David Crosby Tarrytown Music Hall 12/13


image_38.jpegGood show

image_39.jpegSecond photo

Nice photos, it looks like you were right up close and personal. 

Did he sneeze right after that first photo?

he sneeze right after that first photo?>>



Did he do more playing or talking?   I love the guy's music and he can be one funny SOB, but man does he like to talk on and on.

His voice is in remarkable shape at 75.

he sneeze right after that first photo?>>



Snapped just prior to his remembering the word dagnabbit!

Have a client and dear friend, Lorraine Leckie http://www.lorraineleckie.com who posted a shot of the Croz from almost the same spot, which would've meant that you were sitting almost next to each other. Alas, hers was from Town hall. blush



Nice pictures, Crosby rules!