Covid Irresponsible


Ultra rich family of 5 vacationing in Colorado and skiing.

Friday Christmas eve 3 of 5 got it.

Within hours 3 (1 positive but not showing any symptoms) board a plane and head to Florida  vacation home.

The other 2 drive, obviously sick, drives to Fla.

Took 2 hotels, 5 sit down meals and stopped at an indoor golf range to hit a bucket of balls.

These people have Doctorate degrees from Ivy League schools. 

Your scratching your head saying WTF

There is more

The 18 year old son, who traveled in car and the most sick if all, on Monday (yesterday) boarded a plane and is spending the new years in the Bahamas at his girlfriends HUGE family get a way vacation.


Self entitled selfish assholes...........and the embarrassing part is, they are family.



Ivy League - schmivy league. 
Sorry they're family bro.

Can't learn common sense and common courtesy in school.

Not uncommon. 



just gotta assume that when you board a flight, go into any business etc that the person next to you is likely infected with Covid and contagious. keep that double mask on..



Wow Tim, that's amazing how inconsiderate people can be. And they're supposedly educated? The word "entitled" doesn't even come close. Good luck with them. 

My wife has family members refusing the vax, but they're high school dropouts who all of a sudden are smarter than doctors. I e-mailed one yesterday reminding him the former pres got vaxxed and said the vaccines work. He just went to an out-of-network doc while in the hospital and got hit with a bill for 5K and is bitching about that. I may ask about what he would do with a bill for the ICU. 

My godson is an Iraq war vet and former-FDNY fireman who refused the vax and got COVID. Had to isolate 10 days. He's fairly uneducated. Doesn't trust the gov'mt and cited anthrax vaccines for the military causing cancer. "My body my choice" he told me a few weeks ago. Yeah, but how many vulnerable people did you infect before you found out?  I feel it's the patriotic thing to do (among many other reasons) but I'm hard pressed to say that to a war vet. It's all so perplexing when the evidence of effectiveness is clear and the hospitals are overrun and the transmissibility is so infectious.      

4/5 were vaccinated with boosters except fot Bahama boy

>>>Bahama boy<<<<<



>>>>4/5 were vaccinated with boosters except fot Bahama boy

Wow. Puzzling. 

They just texted me

 the final 2 now have a cough, fever with chills..................

DeadCo/PITS is the epitome of COVID irresponsible 

people just do whatever the fuck they want 

we the people should just be replaced with I...

Rugged individualism has always been the cornerstone of the US's mythology.

Rugged individualism has always been the cornerstone of the US's mythology.

Rugged individualism has always been the cornerstone of the US's mythology.

Eat The Entitled Rich

I hope you get a big inheritance after they all kick.

we all best learn to live with this chit vacinated or not it's all the same fucking day anyway...

World Health Organization warns 'tsunami' of Omicron cases will pressure hospital systems on the 'brink of collapse'

WHO fear mongers owned by big Pharma, right?!

Forgive the assumptions I'm making but if they're well educated and traveling, they probably have great jobs with awesome health care benefits, or are wealthy retirees who don't have to return to work still contagious after 5 days. 

Covid death is for the poor, immune compromised, and elderly who can't afford cadillac insurance treatment. Sad the well-off don't care who they could kill, but not the least bit surprising. Money doesn't make people morally better than the high school dropouts, just better protected from consequences of being morally corrupt.

It's weird that being vaxxed and boosted is considered a high morality pass to fuck around with the lives of others. Not everyone that is unvaxxed is a q/trumper/insurrection suicidal weirdo as so often presented by msnbc wine moms. 

Many people are immune compromised or had bad reactions to the vaccination. Or are UNDER FIVE YEARS OLD.

True ^

one of my clients - very well educated and very wealthy - flew on a private plane to a ski resort. She and her husband tested positive. They could have flown back on the private plane but instead purchased a new Lexus SUV and drove home. (No rental were available).

They've been quarantined in their pool house and are recovering. They didn't want to infect the housekeeper, and personal assistant who are in the main house with their kids. 

seems like it would have made sense to hunker down at the resort but I was told once they tested positive they were asked to leave. 




I feel bad for the minimum wage housekeepers at the hotel. Can you imagine carrying armloads of germ ridden sheets and towels to launder knowing full well you have no health insurance if you catch a breakthrough covid infection? I wonder if the hotel even told them they had contact with the virus. Jesus, just the thought stresses me out. 

I would hope that if one was Covid positive at a resort they would be denied housekeeping services.

Well you said they were sent home. For sure some hapless housekeeper was dealing with their contaminated laundry until they got their positive test results back. I'm assuming/speculating they tested negative until mid-vacation when they were motivated by symptoms to test again, and that this scenario plays out fairly often at hotels/resorts. The hotel isn't sending you home until you can't stop hiding it,100%. 

Alta Ski Resort in Utah is having an outbreak. Here's a story from a local paper today.  

Sara Nichols, an avid skier from Southern California, sat out last winter’s ski season while the industry adjusted to the coronavirus pandemic.

With vaccines widely available this year, however, she and her husband booked a pre-Christmas weeklong ski vacation to Alta, the storied Utah destination at the head of Little Cottonwood Canyon. Their Dec. 19 arrival came on the heels of major winter storms that left the Wasatch covered in fresh snow.

Despite the ideal timing, the vacation quickly went south when COVID-19 outbreaks swept through some of Alta lodges, forcing the Nichols to retreat to Los Angeles after only two days on the slopes.

Adding to her frustrations was what she observed at the airport, in hotels and on the mountain, where she says basic safety norms were disregarded.

“I’m not going back to Utah. It’s a COVID [nightmare]. Nowhere has better powder than Alta. Too bad it’s in Utah,” said Nichols in a phone interview on Tuesday. “I’m not going to give them an opportunity to kill me.”ichols, 74, has a pulmonary condition that puts her at elevated risk for a lethal outcome should she contract the coronavirus, so she takes extra precautions and is not shy about asking those around her to mask up.

Alta Mayor Harris Sondak confirmed several lodges and Alta Ski Area experienced COVID-19 outbreaks last week among employees, disrupting operations and skier services. Alta is not likely alone in feeling the effects of the resurgent coronavirus epidemic, driven by the new omicron variant.

In Park City, Utah’s other premier ski destination, the COVID-19 infection rates have spiked through the roof since the start of ski season, according to new data released by the state Department of Health.

Although it has Utah’s highest vaccine rate at 82.6%, Park City saw 558 new cases over the past two weeks, for an overall infection rate of nearly 2% of the population for that period, or more than double Salt Lake City with the state’s second-highest rate.

Nichols’s experience illustrates the risks Utah’s ski industry faces as it resumes operations this winter while relaxing the health protocols that got it through last year. Utah’s ski industry not only survived, it thrived, seeing a record 5.3 million visits, according to Ski Utah. Utah resorts experienced no serious disruptions associated with COVID-19, even though vaccines were not widely available until the end of the season.

That’s a credit to Utah resorts, according to Alison Palmintere, Ski Utah’s director of communications.

“Resorts have proved they can be agile in implementing policies in response to case counts. Resorts are in contact with each other talking about what’s working and what isn’t,” said Palmintere, who was not aware of last week’s Alta outbreaks. “They were very prepared, and everyone is monitoring the situation. They will continue to follow what the CDC and the Health Department deem appropriate.”

Alta General Manager Mike Maughan acknowledged several employees tested positive last week, and said they were all vaccinated.

“Once we had anyone test positive, we isolated them outside the canyon so that we could minimize that spread among our employees and particularly the employees that lived in company housing,” Maughan said. “We had to do more stringent things with masks, took all the communal meals and that kind of stuff away until we get through it. We’ve weathered the worst of our part. We now have these employees coming back.”

He said it was only a tiny percentage of Alta’s 540 employees that were infected, but it was still enough to impact operations. Staffing shortfalls forced Alta to idle the Wildcat lift for a day and close a restaurant for a few more. It has also canceled the New Year’s Eve torchlight parade, an annual tradition stretching back decades.

But the real pinch point appears not to be on the mountain but in Alta’s lodges, which are operated independently of the ski area.

Sara Nichols was staying at the Alta Lodge when she received a text on Dec. 21 informing her that five staff members tested positive that day, spurring her to pack her bags and book a flight home.

Others experiencing outbreaks were the Alta Peruvian Lodge and Goldminer’s Daughter, according to guests.

Cliff Curry, a town council member who is president of Alta Lodge, said his 57-room hotel indeed saw many positive test results among employees last week, but he declined to confirm the exact number. In an interview Tuesday, he did say it had been three days since the last positive test.

The lodge responded to the outbreak by sending infected staff off the mountain and limiting public services.

“We closed our bar, we closed outside dining, kids club, yoga, we limited lunch service,” Curry said. “Every measure we took was to protect guests, employees and public health, so the bar was the first to go.”

Alta Lodge requires everyone to be masked in indoor public spaces and requires all employees to provide proof of vaccination. Guests must be vaccinated or have a negative test within 72 hours of arrival, but the lodge does not require documentation.

“Under our values as a company, we have to follow the facts and the science. We have to keep people safe. That’s No. 1,” Curry said. “We had to reach out to our guests and communicate with them very candidly and clearly because that’s the only way forward. We are based on relationships.”

The lodges rimming Alta’s base area all have protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but the rules vary widely. Before the ski season opened, Mayor Sondak wrote a letter to all the lodges asking that they require both guests and staff be vaccinated before entering. Some complied; others didn’t.

At one end of the spectrum is Alta Rustler Lodge, which requires proof of vaccination for everyone and applies strict masking rules for public places, and at the other is the Snowpine Lodge, which requires neither vaccination nor masks. Its webpage devoted to health and safety does not even mention the pandemic, COVID-19, masks or vaccines. The lack of consistent rules frustrated Sondak, who steps down as mayor this week after declining to run for a second term.

“We live in Utah,” Sondak said, “so of course it’s all over the map because it’s left up to individual companies to decide what to do.”

And then it’s up to individual guests to decide whether to respect the rules.

When she checked out early from Alta Lodge last week, Nichols watched as a staffer tried to get an unmasked guest to cover his face as he was checking in. The encounter summed up much of what went wrong on Nichols’s long-awaited ski trip.

“He says, ‘Am I supposed to be afraid of you or are you supposed to be afraid of me?’” Nichols said. “The employee said, ‘Well, we have a mask mandate. I need you to put a mask on.’ He wouldn’t. And he walks away.”

That day several more lodge employees tested positive.

I like how that 74 y/o lady with a pulmonary condition thinks Utah resort staff are irresponsible when she's traveling mid-pandemic to fucking go skiing and the poor employees were vaccinated and begging *her fellow travelers* to wear their masks at the ski resort. lol Karening at level 23

Well, the family I know were in Utah. Both were vaccinated but not boosted with 3rd. Odd since she's practicing physician 

and yeah, sucks to be a housekeeper in any situation  - my understanding  is that Covid is spread via face to face contact and not from contact with surfaces so they wouldn't be at any higher risk than anyone else working in the resort, probably less if they avoid contact with guests. 

the resorts are stuck between a rock and a hard place, they want tourists, even during a pandemic. 


I bet they're at higher risk than guests at the resort are. I wouldn't want to be dealing with covid+ guest's dirty linens mid-pandemic, that's for fucking sure, face to face or not. But yeah cleaning up after other people for minimum wage probably sucks even when your life isn't in danger.

>SEATTLE (AP) — The omicron-fueled surge that is sending COVID-19 cases rocketing in the U.S. is putting children in the hospital in record numbers, and experts lament that most of the youngsters are not vaccinated.

“It’s just so heartbreaking,” said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious-disease expert at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “It was hard enough last year, but now you know that you have a way to prevent all this.”

During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66% increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday.

The previous high over the course of the pandemic was in early September, when child hospitalizations averaged 342 per day, the CDC said.

On a more hopeful note, children continue to represent a small percentage of those being hospitalized with COVID-19: An average of nearly 10,200 people of all ages were admitted per day during the same week in December. And many doctors say the youngsters seem less sick than those who came in during the delta surge over the summer...

Here's one person's take. Jim Wright. He's pretty frustrated, like a lot of people. Warning - strong language. 


Well, well. Look at that. 

Another politician died from COVID.

A tragedy, said the news. A terrible tragedy.  

Yes, a tragedy. He leaves behind a family. Friends. A job undone. He was so young. He was in the prime of life. And now, he's dead. It's so sad. Yes, yes. So very sad. 

He was a politician, you see. 

He was an elected "leader." 

He was that species of conservative we've grown all too familiar with of late: A vocal antivaxxer, a conspiracy theorist, loudly dismissive of the severity of the disease, profit over people, and who actively campaigned against any measure to contain the pandemic.

Who am I talking about? 

What was his name? 

Is it that guy yesterday from Washington state? 

Or the one last week from Florida? 

Maybe those (several) politicians from Texas or that one antivaxxer who was elected in Louisiana but died from COVID before he could take office?

While we're at it, what about that semi-famous YouTuber, or that media personality, or those various prominent preachers?

I mean, that's the thing, isn't it? 

That, right there. 

It could be any of them. 

Every day, there's another one. Another dead idiot. Another jackass politician, another fanatical preacher, another red-faced talk show host, dead from a preventable disease after a month of sucking oxygen through a tube. 

Do the names even matter at this point? 

It's just another unvaccinated moron, drowned in his own snot. 

Another suicide by petulance. 

Do the names even matter? 


What's that? 


Oh. I see. 

I should be a better person. 

Take the high road, right? Like that. 

Have some sympathy. Think of the families. Think of how these poor deluded fools were taken in by conspiracy and delusion. Have some empathy, man. Be the better person. 

That's what you're saying. Be the better person. Don't cheer these deaths. Don't celebrate these fools killing themselves off. Don't raise up a huzzah to Darwin.

It's not their fault, right? They were led astray. 

That's what Twitter told me, when I mentioned the latest death from stupidity. 

Be the better person. 


Well, Folks, you can just stop with "be a better person" bit.

Because that just ain't going to happen. That ship not only sailed, it hit a rock outside the harbor and went down with all hands. 

I am all out of fucks to give. 

I'm not going to feel bad for some obnoxious idiot politician, some loud mouthed media personality, some fanatical religious nut, who not only refused to get vaxxed, but actively tried to keep the public from the vaccine. These assholes are killing people. It's bad enough they killed themselves, but they are enthusiastically trying to take the rest of us with them. 

Deliberately causing your own death from a preventable disease isn't a tragedy.


It's evolution. 


And you can likewise stop with the "You should feel bad for his family" routine too. 

His family?

His family, forsooth. 


These people, they don't give a shit about their families. Or you. Or anybody else. The only thing they care about is their fanatical ideology. They're willing to kill themselves for it, and they'll take you with them just to own some libs. Let's go, Brandon! Yeah! 

We're years into this now. 

And at this point if you believe Alex Jones and Sean Hannity over actual doctors, then you are a fucking moron. 

You. Are. A. Moron. 

Hell, even Donald goddamn Trump thinks you should get vaccinated. 

At this point in human history, if you're an antivaxxer, you deserve every bit of scorn, mockery, and contempt we can heap upon you. You're a plague rat. You're Typhoid Mary and you should be exiled to a remote island somewhere beyond the edge of the map and left to rot. 

You want me to care about your family when you don't? Fine. Maybe now that another idiot politician is dead from stupidity, his kids will have at least chance for a better life. I mean, hell, if he couldn't be the kind of parent who was willing to put his ideology aside for his own children, then at least maybe his selfish miserable death will serve as a lesson to his children to be better people than their asshole of an old man. 

I dunno. 

Maybe I am a callous son of a bitch, as Twitter accused me of being yesterday.

Maybe I am. 

Twenty years in the military, a couple of wars, there's been a lot of dead bodies along the way, so, yeah, maybe I am a callous son of a bitch. 


So what? 

I just can't see the death of another antivaxxer as a tragedy. Not to me. Not to you. Not even to his family. 

The world is better off without these assholes. 

Folks, the world is full of tragedy. Real tragedy.

Kids going hungry in a nation where we throw food away? Yeah, that's a tragedy. 

People sleeping in boxes under a viaduct while the rich fly into space as a goof? That's a tragedy.

I live in a state that this morning is surging in COVID cases, where deaths from the pandemic are at all time high, where the hospitals are overflowing -- and thus the profits are likewise at all time high. Healthcare for profit, now, that is a tragedy. Down here in The South, every day I see kids with their teeth rotted out of their heads, because their idiot, ignorant, asshole parents bought AR-15s and $400 worth of cigarettes this month instead of dental care. That's a goddamn tragedy. 

In my lifetime, we've spent untold trillions on decades of one futile miserable war after another, wars that left millions dead, millions more maimed, and the world measurably worse off than when it started. And no one was ever held to account. All those lives, all those people, all those families, bombed, burned, maimed, forgotten, and no one politician responsible was ever, not once, held to account. That's a not just a tragedy, that's a goddamn crime. 

There are a million tragedies large and small every day in this world and you want me to feel bad because some asshole politician, a grown goddamn man, who should have known better -- AND WHO NO DOUBT DID KNOW BETTER -- but who was determined to endanger himself as a political stunt, died? 

Died from his own determined and deliberate stupidity?

These deaths aren't an accident, they are on purpose.

Why shouldn't I celebrate that death? Why not? I mean, he got what he wanted. He made his point. Right? 

Callous. You damn right, I'm callous. 

And why shouldn't I be? These selfish miserable bastards, we've tried everything. 

We've tried reason. 

We've tried science.

We've tried appealing to their better nature, their sense of community and duty to their fellows.

They've been babied, cajoled, begged, shamed, and finally mandated. 

But still, they are determined to die and take us with them. 

And so they do.

They die. 

Alone. Scared. Drowning in their snot. 

That's not a tragedy. 


That's natural selection. 


These people, these antivaxers, they're not heroes. 

They're not standing on principle. 

It's not about freedom. 

It's not a tragedy. 

You can't appeal to their better nature, because they don't have any. 

They're just ASSHOLES.

And the world is better off without them. 

Viruses don't give a shit about your politics or your freedom or your idiotic political beliefs.

OR my callous disregard.

Look here: either you're part of civilization and you're willing to do whatever it takes to hold it together or you're not. If you're not willing to put aside your political ideology to protect your own families, and the rest of us, from a preventable disease, if you don't care that much, then I've got no fucks to give for you. 

I have plenty of sympathy. 

I have plenty of empathy.

I bleed for every real tragedy or I wouldn't have spent most of my adult life sworn to the defense of this nation and its people. 

But not for you. 

I have no fucks to give for you. 

If you're trying to burn down civilization, if you'd rather kill yourself and everyone around you, for a political stunt, then I've got nothing but contempt for you and yours. 

You're an asshole and you deserve what you get. 

You don't like that? 

It makes you mad? 

You want empathy and respect and concern for your wellbeing? That's a two-way street. 

You first. Step up. 

Stop being an asshole. 

Posted by Jim Wright 

And this just popped up on the local news outlet. Another aspect of the problems. Monetary cost personally. What I've been sayin' is our insurance rates will be going through the roof. Somebody's gotta pay for this. Just like our homeowners with all the storms, tornados, floods, fires and crap nationwide due to climate change.   

Study: Complex COVID Utah hospital stay averages $92K with insurance; $262K out-of-network         (Hope they take you to the right hospital!)

DRAPER – The final bill for a COVID-19 hospitalization can vary, depending on insurance, the severity of the case, and even what part of the country you live in, according to a recent study.

The analysis by FAIR Health looked at billions of private health care claims from the organization's COVID-19 Cost Tracker online tool.

"For complex and noncomplex hospitalizations for COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, the West had the highest average allowed amounts and the South the lowest," the study found.

Utah families who have experienced COVID-19 hospitalizations said the final bills can come with sticker shock.

"It's a ton of work," said Mindy Greene about managing the medical bills following her husband's 94-day stay in the hospital battling COVID-19.

Greene said it took her four hours just to open and organize all the bills and that it was overwhelming when they first arrived.

"They were billing me like $400,000 and I was like, 'Oh, my gosh. I don't even know where to start with this,'" she said, adding that she took the advice to wait and deal with the bills once her husband arrived home.

Her husband, Russell, returned home in September. Even months later, the family is still adding up the final cost.

"If I were to sit down with a calculator right now, I'm easily over a million at this point," she said.

We're living in a society!

~Costanza, G.~

Jim Wright for the winning shot .....

Since the flight was full, there was only one way for Fotieo to socially distance herself from other passengers.


“There were like 150 people on board so I said I would just stay in the bathroom for the rest of the flight,”

Just had a chat with a woman who lives 2 doors down. Her whole family tested positive. She started going on about how having a positive attitude kept them from feeling very sick. They're Tony Robbins cultists and are in the minority among the cult  who are vaccinated. Yeah, Tony Robbins dogma protected her.  Couldn't bring herself to  credit  the vaccine. Apparently the cult leader is preaching that fear causes illness. Jeez. 

Text chat?

Slick, is that Jim Wright on Twitter? 
Can I get a link to what you posted?

Good stuff as always, man.



I think this is the guy.

Can't find his essay. I think it was a retweet but I just looked and couldn't find it. 

My nephew from Denver who spent 3 nights in NYC before coming here for Christmas just tested positive. Spent 3 days with my family in NJ. He has mild symptoms. Since I had the jabs, hoping for no serious reactions. With luck will feel nothing.

When are we all going to learn. You can't fix stupid. 

Fix Stupid.png


Just last month GOP activist and Orange County Deputy DA Kelly Ernby was speaking at an anti-vaccine rally put on by local Turning Point USA chapters in Irvine. “There’s nothing that matters more than our freedoms right now,” she told the small but enthusiastic crowd. “Our government for the people and by the people is not going to exist without action of the people.” In 2020 Ernby had run unsuccessfully for a state Assembly seat as a Republican.

This week Ernby died of COVID-19 at age 46.

Unlike many COVID-era Republican activists, Ernby’s anti-vaccine and “medical freedom” activism predated COVID. Back in 2019 she opposed a new California law tightening school vaccine requirements: “If the government is going to mandate vaccines, what else are they going to mandate?”

At an August rally in support of the campaign to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Ernby denounced the governor as a dictator. “I’m sick of watching Gavin Newsom, our dictator, shut down our schools, shut down our businesses, shut down our churches, and I’m really sick of the fact that criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens,” Ernby told a cheering crowd.

I saw this thread during our recent 10 day vacation to Hawaii (Big Island) and figured there was a good chance we were being lumped in with these rich, entitled types by our fellow zoners who lurk and/or interact with my wife on facebook.  And maybe rightfully so, but I'll let y'all be the judge.

Since people are throwing around stuff like 'eat the rich' and 'entitled', I will add some back story so there's a fuller picture.

I did graduate from HS, but never went to college.  I had aspirations of being a pro cyclist, so I raced and worked at a bike shop for a few years, but when that didn't pan out I joined the family tech business my folks started in their house. I have worked at the company now for the past 36 years (full time/40 hour weeks until Covid, now it's more like 20 hours per week) and I make pretty good money (and got lucky buying a house before shit got out of hand) yet I could still qualify for low income housing in at least one Bay Area town lol.

And though I definitely took advantage of my last name in the past at times (coming in hungover, leaving early, not working too hard, sassing the boss, etc) that has not been the case for many many years.  Thanks in part to China becoming the world's manufacturer of all things cheap, our once 30 plus employee company had dwindled to just 8 by 2019,  When Covid hit, we had to downsize more, furloughing 3 employees, leaving my brother, two hardware engineers, a tech, and a part time bookkeeper.

During the first 33 years, the longest vacation I ever got was ONE 3 week vacation to Europe back in the 90's (so while some of y'all were on dead tour, I was putting in 40 hour weeks and paying a mortgage).  Every other vacation has been 2 weeks or less, with the majority being one week.  Now, I'm the only one who can do the job of shipping (my brother is disabled and the engineers, who make more than I do, just don't ship). And since we are mail order and pretty much ship everything the same day it's ordered, I have to be here pretty much every day and have not had a proper vacation in 2 years when the shit starting hitting the fan.

But once we got vaccinated in April of 2021, we thought the end of our Covid worries were hopefully in sight, so we booked a vacation for the only time I could actually get away for more days, which was Christmas (we shut down for the week between Christmas and New Years).  I/we REALLY wanted this, so maybe I was a bit blinded, but entitled? I dunno.

Anyway, when we heard the vaccines were wearing off at 6 months, we got boosted (in November) and basically isolated or wore KN95 level masks if we had to go to the store from then on.  Two weeks before the trip, we ramped up our isolation with me only going to work (where we all wear masks), and my wife getting groceries and cooking.  No concerts and no contact was made with friends or family.

I also kept a close eye on Covid cases on the Big Island, which remained very low.  To even fly to the Islands we had to go through the State of Hawaii's Safe Hawaii program to show proof of vaccination, then get screened at the San Jose Airport where they completed the Hawaii Safe Travels status and gave us wristbands (which were required to get on the Southwest flight).  Of course we were fully masked (again KN95 level) in the airport and on the flight, as well as the first half hour in the hotel room while we opened the balcony and front doors to air the room out (we also used disinfectant wipes on the airplane surface near us as well as the touchable areas in the hotel room).

After that, we wore masks indoors and ate meals outside (easy to do there!).  We kept the do not disturb placard on the door the whole time so they never even had to come into the room, and I removed all trash from the room and wiped it down before we left, so the only thing of ours the cleaning person had to deal with were the linens.

We are now home and with Omicron still rampaging we are back to isolating/masking in stores.  I just obtained a couple of quick tests which we'll be taking tonight just to be safe (though we have no symptoms and to our knowledge haven't caught it yet) and we are not planning on any further travel until maybe next year IF things settle down.

So, my internet judges, what say you? 

While we are certainly guilty of posting waaaay too many [hot] selfies, which I have not doubt is construed by some as 'flaunting our privilege', are we also guilty of Covid Irresponsibility?

you did fine. you can't stay inside forever.


So you took advantage of your last name Moogly ? How dare you?! Glad you had a great time. Where's these "hot" selfies? Things might be better if every traveler was as cautious and responsible as you.  

Hope you and the wife enjoyed the trip, Hall

Employees not telling me wives and kids are hot with it so he can "work"

Maybe just maybe if work was so important to you that you should not have thrown a block BBQ for new years eve.

Sounds like you feel some guilt for taking that trip. Not necessary, sounds like you folowed covid protocols, and you deserved a nice vaca for not letting the business fail in these uncertain times.

Now - Eat The Moogly's !@

Employees not telling me wives and kids are hot with it so he can "work"

would you have given him paid leave to quarantine if he had?

Dear Hall, reading and seeing pics of your trip made me very happy because you and the lovely A look so happy. You were careful, it was joyful, you lived it and made memories.

There's always someone who has something judgemental to say, fuck 'em. There's so much bitterness here on Viva, something I don't understand. Maybe it's pain, envy, wishes life were better... regardless, you're living your good life and it's right.

Love to you both.

>>>you did fine. you can't stay inside forever.

Thanks, T.  Being outside riding for the past 2 years has kept me sane (got in about 20,000 miles), but I'm always craving ocean time in warm water.


>>>So you took advantage of your last name Moogly ?

Mr Moogly Sr didn't let us get away with much, but I definitely pushed the envelope to the max. 


>>>Hope you and the wife enjoyed the trip, Hall

Thanks, it was just what the doctor ordered, but after all the pre-trip stressing I did, it took me like 4 days to really unwind.


>>>Eat The Moogly's

sorry man, but there's just not much meat on these old bones.


>>>you're living your good life and it's right.

Tryin' anyway.  Love you too and hope to see you one of these days!




would you have given him paid leave to quarantine if he had? >>>>>>>>>>



He has 2 weeks vacation and 5 sick days accumulated for this year, and yes on top of that Ive been paying them 50% of pay when staying low,

Tim, you always seem to be an ethical employer. As it should be.

And also, a generous person outside of work. Love and thanks.

Sundance Film Festival just canceled the in-person Park City and Salt Lake City events. Virtual now. 

And the Park City Mountain resort employees may go on strike shutting down the resort. Not happy serving tourists in a pandemic for $13.25 an hour  

Utah just set records two consecutive days, and Park City is running about 20% positive.

14,754 new COVID-19 cases reported (on Monday) over Utah holiday weekend

4,661 new COVID-19 cases Tuesday

7,247 cases Wednesday. The number of cases is more than the total number of cases reported in the state over the first 68 days of the pandemic.

8,913 new cases, a new record Thursday.