Did Nazis and White Nationalists Cheer...


When Trump called a Black reporter’s question “racist?”

Seems to me that it played into the whole narrative of the oppressed white race. 

Apparently a lot of idiots took notice.

^Apparently a lot of idiots took notice


Of course they did. You Trump supporters hang on his every word

Should they not have taken notice? It was pretty “in your face.”

Unconditional love for each and every one of you, do you happen to realize how tired and worn out your talking points are?  Like a broken record of a one trick pony screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" with the never ending malarkey of racism, racism!  What an absolute crock of dung.  Do you have any other thoughts or observations?  You're watering down the term with false accusations. 

As a point of reference, it is beyond humorous that I've been accused of racism, that is one of the great ironies of ironies of my life...laughing at the thought, and again, unconditional love!  Get a new spiel.

It certainly points towards an empty barrel of thought.  Get some new material.

What the hell are you blathering on about? Tell it to the Klansmen and neo Nazis who call Trump their guy.

I don’t know if you’re a racist or not. I do know that your rhetoric is right out of the playbook. Say nothing, except to tell others that they are saying nothing.

Back to my question, B-ry, how do you think the White Nationalists and racists took it?

^Sure, it isn't racist to demonize poor and hungry brown people, calling them criminals, claiming that they are carrying diseases. 


Stop supporting a racist POS President and I'll stop believing that you are a racist bag of shit.

Isn't "Bryen" the guy who's still hung up over the old lady that lost a couple of years ago?

You're blathering idiots.  Literally, blathering idiots.

You’re the one blathering. I simply asked a very fair question. I didn’t accuse anyone of anything or put anyone down. 

That, buddy, was all you. Love to all?

I think Brayin' upset with me, Brian.


Brayin', do you still want to lock up those poor and hungry refugees?


Guy sure doesn't like answering any questions.

Pretty Thom-ish that way.

My wish for you is to someday realize your absurdity and change your course in life.

Where do conservative Black Nationalists fit into this conversation? There appears to be a growing number of upwardly mobile young black conservative Americans that are pretty staunch Trump supporters. 

How should we refer to this baffling enigma of society. Can we call them white supremacists or nazis? Will real nazis take offense? 




It's the absolute bankruptcy of your argument to scream racism & Russia, you're an intellectual joke.

It’s a thing. If you don’t like the questions, simply berate the person asking them.

Its not pretty, but it’s somewhat effective.

I said nothing about Russia, nor did I call anyone racist. Who are you blathering on to?

Don't bother asking him questions he won't answer.

Just post clown pics of his potus and add statements. 


Racism, Russia, Racism, Russia, Racism, Russia, Racism, Russia ad nauseam...get a new act, you're a hollow facade.

How about an original thought or idea every couple weeks or so?

C74DFCF1-D9DE-4580-948B-2707017B7C4F.jpeg“Fuckers are storming the border and calling me a colluding racist. My hot daughter is a ki...er...Jew.”


Martin Luther King would call out the transparency of your absurdity and say "get an original thought once in a while", how about a single original discussion between now and December, seriously, that's your challenge, go for it!


How about proposed legislation, google it.

"racist, racist...orange man bad, orange man bad!!!!!"

Okay, let’s talk about how we are going to have the “cleanest air and cleanest water,” while rolling back clean air and water legislation.

Ok, how about a specific reference? 

Nice work Brian K.  You got the little bitch running scared. 

He said it in his press conference yesterday. Did you not watch it?

You guys are hilarious, running scared, on the internet...tough guy

^ how antifa of you, scary

Maybe you could protest outside my house

I could cut this doozy from yesterday in to a few unflattering soundbites, but I could then be accused of editing it out of context. Here’s the full paragraph, or thought, as it may be. Let’s let it speak for itself, and I’d then like someone to explain it to me.

At the same time, we don't want to put ourselves at a disadvantage to other countries who are very competitive with us and who don't abide by the rules at all. We don't want to hurt our jobs, we don't want to hurt our factories, we don't want companies leaving. We want to be totally competitive and we are. And right now we have just about the cleanest air, the cleanest water we've ever had and it's always good to be that way; we insist on it. So environmental is very important to me.


Bryen does not like where he lives. 




At least you know what Garcia and MLK would have said.

blah blah blah, what a crock, Druba, you're better than that...I think, I know you're intelligent





I think

Bryen will list all the damages caused by antifa. 

Bryen is clown shoes.


"At least you know what Garcia and MLK would have said"



That is certainly what I think they would have said about both discussions, Bob needs to stop being hostile towards the religious, the left wing needs to stop completely discrediting themselves by falsely accusing anyone who disagrees with them as racist.  It's the dumbing down of society, and I say this out of hope that some of you will "get it", but the practice of screaming "racist" is transparent at this point, please have some level of self respect and get new talking points.

By the way, I've registered more democrat voters than the rest of this message board combined, so there's that.

So, you’re not going to respond to my questions?

I don’t blame you.

Trump was selected to be top clown

Feel free to rebut each of those articles...  

My families from the south, seen racism all my life.  Have lived in Africa (as one my nephews now does), and have lived in Asia.  If not racism, how about anti gay? I remember volunteering with the Valley AIDS network and the human rights coalition over 30 years ago, fighting conservatives tooth and nail (especially the Oregon Citizens alliance, etc), and watching them celebrate and cheer the deaths gays as gods wrath...   doesn't get more repugnant than that, so many examples of the right being assholes to their fellow citizens, but it's the real life stories of family and friends that move me the most.  Don't know how you can defend your party being anti equal rights (any form), anti immigrant, anti safety net, anti science, anti earth, anti family planning, anti health care, anti union, anti civility (started with Newt), on and on...   so cheers my enemy, i'd love to see you provide evidence to the contrary sometime...  


What question?  Trump's statement on clean air and water?  Sounds like he's in favor of it, is there any hard science that it's not improving?  It seems like technology will continue to improve it...but he sounds as if committed to prioritizing it, I'll do research and I will get back to you on that, if I had to guess that's a doable scenario, I'm going to find out and report back within 1 day.  I appreciate the discussion, let's find out.

This guy^

First off, I'm a registered democrat, but I can tell you that will soon change, I've never been more ashamed of what the democrat party has become, and I want absolutely nothing to do with it, this is not your father's democrat party, what a complete train wreck of a movement...disgusting.  Congratulations, the honor and dignity of a political party surgically removed in a single generation.  I fear for this republic, but justice and righteousness will always prevail, it's the ebb and flow of civilization.  Please, by all means, continue down this horrific path, it will only expedite the correction, our country will survive, we've survived worse, and my hope for all of you is that you will see these forces for what they are and make whatever change you see fit.



The last thing I'll say this evening is I truly believe there are some of you that have been completely brainwashed by corporate media.  Wake up, turn the channel, find alternative information outlets, STOP WATCHING CNN, read periodicals, seek out other sources of knowledge.  All the very best...goodnight.  Enjoy the sandbox.

Decries "talking points".


Uses term "democrat party."


Say the Koch brothers want to move Canadian oil via a pipeline, while that oil is currently moved by trains owned by Warren Buffett....

That's when you're more than welcome to point out FOX yelling "jobs",  while CNN yells "environment", and MSNBC yells "Native American rights"

The truth is it's just two Billionaires fighting over a commodity...  (jobs; no difference, environment; essentially no difference, Natives rights; Dems 1, Rep 0 )

There's an example of the media being biased

It's your inability to defend policy that's the problem.  Sure you can accuse liberals of being brainwashed, but you've done nothing but demonstrate being brainwashed yourself.  If you could actually discuss an issue in detail, that would be a first.  Everyone else here has posted so much info, whether personal, web based, etc (and a few experts on this page can go into incredible detail on some of them).

That's where credibility comes from, being able to break down a given issue in great detail, so the merits and pitfalls of every piece of information can be valued, debated, and examined to a great extent.  This page is mostly a pissing contest, in that I agree on the sandbox, but I do believe it's your sandbox...    

Defend what policy in particular?  I'm game, let's talk policy...it's the idiots on this message board, and I'm convinced it's not even their fault, that are literally capable of nothing else, but to scream racism.  We're talking oil pipelines?

I believe the original post was; 

<< Did Nazis and White Nationalists Cheer...

When Trump called a Black reporter’s question “racist?”

Seems to me that it played into the whole narrative of the oppressed white race. >>

Namaste and peace be with you, I get so frustrated with the race card...it's such a scam, maybe not everywhere in every scenario, but a Phil Lesh message board...really?  First of all, not to be like "I've seen Phil more than you have", but I've seen Phil more than you have.

...and good luck stealing Florida!

Bryen, go talk to your black friends about racism and white privilege and see what you can learn. There's no point in discussing any of this without your understanding it. 

The same is true about the environment; shrinking wild lands, stripping protections for air and water as policy (there's money in them thar hills) is bad for us and everyone on the planet.


Ok...shifting gears, this has been for me personally constructive, and for that I am grateful, sometimes it takes a "no holds barred" [which by the way is the first time I really understood that term] approach towards soundboarding thoughts and ideas in order to gather one's thoughts and ideas.  I'm going to take this breakthrough and do something with it.  

What I'm gathering is a perception that the red team is incapable of environmental stewardship, I think that's a solvable problem utilizing a quantum leap in technology.

when I say I love you all unconditionally, I really do mean it, it's a meditation I'm working on, for what it's worth, it's a true story.


There's a story I'd like to share about the original philzone, this guy came around one year right before Christmas, giving a stock tip, I was intrigued...it was the first and only stock tip I recall ever seeing on the zone.

My personal theory is he was trying to do right by the scene, like a gift, anyways...it was Inmed Pharmaceuticals

IMLFF, at the time of the post it was $.07, it's now $.50...for a long time it was north of $1.00

The cool thing about this company is they perfect the science that enables the patient to receive THC via a drop of liquid.



At 3:21, Laura Ingram of Fox News begins to discuss this very topic...yes, I am aware of the hatred of all things Fox News, but if you are curious to hear the rebuttal of the insanity


note:  it transitions into the attempted theft of Florida 



unconditional love to all you idiots


I don’t generally don’t watch the talking head wankers on Fox or CNN. I read multiple periodicals, and look at multiple news sites with varying biases. I still come up with a very real fact that racist organizations in the US have been emboldened by Trump, and that his words have been inciting. It’s very real and undeniable. The numbers speak for themselves, which makes my original question very fair and unbiased. It wasn’t based on a faulty or partisan premise.

When I heard of The Pittsburgh shooting a I did turn on CNN. I had to turn it off because it was a bunch of wankers spewing partisan non-news. So, I switched over to Fox, where they were actually interviewing important people and reporting. How’s that for irony?

It’s just piss poor form to rant on about fake news because you don’t like my question. I didn’t call Trump racist. It was about hate groups  that are admittedly emboldened by Trump.

For the record, I don’t think Trump is overly racist. He is, however, a shameless opportunist. He plays to fears and prejudices, and it works for him.

I don’t expect a real response, B-ry. Keep on ranting about nothing. Facts remain facts.

> I don’t think Trump is overly racist<


I believe that the "Central Park Five" may disagree with you.



Brayin', do you agree with Trump statement that some neo-nazis are "very fine people?"


Brayin', how does rescinding the Stream Protection Rule will make our water cleaner and safer?

"sometimes it takes a "no holds barred" [which by the way is the first time I really understood that term] approach towards soundboarding thoughts and ideas in order to gather one's thoughts and ideas"

For the record, you haven't soundboarded shit. You haven't answered any one of the direct questions made to you about specific issues and ideas. You have not presented any facts or well thought out ideas to support your opinions and you certainly haven't shown yourself to be willing to listen to anyone. What you have done is called Confirmaton Bias. You just threw shit all over the walls everytime someone addressed you and came to the conclusion that your thoughts on the matter were right. 

Not like I care. It's obvious that (at this point in your life, at least) you are not actually capable of having a genuine debate of ideas with people. So, carry on, I guess...

Here's the last thing I'll say on this for a while because I have stuff to do, incessantly screaming "racism" knowing [I hope] that it's a completely false accusation of 50% of the country because they don't agree with your politics seems to be the latest strategy of not only the party leadership, but obviously a good portion of this message board, and it's pretty pathetic.  On the air & water, I agree...something should be done, there should be a way to "think ourselves out of it" as far as some quantum leap in technology to surgically remove carcinogens from the environment, I think if someone had the administration's ear on that they would and should be receptive to an initiative to make that happen.  Have a great day, seriously...I hope you guys have a great day.  

Endlessly calling 50% of Americans racist is about as legitimate as Russia causing Hillary to lose the election...and don't say that's not what you're doing because it's exactly what you're doing.

^so you're not a racist,  just accepting of Trump's racism?



Come on, Brayin', answer a simple and direct question...

Do you agree with Trump's statement that some neo-nazis are very fine people?


And stay tuned regarding the Mueller investigation. 




Unreasonably high sense of self worth.

No wonder Bryen likes Trump so much....a perfect pair.

So Bryen, once again: no substance, don't address any of the topics raised in the thread, present weird vague arguments in favor of cleaning up air pollution....Seriously, guy, give it up.

Trump said he likes clean air and water, so his EPA doing the exact opposite doesn't matter?

Is this the bill of goods you're trying to sell Bryen?

>>Okay, let’s talk about how we are going to have the “cleanest air and cleanest water,” while rolling back clean air and water legislation.


Treasure Island (adjacent to St. Pete Beach)  11/07/18


do they hand out fucking crazy pills to everyone on the right?

y'all have collectively lost your god damned minds.

It’s a thing. If you don’t like the narrative, simply rant about how it’s false. It doesn’t change facts, but it does incite the masses. Create your own false narrative y calling the other one false, but don’t offer facts.

The irony in this thread is that I have provided the exact type of discussion that B-ry says he wants, but is incapable of getting from the opposition. In turn, he has generally ignored me and continued to rant and blather.

I stand by a statement I made a few weeks ago: there’s no point of even trying. The divide is too great, and although both sides speak in hyperbole, the far Right has started to believe their own false narratives.

>>>>here’s no point of even trying. The divide is too great, and although both sides speak in hyperbole

Agree on the excessive hyperbole, but what are the options in dealing with people who hold diametrically​ opposite political views?   You aren't going to change anyone's opinion by yelling at them and calling them nasty names.   I guess you can fight them, but America already had one civil war and don't think having another would be good for anything.   You can separate yourself, which is easy to do in a town like mine, but that doesn't solve the underlying problem.

If you get away from the keyboard and go outside, chances are that a significant portion of the people you have day-to-day interactions with are the "other" yet we still largely manage to get along despite the differences that get so amplified in the toxic media environment.   Stay true to core values and passionately fight for what is right, but in doing so try to see the humanity in people you disagree with.

Once you no longer see the "other" as human, shit like Rwanda goes down.  

Defend what policy in particular?  I'm game, let's talk policy..>>

How about lifting all restrictions on uranium mining.

First off, I'm a registered democrat,>>>

absolute bullshit

>fight for what is right, but in doing so try to see the humanity in people you disagree with.<


Is that what Trump was doing when he said that some neo-nazis are very fine people?



So let me get this straight...it's ok as a tactic to falsely accuse [knowingly] political adversaries as racists?  Ken, are you on board with that?  

^Good, you're back...


Direct question here, Brayin'...


Do you agree with Trump's statement that some neo-nazis are fine people?



And another for you...


How do you feel about locking up poor and hungry refugees?





If you are not a racist,  how do you feel about Trump's overtly racist rhetoric?

I guess it's the same rationale as knowing the Russia scam is a complete hoax but supporting it anyway because the end justifies the means.

 Interesting strategy, we'll see how that works out, I'm sure nobody will notice.

Still not answering the question.


It was an easy one too.


Your unwillingness to answer the question leads me to believe that you support Trump's racist rhetoric, thus i will continue to believe that you are a racist.



Regarding the Mueller investigation ...


Certainly a good number of indictments for a alleged hoax. 







The money trail is a mile long. But yeah sure...nothing to see here. 

Repeat to yourself what you just posted...   Supporting an investigation to find out if, and there really isn't an if, Putin fucked with our election is equal to a president being a shit bag racist?    The whole 'Russian hoax' would have been over long ago if president dick bag stepped up and said 'I have nothing to hide, bring it on'.  Easy, no?   

Bucky, if you are a true Christian you need to take a few steps back and figure out why you support an obviously godless person.  



You guys are completely brainwashed 

I very much agree that Mueller should have limits on his investigation, and that he should not be performing minute by minute oversight of the Trump administration. 

To say, though, that the investigation is a witch hunt is simply a lie. Indictments, guilty pleas and jail-time have come out of it.

That’s the denial of facts, once again. Yell and scream and hat it’s all lies, and 20 million or so dumbfucks will believe you. However, it’s not lies.

I have no idea whether Trump colluded with Russia. I do think that he should have been disqualified from running the moment he invited  the Russians to hack his opponent’s emails. It amazes me that so-called patriotic Americans stood behind him after that.

>You guys are completely brainwashed<


Are stupid, or just an asshole? 

I suspect it's a bit of both.


Trump's racist rhetoric comes directly from his own mouth. There is no media filter.

How much longer before we find something to end this shit? 

>>>>Is that what Trump was doing when he said that some neo-nazis are very fine people?

Trump's comment was asinine, plain and simple.  Neo-Nazis are not "fine people" and their ideals need to be roundly and unequivocally​ denounced whenever they rear their ugly head and condemned to the dust pan of history.   At the same time, they are still human and some maybe could learn to see the error in their ways and reject their hateful philosophy.  Here is a NPR story about a black guy who was able to convince 200 Klansmen to hang up their robes and rejoin normal society:  


>>>t's ok as a tactic to falsely accuse [knowingly] political adversaries as racists? Ken, are you on board with that?  

First, Trump is a racist.  I think his history going back to when he and his dad got into trouble for violating the Fair Housing Act confirms that - not to mention all the over the top rhetoric and race baiting in more recent years.  I do think he plays up that angle for political gain and he doesn't mind certain wealthy blacks and Muslims if he can personally benefit from the association.   

Second, a large portion of his followers, especially the most vocal ones who show up to rallies, are also racists.  Trump has emboldened them and got them to crawl out from under their rocks into the daylight for all to see.

Third, not all people who voted for Trump are racists.  Some of them are just hard core fiscal conservatives who voted for the guy because he was, in their minds, the lesser of two evils.   For some, its better to hold your nose and vote for a racist who will roll back regulations on businesses than vote for someone who they perceive to be a socialist.  Others, especially honest, albeit evangelical, Christians, were able to put aside their disgust of Trump's racism, misogyny, and boorish behavior and still vote for the guy because they knew he would appoint Supreme Court justices that would advance a pro-Christian agenda.   In those cases, the end justified the means even it meant voting for an overt racist and an otherwise highly flawed person. 

Third, not all people who voted for Trump are racist...


Rationalize it anyway you wish, Ken, but if one can overlook Trump's racism, for any reason, they are immoral, and IMO racist. 

Yell and scream and hat it’s all lies, and 20 million or so dumbfucks will believe you. However, it’s not lies>>>

20 million and bryen

fox news brainwashed

Why won’t B-ry respond to me? Is it because I don’t fit his false narrative of the opposition, and therefore have no value to him?

>>>>but if one can overlook Trump's racism, for any reason, they are immoral, and IMO racist. 


Does that include the Clintons or anyone else from New York or Hollywood that hung out with the guy and his family? 

>>>>>>>>but if one can overlook Trump's racism, for any reason, they are immoral, and IMO racist. 

I understand the sentiment and reasoning and you are certainly entitled to an opinion, but don't think its particularly helpful to lump 62 million Americans into a nebulous blob of an immoral "other."   Recall how well that "basket of deplorables" remark worked out for Hillary. 

Speaking of Hillary, if a person's vote for president somehow imputes​ that candidates worst traits upon the voter, does that make all Hillary voters warmongers and someone who would sacrifice human rights and the environment on the altar of free trade, even if they voted for her as the lesser of two evils?

Of course not, but the logic of lumping whole swaths of the country together into one basket based on how they voted in a general election runs both ways.     


>Does that include the Clintons or anyone else from New York or Hollywood that hung out with the guy and his family<


Definitely of questionable character, but social interaction is different from believing that he is fit to be President. 

Hillary = warmonger, etc. is a bullshit premise.

Ken, unfortunately, Trump has shown he cares little for the environment or human rights, both at home and abroad. And seeing that the US is still the world's number one arms exporter, and we continue to wage war in multiple countries,  i would argue it is Trump who is the warmonger and cares not for human rights nor the environment. 

Of course not, but the logic of lumping whole swaths of the country together into one basket based on how they voted in a general election runs both ways.  >>>

Initially voted for and still defending are two totally different things. I think Orange means people still supporting and defending Trump now.

>>>>Initially voted for and still defending are two totally different things


Why? He wasn't racist before the election? 

And then you have the so called "Never Trumpers" like Cruz and Rubio who called Trump out in no uncertain terms for his racism and misogyny before the election but who now line up to suck off the little mushroom man.

It will be interesting to see how Senator Romney handles his relationship with Trump moving forward.   That guy was viscous in his attacks in 2016.

Why? He wasn't racist before the election?>>>

Good point, still i don't people knew he was this terrible. 

 That guy was viscous in his attacks in 2016.<<


Mitt is a bag of jizz.


But I think you mean vicious.