"Conservatives" End Game?


So, what do they want? What is the end result of laws and policies they want to enact, or repeal. What is the final result of what they want our nation to be and what does the world look like?

things they love:

No Taxes


No public services or social safety net

$$$ is free speech

Wall St

De-regulation of everything

Race Baiting


So, if there are little to no taxes, how do you fund those fancy bombers?

How do you get to work?

If the entire country and geo political structure is fucked, isn't that ultimately "bad" for them/us?

I don't get it.

So-called "conservatives" have always supported taxes for military purposes.

I think most of them believe it's all gonna end soon - Jebus or nuclear war - and they just wanna get theirs while they can.


Sorta the opposite of the meaning of "conserve".

They're in the insurance game. 

They want everyone to continue buying insurance for everything. 


>it's all gonna end soon<

yes, many of the "religious right" are of that mind set....


>They want everyone to continue buying insurance for everything. <


oh most definitely brah. 


Some would like to own people, but they're willing to settle for the ability to work them to death.

Grudgingly willing.

Some would like to own people, but they're willing to settle for the ability to work them to death<<<

Not sure it's just conservatives, walking around town amidst traffic as a pedestrian is becoming more and more dangerous in recent times.

I now have the suspicion that if they could get away with it, some people would just as sooner run you over in their car (literally) to get from A -> B vs. having to stop and wait for you to pass.

People in general are looking out for their own interests first and foremost at the expense of "the other" ... which I think crosses partisan lines and falls into the camp of "special interests" of oneself.


i would like to hear from our resident research librarian.

his "side" has been so winning....

supreme court




seems like we should be "great" any day now.



Great for the 1%.

Isn't dinner with Jesus in Heaven the end game?