Covid Brain Fog



Interesting Covid brain fog article.

Im a huge crossword fan and even easy Mondays give me a damn hard time.

My partner's sister caught the Covid and the initial symptoms were much milder than your's Tim.   She lost her sense of smell and was really tired for a couple weeks, but never had to go to the hospital and appeared to have quickly recovered.   However, over the summer, she kept forgeting things and making stupid mistakes at work (she is a nurse). Eventually, she had to go on FMLA rather than risk making a serious medical error.   This was back in September.   She now says she is improving and hopefuly she will be back at work soon.   Hang in there Tim.   It will get better. 

Yeah, hope that clears soon ,T.

The article reads very similar to the side effects of the old interferon injections and pharmaceutical cocktails to fight off the Hepatitis C virus.  Mine was two six months rounds of treatment a decade apart. 

Seemed like the brain fog lasted about the same amount of time as the treatments to clear up. Hopefully the covid brain fog clears in less time and not a long hauler occurrence/ effect.



My sister works at an old folks home in Denver and a lot of people there, patients and staff have it. I told her to quit but they need the money. She gets tested a lot and yeaterday she got tested and they said she needed another test as the previous one wasn't good, so they tested her again and told her she was positive and had to leave right now. A few minutes later her boss comes in and tells her they made a mistake, I guess the mixed up my sisters name with another person with the same first name that works there. WTF!  I would sue them if possible if it were me. 

Sounds a bit like concussion symptoms.  Covid brain fog will resolve with time, take it easy. I mentioned previously that it took about 6 months for the folks I know to get back to normal after being long haulers. Be patient?

Nancy knows someone.

Racket is still trolling me. So predictable and pathetic 



yeah, I've seen the family 3 days a week since they returned from Spain in July and they update me on their progress

Which puzzle(s) do you do, Tim? My brain's been fogged this week, and I don't even have the rona.

Maybe dip into the blotter Tim. Perhaps it can knock your brain back on track.

Worth a shot. 


I like crosswords NY Times and Suduko

Yea I was thinking the same of taking a lil candy. You know shake some shit up and get my ducks in a row.

Lowest input of L in a years span since I was 18


don't be a dick racket. leave nancy alone. 

Shit if I get a few answers on the  NY Times crossword I'm surprised. Love crosswords but the easier ones. Lol. Suduko was a favorite in the beginning but became a brain freeze in the end. Gave up on it. Too much time to figure it out. Had better things to do.

I play the Times crossword online, and another one of theirs called Spelling Bee where you get get seven letters and make as many words as you can.

I do the crossword in actual paper newspapers, in pen. My local paper, to which I subscribe, has the LA Times puzzle. I solve it Mo. through Th., and on Sa. On Fr. I get the Portland paper so as to keep up with the State news. They have the NYT puzzle. Mo. takes about 7 to 10 min., Tu. about 10-12, We, about 15, and Th, about 20 min. Fr.'s NYT puzzle takes me about 45 min. to an hour, and the LAT Sa. takes about 30 min.

On Sunday I rest.


At least I have a baseline in case I get the Covfefe,

So regarding Covid symptoms,  two of the 4-5 Physical Therapists I work with were gone for a while.  They had similar symptoms within T. Flash description of his.

Headache,  fatigue,  loss of taste and smell.

No abdominal stuff (the runs, puking) but definitely some Fever and Cough.
Naturally,  I am concerned that these people could potentially infect me,  but I've been on a regimen of Vitamins and other Supplements for many months as a precaution.

Vertigo was one of the symptoms A* described but her Husband didn't have that,  just extreme fatigue.