Do you use Spotify?


If so, how to you justify using a service that doesn't pay most artists enough money to cover the bookeeping with? As bad as it is now, it's going to get much worse with their new contract for artists. Pretty much any artist that isn't in the top 10% of streams will now get ZERO payment for use of their music. While Taylor Swift will continue getting 100 million or more for her streams, over 85% of the streams will generate NO royalties for the artist. 

Support your favorite artists by purchasing their music or pretty soon the only music being generated witll be a homgenous blob of sameness. 

Spotify is free, but I get it

much rather be spinning records bought at the merch table


Interesting, I was just thinking about this earlier. 

Short answer is "no." Bandcamp is my preferred platform, and once a month (the first Friday of the month, as it happens) they contribute 100% of the revenue from a purchase directly to the artist. The rest of the time it's something like 90%. It's a no-brainer. 

I do use Spotify as my platform for podcasts I don't directly subscribe to, though. 

I've repeatedly said, "Yeah, no" at every "opportunity" to register. Admittedly, not so much an artists' supporter thing as an "F another password" thing.

Emails with links to new music (or "samples" thereofangry) that require Spotify get an "Oh, well..." or an "F that."






Nope. The only algorithm I trust is my homespun wetware one.

I like Soundcloud but I don't pay for it.

Good to know about that Bandcamp detail.

I use soundcloud for my songs, other friends use bandcamp

I use Tidal. Hope they're not as bad as Spotify when it comes to artists' royalties.
