Do You Think She Knows Who He Is


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Funny seeing Bob show up in something other than a cowboy hat, Birks, and Mexican poncho.

She is everywhere 


he's got teen daughters, he is well aware of who that is

And i'll say good on Bobby - eyes up and everything




She looks thicker than normal.

It's being reported on all over, I think it's real


Look at all that dandruff he is getting on her dress 

Both see philanthropy and compassion as part of their gigs. Nice people.



I said, "Honey, I need a black-tie-compatible serape, like pronto. All I got is these sandy burlap hippie ones leftover from our MexFest merch booth. Why don't deadheads ever buy these things? No bueno."

And she said, "Sorry. For some reason a lot of our luggage never makes it out of Customs on our return trips from Playa de la Cartel. I do have your daughter's graduation gown. I can slice it down the middle and you can wear that."

And I said, "Fine. As long as it goes with a bolo."

And she said, "Oh, so you’re a bolo now? I thought you were a Bozo. Just look at that mop. By the way, we need to stock up on hair care products again. We’re always running low."

And I said, “Great. Order me 2 cases of Prell -- glass bottles, 2 cases of Breck, and a six-pack of Gee My Hair Smells Terrific. There’s nothing like semi-toxic vintage detergents to stimulate one’s follicles. Feel the puff.

And she said, ”You look like a dandelion. Now go polish those toenails. Remember, no one cares that you can call John Mayer ‘Bossman’. And don’t be putting your wedding ring on your right thumb again to fool the popstars into thinking you’re hip and not married.”

I can’t believe she would think I would do something like that.

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Re big shiny gaudy western belt buckles

Once heard referred to as a tombstone for a dead dick 

leave it to dave to make a repugnant, misogynistic statement

at least ur consistent

she sure knows who mayer is 



that was literary genius

also: her (((((bodyguards)))))

it's a Sears poncho.


Quality Zone contributions all!!!

Made me remember the zone of yore...

Misogynistic?  Zoner, please.  I just said she looks thick, i.e. ripped and more muscular than I recalled.  I did call Luka Doncic overweight in the Laka Luka thread though, if that makes me a Lukagynist so be it.

You keep being you, JLP.