couldn't detect from the recording whether they were going at it during the show?

I'm generally OK with it as long as they're not doing their thing while the music plays.

Was at a local Halloween party where a band was playing in the corner of a very small bar with no stage.  Every now and again, some guy kept standing literally two feet from one of the guitarists and played his harmonica.  Drove me nuts as a member of the audience, surprised the guitarist / band took it in stride.



Just heard kazoo guy in Cosmic Charlie ... would've been pissed if nearby.

And which would you rather have your little kid playing around the house?

lol, I'd go with conch shell ... least likely to take along outside of the house.

im known around these parts as "Jews Harp" guy...

I liked the Furthur Conch Shell Guy. Surprised they let him in with that thing though.

At least its not off-beat tambourine guy.   Off beat-clapping guy kind of sucks too.

rob barraco busted out a Kazoo at The Greek berkeley at the most Unpredictable time 2001 It Was Perfect ! was there ! What A 3 Day Run.


tickets 2001  39 bucks for the q

remember conch shell guy at all the west coast dead related shows in the early 2000's.  We nicknamed him Dumbledore.  I swear he wore a wizards hat

Conch shell guy blew.

Little Boy Blue,, he needed the money.


- Andrew Dice Clay 

worse. the tambourine girl during the HCSS break out, arizona '92.

Cue up the infamous Marc Ford video. 


Guy playing a saw with a violin bow is the most grating sound ever.

What's Conch Shell Guy's range?

Two octaves?  Two notes?

remember conch shell guy at all the west coast dead related shows in the early 2000's.  We nicknamed him Dumbledore.  I swear he wore a wizards hat<<<

I believe you are correct, re: wizard hat

Agree- Beat Clapper Guy / Girl > super annoying.

They're all annoying.

Throw in bongo boy as well.