Derek and the Domionos at the Bluelight Late Show



Derek and the Domionos at the Bluelight Late Show ~


Enjoy ~

Hey Blue.... too many minimovie threads are like SPAM. Or is it clickbait, since you (or someone) makes money on it?  (I still don't understand your business model and you don't seem to be able to explain it using coherent sentences.)

Why don't you do the reasonable thing and just have one thread called All BlueLight Movies and just post all your links there? 

Elsewise, you just open yourself up to ridicule... you know... sue-happy homeless guy with too much time on his hands in the library posting silly rock and roll videos like he is MTV incarnate, reliving his youth (when he actually had a cool job in a recording studio) before it all can crashing down.

I mean, one time you had it all -- the Sunshine Daydream 2nd gen, the only remaining copy of the Santa Rosa Jerry interview, magazine covers, the glamour, the drugs, the women...what happened?


Hey Byte Me You Sock ~




Moving forward, if I have this type of engagement with you EVER AGAIN ON LINE- YOU-will then learn how to act to others after my rights are articulated to you by your IP provider's legal dept by your police


CARVE A STONE  & Scroll Away forever !!

Never direct a post to me again.


You are Alatmont Speedway trash..

By a new PC & speakers tool.


Not sure you can get paid with under 1,000 subscribers....   (they changed that recently)

Joe, Joe, Joe... you'll never learn. All I did was make a simple request that you don't spam the Zone, and you get all agro.

I mean really, can't you dial down the anger a bit? You know it gets you in trouble, so let's learn from our mistakes. 

Now, I appreciate your creativity - - it's just not my cup of tea, but I even voted for you for Zoner of the Year!  Talk about lack of appreciation. 

I'm just sick of opening up the Zone and seeing a bazillion mini-movie threads.

I'm not even saying they suck. I just think you can list them all in one thread. It's just a suggestion.

You used to be cool when you traded tapes in the old days, but now, (after your breakdown), you are so sensitive. 

Lighten up... there you go.. I see the beginnings of a smile....there it is... let's see those teeth.... keep it comig....  say "pickles"




"I'm just sick of opening up the Zone and seeing a bazillion mini-movie threads."


<<<<You are Alatmont Speedway trash..

By a new PC & speakers tool.>>>>

an actual photo of "Alatmont Speedway trash" from your personal archive, Mr Getty:


They call it Altamont Speedway, though.

Am I the pile of discarded clothing or the soda can?

and did you mean "by" like "from"?

or "buy" like "purchase"?

Why do I need to purchase a new PC and speakers? Windows 95 runs just fine on this Dell desktop, thanks. 

Seriously, do I need certain equipment to watch your mini-movies? 5 G or something? 

How am I supposed to know that? Where is the instruction manual?



I keep clicking this, but the link doesn't work. I'd like to donate so you can buy some more weed.

Maybe they cut it off after they found out you are working at DEF records. I dunno.


Slacker, you are the true master at stupid picture posting..."Fare-the-Well Rainbow Slacker Dude" is a Zone legend.  I can only hope to emulate your Zoning style. 

I like how you are starting to add captions. (Be forewarned, though. You will need to use the left side of your brain if you start using a lot of words.)

But learn about the Resize button, buddy.  I can't scroll that far on my phone. Save the big pictures for comedic effect.

windows 95 LOL

Alan, can you post some of your humorous stuff in all of the Mott the Hoople and King Crimson threads? 

Right now they are pretty boring. 

<<<windows 95 LOL>>

Larry, you know what's reeeeaally annoying (besides all those mini-movie threads greeting me and my morning coffee like little crap scraps floating around the bowl in the public restroom next to the hotel's  breakfast buffet)?

It's the dial up modem screeching every time I log in to Viva "Squeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (pause) squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeack (pause) squeeeeeeeeeeoooooooorrrreeeeeeoooook. Clunk." That's annoying.

Now, Bluelight tells me I need speakers, too. I didn't even know mini-movies had sound.

Slack...How about a monkey dressed like Lady Gaga? If that doesn't bring a smile to your lips I'm out of here.


> I didn't even know mini-movies had sound.<


Oh, and uh Slack... just one last thing... you'd be a lot funnier if you used this very picture in ALL your posts that contain words.

I just picture you saying ANYthing along with this pic and I just crack up. Try it....


See, it works..... hilarious....go keep it, it's yours.

But don't use too many words -- you will always be the King of Concise in my book. Like the zone Buddah, I say.

But you are right though, I need to change my strain.


Its 2019 for the last 19 years, per the directive of the boards of ed and on behalf of the FCC kids are taught, what music should sound like and how compelling and vibrant HDTV is.

As soon as that age group of 10-61 in my region hits the internet Bluelight Mick Taylor Mini is the first thing they see and then hear, for free. That is in fact across the US 

Yes our Education System is productive.

We produce smarter children because of our teachers are driven with tenacity to embed their knowledge and continue grow and learn with the kids.

(20% of the business models for Long Islanders in the past, was acting as a liaison for the intelligence of the myriad of high tech- industries in California. Since that state had not been able to read or write at a High School level, or make stock exchange paced business decisions, That was in the past)



We have made major progress. Kids are playing twice as much music - stay-off oof facebook -and are talking among themselves, or at YouTube, or get just being quit and absorbing it all in. 

We are so far off it will take 2 decades to produce a bumper crop of Joni Mitchells at best.

Religion is so fucked, we need a miracle to get an Aretha Frankin ever again.

Hey Jude fell off the tongue of Paul Mc Cartney. I assume he did not write the lyrics down. Never again..

We hope for boat loads of Alica Keys with so much talent to over come not having Gospel in their music. Until they need to..

I liked Whtney Houston a real

