dems were the ones that threatened to 'pack the courts'

Forums: the first place. It was meant to threaten/intimidate SCOTUS..into not hearing President Trumps case.


..I also love how changed the meaning of 'court packing' to fit the corrupt democrat portrayal of what it means. 


Got all the talking points down it seems 

too bad the court system is evidence based and doesn't act just because someone doesn't "like" something

Greg has become radicalized. What a mess. Newsmax? Ha ha.

Newsmax is fake news and the enemy of the people. For real.

Newsmax is considered to be far Right propaganda with questionable touch on reality.

I'd call it a loose grip on reality, BK, but okay. They tread the line between the First Amendment and treason.

It's just astounding that so many people can read shit like that and believe it. There's absolutely no critical thinking.

I've watched a few segments of newsmax recently (live broadcasts via YouTube on Roku); simply as a matter of intel recon, and it's pretty off the charts the way they're peddling Sedition; carefully threading the needle as to not overreach, but still remain on the bleeding edge fringe. 

> There's absolutely no critical thinking.

Q is right. Trump is God. End of story.


Greg is an idiot and supports an aspiring authoritarian. 

Plus, the Republicans have already packed the courts. (McConnell's legacy)


And Greg is the guy who asked the Administration to intervene because I made him uncomfortable by asking him to defend his support for Trump and his policies. 






well the 2020 tool award is a slam dunk.

Straight up Ftard.  With a soupcon of Wannabe Troll.


Cool he's got someone to blame though. That's all we do nowadays anyway 

A good old fashioned meth habit will do less damage to your brain than Newsmax. 

Newsmax has launched Sportsmax good news for Jets fans

What happened to the Greg who used to post all the music videos of the old dead shows. Kinda sad that people believe all this crazy bullshit. My favorite brother in law is on the Trump train

^^Newsmax has launched Sportsmax 

where your favorite team will win. Even if they didn't 

g-reg is so good at posting a stupid and/or inflammatory post and then he hides.

He's a coward just like his hero.

Works well with bacon


will try  chicken lemon now