Did I Over React ?


On Friday my wife was out of town and my kids were out. I have 3 dogs from 12 pounds to 25 pounds. Little barking fuckers but good protective dogs. We have a dog door leading to a fenced in back yard. When no one is home 2 of the 3 lay on the back of the sofa looking out to the road keeping everyone safe. The bark 1 or 2 times for a car, 3 or 4 times for a walker or bicyclist, bark a bunch for a passing dog and plain ole go ape shit when someone knocks on the door. They will run out the back dog door and make a ruckus at the side wood gates if something funky is going on.


I get home on Friday afternoon a little earlier than normal about 4 and I hear my dogs going ape shit in the house and in the back yard.

My neighbor lady (very un-friendly single older woman in her late 50's) is having a very large non Florida native carrotwood tree removed and there is 4 Latino non English speaking men in my back yard cutting up a shit ton of branches from said tree. The tree branches fell on a wood bench my brother made for us and cracked it (It was old) and they broke a glass table that was in that corner and broke 2 of our 4 plastic chairs around the table. (plastic chairs were old too).

It was a VERY big tree.

I freaked out and told them to get the fuck out of my yard. Over the fence one spoke fair English and he was telling me to calm the fuck down and let them clean up the yard. I was fuckin irate. One of the men had a machete and the other had a chainsaw and they were approaching me and speaking Spanish to the one on the ladder. I told them I was feeling threatened in my own yard I went into my house and got my shotgun.

Shit turned real.

They scattered like cockroaches and I went back into my house. About 10 minuets elapsed and I was expecting the cops to show up but it was boss man Latino/ He spoke good English. He told me he knocked on my door and there was on answer and thought it would be cool to open my gate and just go to work in my yard. I showed him the 3 NO TRESPASSING and the 3 BEWARE OF DOG signs. He said he did not think they applied to him.?????????

He got the neighbor lady on the phone and she said they were supposed to do it next week and apologize over and over asking me to let them clean up what they started. I told them they had 10 minuets and told the neighbor lady about the broken furniture. She will be out of town til Saturday.

I calmed down and let them clean up my yard.

Saturday came and my neighbor lady was outside on her cell and I waited till was about to walk in the house (she saw me and pretended not to see me) and stopped her and she put her phone on her shoulder and nasty like said What. I asked her what we were going to do about the broken furniture. She responded that she did not break it and that I need to prove that her workers broke it and went into the house. I knocked for a couple of minuets and she would not answer her door.

I know the plastic chairs were old and shitty, the table was fine and the wood bench my Brother built was a cool piece of furniture.

Should I burn her out or call the feds??????

Glad things didn't escalate further, and cooler heads prevailed.  That could have gotten way worse.


You didn't over-react.  They caused damage to your property, then trespassed where you had clear signage stating they shouldn't.  I'd accept an apology for the trespassing, but your neighbor or her crew should reimburse you for any damages to your property.  File a police report, and give your neighbor an estimate of the damages, with the understanding that it will only end up costing her more if you have to hire a lawyer.

The contractor shouldn't have come on your property without permission.

The contractor's insurance should cover and damages to your property. If they are uninsured, well, that's a different story.

No, you did not over react...(well, minus the shotgun, maybe, but, thats all personal depending on exactly how threatened you truly felt)


Id itemize up a bill...table made by family is priceless...that just sux...but, come up w a figure you are comfortable with...make  copies, one for you, one for her, and one for cops if they have to get involved...and,  unfortunatly, you may have to involve them...


Just sux to have shitless neighbors


Good luck...

I was wishing this was a Timmy Hoover thread.


No, I also do not think you over-reacted, Tim. Definitely file a police report.

So if they were white and spoke your lingo I guess you would have sorted it out? Gotta grab me a shotgun!?! 

Did you actually come outside with the shotgun? If so, you overreacted.

You could easily found yourself in a situation where you were forced to shoot someone. Then you'd spend 10k+ on a lawyer for a grand jury over some broken plastic furniture when you could have just locked yourself in the house with the shotgun and waited for the cops.

What happened with TP/PT thief guy?

I didn't care what language they spoke he was les than 5 feet from me with a machete and chainsaw dude was less than 10 feet approaching me.

Florida is a stand your ground law. Dogs at my feet barking people coming at me with sharp objects I'm screaming get the fuck out of my yard and a 5th one coming over the fence with a ladder.

Fuck yea I truly felt threatened.

>>>>>>>I didn't care what language they spoke he was les than 5 feet from me with a machete and chainsaw dude was less than 10 feet approaching me.


I can see if there were two random dudes in your backyard with a chainsaw and a machete maybe.  But if they obviously were there with a company chopping down a tree I think the fear is pretty manufactured.  But like you said it's Florida so it really doesn't matter.

>> Fuck yea I truly felt threatened.

So you felt threatened, but went right back outside?

You aren't standing your ground, your leaving the threat behind and then re-engaging it.

Take pictures, call the company and ask for compensation. If they refuse, tell them you will use every review site on the Internet to ruin their reputation and take them to small claims court. 

I think you showed great restraint by not firing a warning shot in the air.

Anyway, I would have called the cops just to document the people present and their contractor license + insurance policy. A licensed tree company would have proper equipment to take down a tree (bucket truck, proper ladders). These guys sound like shady operators.

You ought to sue them out of business, and the neighbor for hiring unlicensed contractors.  She endangered you and your property by hiring unqualified individuals.

video of damage as workers were cleaning up on your side would have been very useful... now isn't it basically your word against hers?



lol, this sounds like a home depot crew all the way.

>> Did I Over React ?

As far as Florida Man stories go, this one is pretty tame. It's all good. Next time you get all Gran Torino about it, yeah like Disco Stu said just pull the trigger.

I actually do have some photos of them in my ward working and a short 15 to 20 sec. video.

I got pictures of his trucks too. After a few phone calls this afternoon to the county reveals his license has not been renewed for almost a year and I would doubt he has any active insurance.

I had to get an huge oak tree about 6 months ago removed on my other side and we talked to the landlord and the tenants and had an affidavit signed (tree mans paperwork) that the tree man was to enter their property and all was cool.

All I wanted was some communication and I would have covered my weed plants and put away my tools and bong from the side of my home. No trespassing signs are up for a reason, not to read as I go into some ones yard.

 If you have to ask , well....




but your last post reveals additional context


glad nothing important was damaged.


but with your weirdo state, couldn't they shoot you too?


why's everyone so on edge there man?

Ask her one more time to resolve, explain your only other options...and then do what ya gotta do....or let it go...sounds like you cant replace the only piece of furniture that meant anything to you etc...and, maybe, ...


...Buy a bigger dog?

>> Buy a bigger dog

Seems reasonable

Why are we so edgy?

Weed is ILLEGAL in our state and even worse in my county.

Floridians passed over 70% for medical but our Florida government is dragging their feet because they don't think we are ready or want it.

They don't want "pot shops" on every corner but we already sell alcohol on every corner plus more. We just need to smoke a lil more weed and stay the fuck out of my yard.


I go into people's backyards. 

^^^^^^^To clean pools but you are INVITED ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Slacker cleans pools?

T, I think you did not over react at all even with the scatter gun. You felt like your personal safety was in jeopardy on your own property. The threat scattered.


Might have to accept the furniture is a wash, may not be worth pursuing and try not to think about it too much when you see the neighbor lady slither in and out of her house.

This thread is proceeding more or less as expected.


This guy. LOL

The Shotgun part ? Um Yes.

Jazzfish only likes good ole boy zoners.  Intelligent young zoners scare him or make him feel threatened as evidenced by his constant trolling of Ateix.

It's definitely trolling, but such low level stuff, I kind of feel bad for the guy. I might offer to do like a Skype workshop with him or something.


Tim, listen to Stu the wood guy. I agree with Stu, in no way were these guys professionals with proper insurance. Being in your yard is one thing, breaking stuff is certainly grounds for losing it and being irate. You either call the Police now or let it go. Also your nasty skank neighbor is not really responsible for your damage, the tree company is. The neighbor no doubt hired a cheap alternative to a professional tree company, at your expense i'd say. Did they break anything in her yard? Hall made a good point, you did take pics, right?


but with your weirdo state, couldn't they shoot you too?


why's everyone so on edge there man?



plenty of wacko news has been coming from the west coast recently, i believe you guys are gaining ground in the wackadoodle department

i don't think you can shoot someone for trespassing on your property in florida

>We just need to smoke a lil more weed and stay the fuck out of my yard.<


sounds like a pretty good plan.



If the machete dude took a swipe , could he have protected himself on his own property, in Florida?

> Also your nasty skank neighbor is not really responsible for your damage, the tree company is. 


I'm no lawyer, but if this neighbor hired an unlicensed/uninsured  contractor then I would think she would be responsible for the damages to the neighboring property. Worth filing in small claims court. I would file in small claims against the neighbor and also  the shady tree company. If you have photos, you will win easily. Just tally up ALL the damages to your property. Don't be shy now.

Tim mentioned above that he does have pics/video.  And what Nancy said...

You are Liable if you Hire Uninsured or Unlicensed Tree Service


Yea I have some photos. I have some action video too. I called them this afternoon and he said he will be by tonight with $300 cash. He asked If I would not wave around the gun and not to call the county on him. He volunteered the county part. I told him $400 and I won't show him the shotgun.

Like I said the chairs were cheap old plastic chairs, the glass top table was just a yard table around our shady mango and lychee tree. The bench my brother built was almost twenty years old made of heavy pressure treated 2x14's. I actually planned on building 2 more because they are so heavy duty and comfortable.

I will let the dogs bark at him some more.

I don't like the idea of a lawn/tree company with at least a half a dozen workers without proper licenses and insurance. I know I pay a fuck ton to stay legal.


They most likely told her they had insurance, this would be a claim on the contractor for causing the damage.

Possibly you would be liable, in that case the claim would still be made at the contractors expense because they caused the damage.

Like I said the chairs were cheap old plastic chairs, the glass top table was just a yard table around our shady mango and lychee tree.<<<<<


So 25 to 33 $ will cover it ?  not Knocking at all Glad no one Was Hurt  !

>They most likely told her they had insurance, this would be a claim on the contractor for causing the damage.


that doesn't matter. it's still on the homeowner to check. 



In our town, if you cut down a  "heritage" tree  (anything larger than 10" diamater) without a City permit, it's a big no - no. Huge fines. Probably not the case in Florida. 

He probably told her they had insurance. If he lied then she has a claim against the tree company.

Like I said the chairs were cheap old plastic chairs, the glass top table was just a yard table around our shady mango and lychee tree.<<<


Tim always Liked ya and the above post Awesome ! no fancy schmancy USA Live Simply..yes smiley

Not Tim's problem, and why he should sue them each in Small Claims court. 

Can you post the photos and video please.


I'd be happy with the 300..

>> Can you post the photos and video please.

In case you were wondering when the appropriate time to comment "This guy." would be, that is a fine example.

Shady tree company....not a good name, no?

Now he is trolling you ,Fog.

Obsession: It's not just a women's perfume.

I know, he loves trolling me.


lol Jambone

I've never understood why people would open a gate when there is a No Trespassing sign.  I don't think you overreacted.  You reacted strongly to an invasion of your home. 

I've used this tree company a while ago to declare a redwood tree dead so we could have it removed. The City fought us..hard, claimed the tree was ill, but not yet dead. The arborist is actually top notch, not shady at all. Shady Tree Company wrote up the report, another company removed and replaced the tree for our HOA. The City required that a new - err MATURE tree be planted in it's place. 



Let us know how it turns out. 



It's good to see Fog getting a sense of humor.  His Caveman Lawyer shtick in this thread is hilarious.

Give the guy back fiddy if he can somehow leave her a double-decker (?? - not sure if I have that right) in the john.  Upper-decker?  Y'know.

yes. Sorry.

Take 1000 hits of acid and listen to ripple for 12 hrs


then call me in the morning 

i heard acid sometimes makes you think you are Charles Bronson.

...and other times makes you think you are  Charlie Brown

Far out.


Better Call Saul.

I think that all things considered, Mr. Flash handled the situation most diplomatically.

The shady amateur-hour tree crew Boss will compensate in Ca$h for the damages, and no one will have to waste time fooling with cops or court appearances.

After all Mr. Flash has a business to run, and no spare time for piddling details with cops & court time.

But it's still pretty cool that you chased the dumbasses out of your yard with the ole Double-Barrel laugh

Best of luck for the best possible outcome. 

The feeling of violation really sucks!

Tree guys. Buncha fucking animals

Orlando came by last night around 7pm and gave me $400 cash and begged me not to report him to the county. I told him that is fair enough but I will check for licensing and insurance in 30 days and if he is not up to par that I will contact the county and I will call Trump to look at his crew. He gave a very odd giggle but there was some serious concern in his eyes and he said he will get his paperwork in order.



Why not just take the $400 and say thanks. or ask for $800 and leave it at that?


threatening to call ICE on his crew or reporting him to the county is a dick move and likely to attract more trouble for yourself 

>> Orlando came by last night around 7pm and gave me $400 cash 


its funny...beacuse...orlando....florida..

>> He gave a very odd giggle but there was some serious concern in his eyes


You should now go buy your neighbor a six pack of PBR and a box of donuts and make up with her..

He is the one who originally said don't call the county on him in my first conversation. I am a state and county licensed contractor and spend aproxomatly $90,000 a year on licensing, insurance, unemployment, workers compensation, state and federal taxes to keep my business "legal" and the Trump comment was just a joke.

So no it is not a DICK move to hire, use and support licensed contractors. It is a DICK move to sneak around and not pay your fair share to do work illegally. When something happens like an injury, fire, something breaks and the homowner insurance company finds that you hired an unlicensed oran uninsured company THEY WILL NOT PAY the claim,

Example: the tree falls the wrong way and takes out the corner of the clients house and it rips a hole in the roof takes out the facia and soffit and breaks a window. The cost for a repair like this can EASILY exceed $15,000. Your homowners insurance will not pay for it. The tree guy has no insurance and I doubt Orlando has 15K kicking around to help you out.

So That is why I am a DICk or even A FUCKIN ASSHOLE DICK when it comes to licensing and insurance.

In my bussiness of HVAC in South Florida I see 100 houses a year that are fucked because some homeowner knows a friend of a friend or got a good deal or was $500 less than me.

Nancy likes exploiting labor. 

This thread reminds me of Blackie's knuckle sandwich show hero story.

So...what happenned to toilet paper towel man?

This tale illustrates the reasoning behind hiring licensed, insured tree companies.  They are Pros and if they do fuck up, there's insurance in the picture.

People often ask me to knock down their yard trees that are Dead or about to be Dead.  I'll do it one out of ten times if the safety and liability conditions are just right:

-- No electrical or phone lines that could get hit
-- No structures or fences in the tree's path (as it falls the wrong way)
-- No where near the neighbor's property line.

Basically,  I will happily chop up a tree that already fell over, and most homeowner policies allow a few hundred bucks for such incidents. But I really prefer to let the Pros handle these things.  They can use the income, and I'm fine just showing up with a Log-Splitter after the hazardous stuff is dealt with. Even your basic industrial Chipper is a dangerous machine -- they could kill someone.

After teaching me everything he knew about cutting, securing, and "aiming" trees, my old tree boss said..."and lastly, basically if a tree decides to fall a certain way (direction),  its going to, no matter what we do"...


We cut down hundreds  of trees , many over 100 ft tall  (incl a lot on his farm...great "practice")....and we only clipped one roof....mine!...lol..barely touched it near gutters and it did a huge amt of damage...incredable power in those beautiful trees

>>>>>This thread reminds me of Blackie's knuckle sandwich show hero story.


When the whole crowd lifted him up ala Rudy and carried him through the pit, dancing

Tree Trimming is Gnarly Work ! i have Done it !

Orlando came by last night around 7pm and gave me $400 cash<<<<



OK Give it All A Rest NOW !


I Hate Sue Happy Anyone ! there are thousands of them out there !!

 I will contact the county and I will call Trump to look at his crew.   <<<<<<


Cmon Tim YOU are better than that - ya got 400 bucks ! Let It Rest.

That's some total bullshit, Tim, that you had to deal with a bunch of jerks like that. Your neighbor sounds like a real fucking asshole.



Yeah Timmy, that one, only more racisty. 

It's too bad Blackie didn't whip out a gun

He didn't need to, he had rail power. Bam bam!

If this whole mess happened up in Vermont a peace offering of wild sage and maple syrup would substitute a shotgun in your face. 

Lotta angry people in Florida. End of their rope angry.

The way the questions about the fate of the paper product stealing employee are being ignored makes me think he may have had his head caved in before being fed to a local gator.

What I expressed previously is True.

Mr. Flash expressed great restraint and diplomacy by never actually firing the Shotgun,  and working out some sort of agreement with the Trespassers for all of the property damage and malevolence inflicted upon Him and Home by the unlicensed, uninsured carpetbaggers.

So He did really well, all factors considered.  When random Idiots trespass on my property,  I tend to get a bit livid.  If they poop themselves during my stern lecture,  that is A-OK with me.  They can spread the gospel about not trespassing upon this particular Property to their dirtbag pals.

Whether you rent or whether you Owe,  it's your damn place.  

If I invited someone here, they are welcome to enjoy the benefits of Farm lifestyle -- Deer ticks, Poison Ivy, Raccoons and more.

Strangers tend to get eaten by the Coyote packs wink


My neighbor and I just had a big, beautiful maple taken down. It sucked to have to, but it was a hazard to both our houses.

We used a licensed and insured professional.


I sat him down and told him I know about the paper products being taken. At first he denied it and I told him I marked them. He fessed up that he is broke and needs to save all the $ he can to stay in his home and pay his bills.

He is still with my company, he has picked up his productivity and seems to be on the up and up. He also quit smoking his 2-3 pack cigarette a day habit and has been saving a lot of money there. I have been watching him very closely and he knows it. I have known him a very long time and he is on his second and last chance.

I did hire another person and the jury is still out if he is a keeper or not. It always perks up the crew when someone new comes aboard and people wonder if their job is safe or not.

The "keep 'em scared" management philosophy?

Dang Tim, you have brought some serious stuff to viva lately. 


Yea I have, usually everything is layed back and even keeled but the trespassing thing really got my goat.

I did go fishing this weekend and loaded up on the mangrove snapper. We had a huge fish fry on Sunday. My son and his 2 lineman buddies were eating em as fast as I was cooking them.

>>He is still with my company, he has picked up his productivity and seems to be on the up and up.


Really glad to see this working out. What a great boss to have. 

Pass the Yoo Hoo !



>>Dang Tim, you have brought some serious stuff to viva lately.

Agree with Fly, (as usual)   Tim should be considered for some type of award for 1st half of 2017.