DIO Hologram Tour 2017


The tour will be an over-the-top mind blowing experience. We are going to have both live singers with Ripper Owen and Oni Logan as part of the show as well as Ronnie appearing throughout the show at different parts, some duets. It’s going to be mind blowing from the fans’ perspective. We are going to bring album covers to life. We are going to bring things that are known to Ronnie to life onstage.

“Ronnie will be involved in each show from probably six to seven song a night that he will be singing on. Some of the ones we can expect are “We Rock,” “Holy Diver” and “Rainbow in the Dark.”


Hmmm wonder how this would play out with other famous dead musicians... 

Dio is eternal.

I saw a thing sort of like this with Elvis, where on a big screen they showed a video of one of his full shows from Vegas with almost exactly the same band from the video playing live on the stage, with just Elvis's voice coming from the recording.

It wasn't as good as I was hoping, even with some legendary players in the live band like James Burton on guitar and Ron Tutt on drums. It was more shticky than really good, and I can't help but think a hologram thing would be more creepy than good.


(In honor of JWood)