Cost of postage goes up Sunday


Stamps for the first ounce of a letter will go from 55¢ to 58¢ on Sunday. Forever stamps cover it. I use stamps and I rarely see the P.O. announcements of increases. Now you know about it, too.


In a way, forever stamps are better investments than US treasuries.


January 22, 2017   $0.49

April 10, 2016     $0.47

January 26, 2014     $0.49

January 27, 2013     $0.46


And still a bargain. You give me 58 cents and ask me to take a letter to NY, I'll tell ya to take a hike. But $5 for a freakin' CD vine seems a little hgh. The PO system sure needs some overhaul after the clowns f'ed it up. 

Thanks for the PSA Judit, I wasn't aware!

I normally purchase about $200 worth of stamps at the end of the fiscal year for the (very) small business I operate ... which is the end of Sept, so I might try to stock up today.  However, I didn't do it last year because of covid.  Our PO is essentially a 6x8 petri dish for covid and I have made a point of only going in during business hours when I absolutely have to.  



... located near the base of the Ophir Wall, which would be to looker's right of the above photo.


and the rent on my PO box keeps going up every year.

>>>>and the rent on my PO box keeps going up every year.

Yeah, that's ridiculous. Compared to what it used to be.......

FOM, you can go to to buy stamps today or tomorrow. The cost of shipping them to you is very small.

I also use very old stamps, which are printed beautifully. I've had some of them since the early '70s, when postage was 5¢ for a letter. Others I've gotten at face value from stamp shows. I try to use ones that tell a story together or relate to the art on a postcard or relate to the person receiving it.


cool, Judit


Thanks Judit.  I actually did order online yesterday.  20x books of "Backyard Games" stamps (16 per book).   Subtotal was $176 plus $1.85 in shipping.   I spent a few minutes searching for promo codes on the internet, but as I expected, couldn't find anything that worked.  It did look like there might be some promo codes that extend the old $0.55 rate until 12/31, but who knows if they'll actually work.   Kinda weird they charge you for shipping for an item that pays for shipping, but still ... I think I saved $7 and change since I would've done this anyhow in a month regardless.

Didn't realize they made "forever" stamps back in the early 70's!  Yeah,  I also try to select them to relate to the market my business serves.  The only downside from buying online is that our very small PO has been on the chopping block for service cuts in recent years and barely escaped the last go around 5 (or how many) years ago with just a reduction in hours, and I try to make all PO there to increase its revenue to help our case.  Otherwise, a 10 minute round trip would turn into an hour rt to go into town ... let alone with having to contend with the crowds / lines there. ....

I didn't mean that I'm using Forever stamps from the '70s, which did not exist. I'm using regular denominated (is that a word?) stamps from back then that I saved because they were so cool. I also use older ones than that. I can get them at face value at stamp shows. I love stamps, stamp art, etc.

I see.  Yeah, I didn't think they were around back then either.  Have you ever gotten any returns because the PO didn't "recognize" the older stamps as being legit?

I'm a stamp lover too, a couple from my collection -- 






the price of stamps has just gone up, and your old lady has just gone down...

No problems with the older stamps. Even some pretty weird ones.

(Nice, Ras)