Deep State Bootlickers



     Namaste, love to all no exceptions...having said that, I have thought long & hard about how to say this, I'm somewhat disappointed in this particular microcosm of the revolution of psychedelic consciousness in this regard:  I don't feel like this message board is an accurate representation of the people who pioneered this movement.  It's an eclectic group and I have unconditional love in my heart for each and every one of you, for what that may be worth, but I am discouraged at the lack of understanding that some of you have exhibited in regards to tyranny and treason.

     I would like to speak for a moment to those looking at these words hundreds of years from now...there were those of us that understood the naked tyranny of the coup attempt.

     I knew a lot of guys that fought in the trenches for this movement, they would never have been a part of a tyrannical overthrow of a duly elected president under the guise of "protecting democracy".  If it were up to the pink hat brigade we would never have left England.

>>>>If it were up to the pink hat brigade we would never have left England.

Didn't that involve a treasonous overthrow of a sovereign monarch and his duly elected parliament?

I was hoping for a picture thread




     Ken...of the people on this message board that have the cerebral aptitude to understand this is a scam you're near the top of that list.  

     There are two groups, those that literally cannot decipher what is happening because they are spoon fed an orchestrated illusion, and those that know full well and tacitly approve...I feel sorry for the former and am discouraged by the latter.

I'm in for the chips and salsa.

people that have purportedly had their consciousness level raised from heavy psychedelic experiences and the world of jerry garcia, cannot by definition, be a "conservative".


Lol if you are a proponent/advocate of either of the 2 primary sides in this saga, then you are as equally deluded as the other 

mobsters gonna mob.

^^^^ good point, Turtle.

Michael Cohen's wife is Ukrainian, by the way.  Probably just a coincidence.



All of which made it easier for the Russian Mafia to expand throughout the United States. As it did so, it grew closer to Trump. Even though Mogilevich had no known direct contacts with Trump, several of his associates did. Among them was Bogatin, who took part in a massive gasoline tax scam, and whose brother, Jacob (Yacov) Bogatin, was indicted with Mogilevich in 2003 on 45 felony counts of stock fraud. (Because there is no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia, they were never brought to trial in the United States.)

Another Mogilevich associate in Trump’s orbit was the late Vyacheslav Ivankov, a ruthless extortionist who became renowned as one of the most brutal killers in the annals of Russian crime. Mogilevich had sent him to New York in 1992 with a mandate to consolidate the Russian Mafia in the United States and to form alliances with the Cosa Nostra and other Mafias. Once he arrived, Ivankov became a regular at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, and was widely thought to be based in the Brighton Beach area of Brooklyn, where many Russian mobsters lived. But when the FBI came looking for him, it discovered that the head of the Russian Mafia in New York owned a luxury condo in the glitziest part of Manhattan — at 721 Fifth Avenue, in fact — Trump Tower. There is no evidence of personal interaction between Trump and Ivankov.



These were just some of the Russian mobsters who gravitated toward Trump as they laundered money and cultivated politicians. Over time, they learned how to work the system. They paid large sums for the most powerful legal talent in the land — enough, at times, to woo the very men who had once been charged with pursuing them. In 1997, former FBI director William Sessions traveled to Moscow and alerted the world to the horrifying dangers of the brutal Russian Mafia. But 10 years later, he took on as a client the Ukrainian-born Mogilevich. At the time, the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating racketeering charges against Mogilevich over questionable energy deals between Russia and Ukraine. Sessions’s successor as FBI director, Louis Freeh, also later represented Russian clients. All perfectly legal. In Freeh’s case, the client was Denis Katsyv’s Cyprus-based Prevezon Holdings. Freeh helped Prevezon settle a money laundering probe by the U.S. government after the company was accused of laundering more than $200 million in a Russian tax fraud scheme in which an American hedge fund manager and his firm, Hermitage Capital, were said to have been framed by the Russians. The ensuing scandal culminated in the death of Sergei Magnitsky, Hermitage’s accountant, and led to the passage of the Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned high-level Russian officials. Natalia Veselnitskaya, Prevezon’s defense lawyer, attended the much-discussed June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.; Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.


Session's son is Congressman-1.


The two suspects donated to “Congressman 1,” who then pushed for ouster of the U.S. ambassador in Kyiv


the scandal is thats legal

Well, no, you can't put money from Russians into US campaigns,

unless the Russians becoame US citizens first.

e.g.,  "Blavatnik, Len".

I'll get back to Blavatnik, but first, Sessions:




Hey bry, your other half thommy has a sweet deal on a good show, you 2 Have to hook up

Lawyers are good at stalling. 


These guys should totally have trouble paying bail.

So my son was hanging out with Parnas' son last night.  Small world.

*Code Red*

This thread will self destruct in 5,4,3...





>>>  those looking at these words hundreds of years from now...

Fishcane for president.

I knew Ass-Glitter Troll wouldn't be able to help himself.


Here ya go Bluestnote.



Turtle, I need to introduce you to thom.  shoots your theory down in smoke. But I agree it seems to be true in the vast majority of cases.


Here Are the Republicans — So Far — Connected to Rudy Giuliani’s Arrested Ukrainian Clients


Starting in late 2016, Parnas began spreading his financial largesse across the country by way of various state Republican Party groups.

A search of FEC records shows that during the last week of October 2016, Parnas made 20 identical contributions of $661.90 to the North Carolina Republican Party, the Republican Party of Minnesota, the New Jersey Republican State Committee, the South Carolina Republican Party, the Tennessee Republican Party, the Connecticut Republican Party, the Wyoming Republican Party, the Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, the California Republican Party, the Republican Party of Wisconsin, the New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, the Republican Party of Virginia, the North Dakota Republican Party, the Mississippi Republican Party, the West Virginia Republican Party, the Alabama Republican Party, the Republican Party of Louisiana, the Illinois Republican Party and the Kansas Republican Party.

And, just before the 2016 presidential election, Parnas made a statutory maximum donation of $2,700 to then-candidate Trump


 June 2018, Parnas gifted the same statutory maximum contribution to House GOP Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). Law&Crime initially spoke with Rep. McCarthy’s office. They confirmed they were aware of the issue, but a follow-up email went unanswered.

The Ukrainian-born businessman also maxed-out to former representative Pete Sessions (R-Texas) just days before the McCarthy contribution, according to publicly available FEC records.

Parnas also showered cash on various electoral organizations.

Vice President Mike Pence‘s Great America Committee received $5,000 dollars. The GOP’s “Protect the House” joint fundraising committee received $11,000. The National Republican Congressional Committee received $3,800 spread across two separate donations from Parnas. The Republican National Committee received $33,400. And the Trump Victory PAC received $50,000 in Parnas’s name.

Fruman has been considerably more active in his exploits as a donor for the GOP. He doubly maxed-out to then-governor and eventual Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) in May 2018. On the same day, Fruman donated $15,000 to the Rick Scott Victory Fund PAC. He later made two separate $2,700 contributions to Rep. Joseph Wilson (R-S.C.) in June 2018–one for the primary election; one for the general election.


Fruman also made a maximum $2,700 donation to Sessions–on the exact same day that Parnas maxed-out to the former GOP congressman. Fruman himself later maxed-out to President Trump’s re-election campaign in February 2018.

And, aside from several small donations to various Trump- and GOP-affiliated campaigns and committees, Fruman gifted the National Republican Senate Committee with $9,600 in May 2018.

Then there’s “Igor Furman,” the slight misspelling of Fruman’s name that federal authorities allege Fruman used to mask upwards of $400,000 in campaign contributions to various GOP politicians and committees throughout the spring of 2018.

The duo met with President Trump himself, Donald Trump Jr. and various congressional Republicans. They somehow became something not entirely unlike surgically-grafted to Giuliani and successfully lobbied for the removal of former U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch—who opposed their business schemes.

And they even caught the ear of Texas’s former–and longest-serving–governor and current Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

New York Magazine notes:

Their efforts to intertwine their business agenda with the Trump political agenda were so successful that Energy Secretary Rick Perry brought up their interests in his negotiations with Ukraine. … Perry met with Parnas and Fruman and reportedly asked Ukrainians to place a couple of Americans on the board of the state gas company.

But it doesn’t even come close to stopping there.

Global Energy Producers LLC, the company used by Parnas and Fruman to allegedly mask their foreign-sourced and excessive campaign contributions, donated $50,000 to then-representative and the Sunshine State’s eventual Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.).

On July 18, Parnas was the co-host of a fundraiser for DeSantis that featured Trump, Jr. and Fox News personality Jeanine Pirro.

Uh-Oh, y'all, Bryen is disappointed in us.


"Lol if you are a proponent/advocate of either of the 2 primary sides in this saga, then you are as equally deluded as the other"

Echoing my thoughts, right there. I always thought that if you took enough psychedelics it would become obvious that government is a sham invented by powerful groups to retain their power and exert it over the masses and that the whole thing is a rigged ass system as long as corporate money is involved.


Good to see that B-ry is still prattling on about a coup and the pages of history.

Russia didn't turn out to be a coup. Maybe this time?

"I would like to speak for a moment to those looking at these words hundreds of years from now."

That won't be happening, so you can get down off of your high horse now.

"the revolution of psychedelic consciousness"

In the end, "psychedelic consciousness" turned out to be less than advertised if taken as a world-wide, history altering phenomenon.  I take a back seat to no one in my love and appreciation of psychedelics and what they can do for an individuals' spiritual growth.  But the idea that the introduction of psychedelics is going to radically alter how humans as a whole see life has pretty much been completely debunked.  Just take a look around.  As the old Seinfeld joke goes, "Have you been down to motor vehicle lately?"  Just substitute "enlightened" for "attractive".

 a tyrannical overthrow of a duly elected president under the guise of "protecting democracy"<<<

Specifically, how has the House of Representatives deviated from the Constitution framework - let alone in a "tyrannical manner" - pertaining to the removal of a President?

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.



Thom, I think we're all pretty clear that for you psychedelics only served to fortify your egoic defenses, don't worry.

I'm pretty dammmm proud of this list. Not sure how many total members there are, but to only have a handful of saps still in dumps corner is pretty impressive. And these said saps are so obviously getting all their news from right wing media outlets, which as we all know are designed to scramble your grey matter into a fine lather. Leaving you in a state of mass confusion ----

' If you're not confused, you clearly don't know what's going on '

Great job majority, keep up the good fight.

Any day now.....Giuliani will be indicted.

Imagine the conversations at the DOJ.

((( America's Mayor )))

You’re doing a heck of a job Rudy 

^^ Tootie Fruity Rudy got hired for chump's damage control. Who's gonna do his ?



Rudy Wants To Buy Yez A Drink

I just took a look over at the Fox News website and they have buried the Giuliani associates arrest story....can't find any mention of it.

Here's your top 3 deep state sewer rats >

Do No Evil

See No Evil

Speak No Evil


Has there ever been a president with as flamboyant hair as Trump?  Maybe one of the founding fathers with their powdered wigs?

And that’s just his eyebrows 

Namaste, love to all no exceptions...<<<

I'm sure the Kurds appreciate your sentiments!



  “Derp State Ball Lickers”

Your words and support have enabled this to happen.


>>>> I knew a lot of guys that fought in the trenches for this movement, they would never have been a part of a tyrannical overthrow of a duly elected president under the guise of "protecting democracy".


So, these guys threw themselves into doing everything they could to preserve Nixon's presidency?


Honest question, as I was too young at the time to understand what was going on...

>>>mobsters gonna mob.

Why did he (Giuliani) get involved with Parnas and Fruman, and what did they have to offer? Parnas owns a club called Mafia Rave. He is, amazingly, the less shady of the two. Fruman has ties to Russia mafia figures and runs a company called Fraud Guarantee. If you were looking to undertake an aboveboard investigation into political corruption, those are not the two people you would pick to run it.

The emperors new clothes

The tumbling of the house of cards comes nearer each day 

I think 100 years from now this will be a fascinating review ,  even though I don't necessarily love disagreeing with Thom

Thom, I knew that you couldn't resist being baited by the spiritual growth of psychedelics reference and remaining a clueless fool 

Hahahaha....Trump only exposed you and your fellow Republicans for the racist frauds you've always been. Grifting parasites leeching off normal hard working Americans under the guise of religious freedom and family values. It started with Ronald Reagan, and hopefully will end after Trump burns the entire GOP to the ground.

With our crumbling educational system and tribalism at an all time high; it's easier then ever to:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on, and he'll empty his pocket book for you."



So true





pick pockets

Scandalous scoundrels

Hypocrites liars and thieves

$$$$ Uber alles 

Maybe Trump will build some gas chambers for the immigrants from Mexico

As his last act of desperation before he's locked up in prison or an insane asylum or in his own private Idaho

Dan rather 

The pace of developments, the seriousness of them and their potential consequences, shake the republic to its core. It can feel like Alice in Wonderland meets the Sopranos meets the Marx Brothers, a narrative that is at the same time worrisome and dizzying. “Did you hear?” A friend, family member, or colleague asks. Maybe. It could be something I saw, or will see, or something that will get overshadowed soon by something bigger. In the history books of the future this shameful chapter will be distilled into a narrative that will be more defined by where we end up than the swinging pendulum of a news cycle that vibrates by the nanosecond. And in that reality is a lesson for journalists and political leaders looking to hold an unmoored president accountable. There is a very powerful through line in all of this, a president and an administration that seeks political dominance at all costs, regardless of the needs of the security, safety, or well being of the American people or the larger 

Hunter Biden was referred to as a loser by Eric Trump's dad.

Too funny.

people that have purportedly had their consciousness level raised from heavy psychedelic experiences and the world of jerry garcia, cannot by definition, be a "conservative".

IMO much of the values and ethos of the GD and the surrounding scene are very conservative. not neocon fundamentalist conservative, but classic constitutional, libertarian leaning conservative.

-personal freedom

-personal responsibility



-a penchant for unregulated marketplaces

-second amendment



 ^^^^^^ very nice

What just happened: The White House declared war on the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday in an eight-page letter to Democratic leaders that condemned the investigation as “illegitimate” and “a naked political strategy” to undo the 2016 election, portending a legal standoff with Congress that could result in a constitutional crisis.

The letter (which led the prominent libertarian legal scholar Ilya Somin to wonder on Facebook whether “the White House counsel was sick the day they taught law at law school”) came shortly after the administration blocked Gordon D. Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union, from testifying before Congress about President Trump’s efforts to pressure the president of Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden. But as Amy Fiscus, The Times’s national security editor, has noted, “What’s unusual here is that Mr. Trump has declared all-out war on oversight efforts and the impeachment inquiry, not just a refusal to share information about a particular issue.”

Thanks again Comey

>IMO much of the values and ethos of the GD and the surrounding scene are very conservative. not neocon fundamentalist conservative, but classic constitutional, libertarian leaning conservative.<

sure, I'd agree with that.

i'm more talking the kind that is ok with putting kids in cages and shit....

Again, meet thom.


     strange bedfellows indeed...

     You do realize this is a CIA operation correct?  The same CIA [i.e. Military Industrial Complex] that plunged this country into perpetual war for a generation under false pretenses...and yet now they have found an unwitting accomplice in large swaths of the counterculture [formally known as the peace movement] that can't decipher the forest from the trees due to their blinding hatred of Trump?  

     Obviously the neoconservative warmongers entranced in the unelected bureaucracy had a chosen candidate in 2016 that would further their agenda of endless bloodshed, when she was defeated by an electorate that acknowledged her as clearly representing a continuation of death and destruction they immediately set into motion an attempt by any means necessary to unseat a duly elected president that ran on a platform of bringing our troops home and breaking the cycle of war in perpetuity.

     It is both sad and regrettable that a group so blessed by opportunities for spiritual enlightenment and cognitive development can't seem to recognize the events unfolding in real-time for what they are, a naked attempt in broad daylight to remove a president unwilling to advance a neoconservative agenda of endless war.

     Figure it out or fail to do so, it is my sincere hope that I've shed a bit of light on which you may reflect.

he's a fucking crook and a schiester.

he wasn't fit to own a fucking nfl team let alone be the figure head of the so called free world.

he has prostituted himself and our country. wake the fuck up and turn off your radio.


Thank you, Bry, for your heroic efforts in trying to enlighten the masses.

I'm sorry that it's not working out for you. Don't take it too personally.

>>he wasn't fit to own a fucking nfl team

USFL. Wasn't it the Generals?

>>>>>can't seem to recognize the events unfolding in real-time for what they are

I think I have a good idea of what's going on and feel that the President's most recent behavior (which he doesn't deny) has crossed a redline and now support impeachment.  I was skeptical of the whole "Russia thing" and was worried then and now that the Dems might have already shot their wad by crying wolf, but from what I have seen, trading national security interests (military support for Ukraine in exchange for political favors) does rise to the Constitutional standard for impeachment.  The dude is also a total tool and a constant embarrassment for the country, but get as a practical matter that Pence will probably be worse and impeachment will never get past the Senate.  Still, I think we are under an obligation as a moral matter to pursue it. 

As for the "deep state," it does exist and has always existed since the days of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson.  Politics as usual.   My son is in DC and in the thick of it (he was hanging with Parnas' kid the night of the arrests) and after a week at working at the special counsel's office this past summer, he called me up and said "Dad, I am the Deep State."


^He wanted to buy the Bills

>>>>Military Industrial Complex] that plunged this country into perpetual war for a generation under false pretenses.

And one more thing about Trump . . .

Although the guy has proven himself unfit to serve as President, one of the very few things I will give him credit for is not be a warmonger.   That was a total surprise considering all the dire predictions in the wake of the 2016 election results.   Good for him.   He is still a total tool on so many other fronts and deserves to be impeached, but I am not like some folks with TDS who will automatically as a knee jerk reaction be for anything Trump is against and be against anything he his for.

He doesn't have to be a warmonger, he's giving all our enemies what they want...    just ask the Kurds

^^ or the Russians, or the Saudis, or the Chinese

Anybody catch the rise in hate crimes against people of color and the LGBTQ community since 2016 ? And the rise in suicides for those groups also since dump took over ? This bothers me even more than his disgracing us on the international stage.




     edit: entrenched rather than entranced 



     strange bedfellows indeed...

     You do realize this is a CIA operation correct?  The same CIA [i.e. Military Industrial Complex] that plunged this country into perpetual war for a generation under false pretenses...and yet now they have found an unwitting accomplice in large swaths of the counterculture [formally known as the peace movement] that can't decipher the forest from the trees due to their blinding hatred of Trump?  

     Obviously the neoconservative warmongers entrenched in the unelected bureaucracy had a chosen candidate in 2016 that would further their agenda of endless bloodshed, when she was defeated by an electorate that acknowledged her as clearly representing a continuation of death and destruction they immediately set into motion an attempt by any means necessary to unseat a duly elected president that ran on a platform of bringing our troops home and breaking the cycle of war in perpetuity.

     It is both sad and regrettable that a group so blessed by opportunities for spiritual enlightenment and cognitive development can't seem to recognize the events unfolding in real-time for what they are, a naked attempt in broad daylight to remove a president unwilling to advance a neoconservative agenda of endless war.

     Figure it out or fail to do so, it is my sincere hope that I've shed a bit of light on which you may reflect.

Do they still do "shock treatments" as we have the perfect candidate?