Does anyone still believe Donald Trump won the 2016 Election because of Russian Shenanigans?


...if so, please be specific, seriously, was it targeted social media, or viral YouTube videos?  How did this phenomena actually take place, specifically?  People were somehow mesmerized?  What exactly took place as far as people in the rust belt that would have otherwise voted for Hillary Clinton, but for their exposure to social media ultimately voted for Trump.  Please, in earnest, explain this anomaly.  I believe that's the operational theory, please expand upon it, thanks.

Go fuck yourself Bryen 

This guy again?

oh, and “yes”


     Unconditional love, greetings, salutations...


     I'm asking in earnest in an attempt to put a marker on what we're actually discussing.  [2019]

Doesn't seem like anyone but you is discussing this. At least recently.

Give it a rest, dude. Your poor heart will appreciate it, I promise.


     February will tell the tale

     The largest scam perpetuated on America in the history of scams is about to be exposed


February will tell the tale<

Donald Jr and the Very Scary Indictment



     You guys are completely out of your minds, TDS is real, please...let's set the pieces up on the chessboard, explain your theoretical malarkey, I'll wait patiently 



          I have a lot of respect for certain aspects of the way you have many redeeming qualities and I think you're a reasonably good person, but I've been meaning to tell you, as a friend, that the chip on your shoulder towards people of faith is probably impeding you from moments of communion.


education is just a scam masterminded by big chalk.

when will you sheeple wake up?

I believe it’s pronounced Мошенничество, жульничество

The Movie Brexit spells it out pretty clearly. The Russians definitely helped trump get elected... they were able to use meta data and propaganda both to get disenfranchised voters to vote for trump and disgruntled dems not to vote at all. It also doesn’t matter how he got elected it’s clear he and his friends are aligned or synergized with Putin on a number of issues 

Please explain why Manafort handed over polling data to the Russians. 



Trump and His Associates
Had More Than 100
Contacts With Russians
Before the Inauguration


During the 2016 presidential campaign and transition, Donald J. Trump and at least 17 campaign officials and advisers had contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, a New York Times analysis has found. At least 10 other associates were told about interactions but did not have any themselves.

Knowledge of these interactions is based on New York Times reporting, documents submitted to Congress, and court records and accusations related to the special counsel investigating foreign interference in the election.






The full list of known indictments and plea deals in Mueller’s probe

1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was arrested in July 2017 and pleaded guilty in October 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. He got a 14-day sentence.

2) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for Ukrainian politicians and his finances. He had two trials scheduled, and the first ended in a conviction on eight counts of financial crimes. To avert the second trial, Manafort struck a plea deal with Mueller in September 2018 (though Mueller’s team said in November that he breached that agreement by lying to them).

3) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But in February 2018 he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statements charge and one conspiracy charge.

4) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty in December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 6 months of home detention in October 2018.

22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and has completed his sentence.

23) Konstantin Kilimnik: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who’s currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case last year.

24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

36) Michael Cohen: In August 2018, Trump’s former lawyer pleaded guilty to 8 counts — tax and bank charges, related to his finances and taxi business, and campaign finance violations — related to hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump, as part of a separate investigation in New York (that Mueller had handed off). But in November, he made a plea deal with Mueller too, for lying to Congress about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

37) Roger Stone: In January 2019, Mueller indicted longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone on 7 counts. He accused Stone of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign, and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story.

Finally, there is one other person Mueller initially investigated, but handed over to others in the Justice Department to charge: Sam Patten. This Republican operative and lobbyist pleaded guilty to not registering as a foreign agent.

Who got the most time? 

^so far, Cohen, but the bigger fish have yet to be sentenced/indicted 

^ process crimes, nothing to do with the phenomena of the actual process of mesmerizing a Clinton voter to pull the lever for Trump, still waiting for an answer to the original question.  

^the process of covering up the conspiracy. 


Your original question is irrelevant.  Conspiring with a foreign government is the crime.





Do you believe,  B-ry, that any crime should not be prosecuted unless it comes to fruition? For instance, if someone tries to rob a bank and fails, it’s not a crime. Or, a failed drive-by shooting isn’t attempted murder? Or a failed attempt to collude isn’t wrong?

I’m not saying that Trump colluded, that I don’t know. It’s also clear that even if he did, it didn’t change the results. However, if he did get up to illegal shenanigans along the way, even if they failed, it’s still illegal.

Why do you pretend to be such an idiot?

It would be difficult ot prove if Trump won as a result of Russian Shenanigans and I believe that any attempt to delegitimize his election victory is a waste of time and not at all what this is about.  What is clear is that the Russians made great efforts to interfere in the election (and they continue to do so).  This is what this is about.  This is what needs to be investigated.  Can you agree with that Bryen?  Believe it or not, this Mueller Probe is not about delegitimizing Trump's election.  It is all about investigating the Russian interference efforts and whether or not the Trump campaign was in coordination and involved in those efforts.  Too much talk about the legetimicy of the election.  I know you want it to be about that but it's not. 

>>>mesmerizing a Clinton voter

Where do you get this stuff? 

Bryen you ignorant slut, you really need to get out more, from your bubble.

I drink at hippy bars, I drink at conservative bars.

(America Drinks And Goes Home after all)

End of 2015 and beginning of 16, the conservative conversation changed drastically. Going off the sanity rails. Very noticable change in topics, extremely unbelievable if you have half an ounce of common sense. Hillary running the child sex chop shop in the pizza parlor. Her secret govt contract pay to play schemes. All shit that's easily verifiable, again if you have an ounce of common sense. Which of course trump supporters don't.

I asked, where do you moronic gulla bulls  come up with this horse shit ?

Online they all say, as I laugh them under the table.

Russian bot fed dumbfucks are a dangerous thing.

Still going on with full WH support.

Time to yank that head out yo ass Bry

How much time will Trump get? 

Will he go to jail before 2025?

^Trump will likely agree to resign in exchange for no jail time for him or his family. 

What year do you think that will happen? 



Slack, late 2019, early 2020.

After which i believe that New York state will indict Trump.


If they know he committed a crime worth twenty days in jail he'd be in jail. Unless democrats are soft on white crime. 

^ Justice department policy is not to indict a sitting president

Why did you say 2019 or 2020 if he'll still be President? 

Trump's campaign did collude with the Russians.

It had little effect on the outcome of the election.

"Collusion" is not a crime, but many crimes were committed trying to cover it up.

Trump is not going to jail, but many of his close associates and possibly family members will.

Iran-Contra was much worse.

TDS is a real condition.

This is a troll thread designed to stir shit and get people riled up.

Jared and Jr. both lied to congress and special counsel.

Bank fraud, Tax fraud, and Wire fraud are most likely.

You know, simple process crimes.


Superseding indictments to follow on conspiracy.

Example: If Mueller would've charged Stone with conspiracy against the US now,

Stone and his lawyers would be entitled to discovery which would reveal sensitive sources and methods.

ie: Human Intelligence and Signals Intelligence (Humit, Sigint)

Which would allow Russia to weaponize and put sources and methods in danger.

Just like Putin's chef Yevgeny Prigozhin and his american lawyers did back in the fall and we just found out about it yesterday.


Russian Trolls Release Fake Dirt on Robert Mueller

Evidence that was reportedly shared only with lawyers representing Russia’s Internet Research Agency was altered in a bid to “discredit the investigation,” Mueller warns.


Bryen must be an only child.

With no close family or friends to deflect him from his path of ignorance.

It's up to us to shed light on this dark mutherfucker.

Away Bryen, Away - from the sources that twist your mind to think so bass akward. Just unplug em all.

Music only for one month.

And none of your Wagner anthems.

 Its pretty possible trump himself didnt collude, but lots in his campaign did. Ive been following alot of the recent AI developments throughout our country and the world and have come up with a possible scenario if people would enduldge me. Its HIGHLY possible that russia and trump officials, whos have TONS of money, were able to secure new AI technology aimed at social media and the press. Sowing LEGAL dis information to the masses at a scale never ever seen before. These technologies use crazy algorithms and have bots in peoples comps, phones and personal devices that follow trends both personal and those you come in contact with...(ever go somewhere and people you saw out and bout suddenly become a "suggested friend" on facebook). THEY aimed it at the lower classes of ALL peoples, and every other class as well. They made Americans more divided, confused, and angry. THEY know that lots of Americans were and still are lost. And it worked... Its stunningly sad whats happening these days. Hopefully we dont go and help outs Maduro guy in charge Eliot Engle has a terrible human rights record. Pence put him in during iran contra and was pardoned by Bush 1`


     I truly believe that most of the people that lay claim to believing this scam actually believe it, but there must be a huge amount of people that know it's absolute malarkey and are just going along with the ruse because it suits their political agenda, like the punditry that have the ability to stare into the camera and perpetuate this fraud and then pick up their check at the door.

Time to move on to question# 2. Does anyone believe Trump will release his income tax returns?

Mueller has had Trump's tax returns from May-June 2017.


it was a stating point for Mueller, not and end point.


Maxine Waters finance committee will have them shortly if they don't already.

Sorry, question #2 might be to complicated to answer. Question #3 Does anybody still believe that Trump will make Mexico pay for the Wall?

Roger Stone came up with the Wall as a reference point for Trump to remember to rail against illegal immigration and immigrants at his rallies.

Question#4 Does anyone believe if give the chance Trump would bang Hillary and let Bill watch?


     If you honestly believe the hoax, I get's a very real predicament that many people don't have the cognitive ability to decipher that this is a scam, that is a legitimate situation that people find themselves in and there really is no malice or intent, but if you know this is a complete scam and are just pretending to not realize it that's another matter entirely...the next time you find yourself in front of a mirror ask yourself which of those groups you belong to.

>>> Question#4 Does anyone believe if give the chance Trump would bang Hillary and let Bill watch? <<<

That's how you roll?

Not very deep, but definitely unreal.

Bryen, would u mind responding to BK's post?

i feel it really strikes at the heart of what u seem to b struggling with as far as this whole mueller investigation goes

Sorry question #4 was childish & inappropriate. Beside will all know the answer to that one. The problem is both parties have a agenda and will prostitute themselves to get what they want. They will never admit when they are wrong. Iam a independent voter and will not follow someone blindly. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

>> .it's a very real predicament that many people don't have the cognitive ability to decipher that this is a scam <<


A couple questions for you, Bryen:

Who is propagating this scam?

Do you "feel" the FBI opening this investigation was purely political and not based on a perceived threat to national security? And, do you realize that answering "Yes" to this question is, in itself, a theory  neither proven nor disproved?

Do you "feel" the evidence was steered toward Trump and Co. and that they ignored leads to the Clinton campaign?

I used the term "feel" since none will be fact until the Mueller report is released.



     "Bryen, would u mind responding to BK's post?"


     BrianK is basically parroting the latest talking point that you'll hear over and over in the next few weeks, the argument is basically as follows:  "It doesn't matter if there's no crime that has doesn't matter if the Mueller report doesn't implicate Trump, none of that matters".  Basically the people that have been selling this scam for 2 years are trying to land the airplane knowing full well there was never a crime to begin with [ yes, I'm aware of the "process" crimes ].  You'll hear that discussion point over and over again, basically there were always two goals:  

Goal #1: pull off the scam and unseat a duly elected president 

Goal #2: fail to pull off the scam but as a consolation prize significantly monkey wrench years of the presidency 


     Yes & other news the sky is blue and water is wet.

Both parties are like two little kids fighting over a toy. It's Clinton fault,not its Bushes Its Regan, its Carters,Nixon,Johnson ect. Maybe its our fault for not standing up for our rights.Even if Trump is found guilty. He will walk just like Bill Clinton did and live a lavish life style while the rest of us hard working Americans will foot the bill. I guess it all comes what prostitute will leave you howling at the moon? I guess that's how i roll.

You missed the first question.

Do you feel these process crimes (lying to FBI/Congress...LYING!!) should be simply written off ?

Wouldn't it be better to tell the truth if you've done nothing wrong? Why did they lie? Do you even believe they lied? lol

>>> I guess that's how i roll.


Awesome, Thanks for stroking my ego!


     Yes Ned, there were lots and lots of process crimes, Jake Tapper and Don Lemon will go on and on about it as winter turns to spring, "but, but...look at all these process crimes, the horror!"

Question#5 Has Trump ever admitted he did anything wrong in his life? Of coarse not!!!  That would show a sign of weakness. I'm sure claiming bankruptcy wasn't his fault

When someone uses the word “basically,” in regards to what someone else said or did, it means that they are bullshitting.

How can I be parroting a talking point that we’ll hear in the future? If I’m “basically parroting a talking point,” that isn’t even one yet, it means that you are totally full of shit.

I don’t watch pundits or read their drivel. If they, in the future, want to parrot what I just said, I give them permission.

I'm more curious to see if the Russians successfully/effectively hacked election systems in the "surprise" swing states.


That alone is worth investigation, IMHO.


I'm not sure how I feel about the supposed merits behind the social media saturation situation.  However, from my observation, it seemed like someone was very good at leaking "Clinton hurtful" information in a well-coordinated, well-timed way.  Seeing how "well-oiled" Trumps administration has been, I have to believe that Russia, with it's financial/espionage/etc resources played a part in this.  This influenced the media narrative, which in turn, influenced the mainstream (and/or undecided voters).  Perhaps, more importantly, the whole smut-laden campaign decreased voter motivation, IMHO, thus decreasing voter turnout (in addition to alleged voter system hacking); less votes = more likely better for Trump.

The tides turning.. The 'thinkers' have 'outhunk' themselves....   It's gonna get scary.  Really fucking scary.   I'm witnessing the jedi turning to the dark side.  


Does anyone still believe "Bryen" isn't a Russian troll?


     BrianK I'll take you at your word that those are your original thoughts, they just happen to be the talking points du jour on any televised political discussion, it's not what may or may not be in the Mueller report regarding a conspiracy with Russia, it's all of these horrific process crimes that are tearing at the fabric of our democracy.

Bryen, from a risk analysis vantage, you're just shy of being a traitor for not even considering the possibility in light of the consequences if true.

Not sure about russian,

Fox News Brainwashed Right Wing Wacko Troll,  100% positive.



     "If true"...popular saying lately, where have we heard that before?

Come on Bryen,  You can't use a Sean Hannity clip to bitch about partisan, hack reporting.  That's like using Ronald McDonald to bitch about unhealthy fast food choices.

>>>>Trump is not going to jail, but many of his close associates and possibly family members will.


How much time will they get? The family members, not the associates. 


Do you consider purgury, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering/intimidation to be process crimes?

That's an honest question.

Seems that Mueller's office is using these more-easily proven crimes to encourage people to provide incriminating evidence for more serious allegations, for the "bigger fish".


     "If True"

Yes, Bryen & Co will continue to build their house of cards using key words like "scam" and "ruse" and "hoax" and "witch hunt" as the smoke builds. He will even say there's no smoke!

Meanwhile.....Mueller & Co are composing and filing and raiding and indicting and convicting.


     Ned I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and suppose that you sincerely believe that, I suspect there are plenty of people reading this that have known all along that this has been the largest fraud ever committed in the history of this country and have willingly supported it from the beginning...those are the ones I take issue with.

Thank God we have Sean Hannity to give us the unbiased truth!  MR President do you think you can come on my show next week for some pre-screened questions approved by you and your staff, and some ass kissing by yours truly. If If If If you could please i would forever be in your debt.

"largest fraud ever committed in the history of this country"

What's NOT to believe in my statement, Bryen? You are regurgitating terms you've been spoon-fed, only to then claim the entire investigation/prosecution/conviction can be called "politically motivated" and a "scam"  in an effort to undermine the credibility of the entire thing. It's you that have been fooled, Bryen. It really is sad to see the GOPers abandon their Law & Order foundation because they elected an incompetent sleazeball.

Trump Won By An Absolute CROOKED Electoral College ! Also He Has Been A BOZO All His Life ! no


Also Trump Is NOT A Billionaire - and Is In The Minus Do To Huge Debts !

This Randy Rainbow parody I posted above;

got this response;

<<  Druba,

          I have a lot of respect for certain aspects of the way you have many redeeming qualities and I think you're a reasonably good person, but I've been meaning to tell you, as a friend, that the chip on your shoulder towards people of faith is probably impeding you from moments of communion.

         -Bryen >>

Sorry if I don't see any "chip on the shoulder" here, just some decent musical comedy from a gay man, which causes me to ask;

Bryen, why do you and the GOP hate gay people?

What happened with Stone? He plead not guilty and bailed himself out so how does he help? 

He owes Putin so much money he has to keep sucking his cock during his private meetings with him.

(where no Americans are allowed to attend to know what they're talking about),

"Bryen" seems to think this is perfectly normal behavior for an American President.

Gee, I wonder what would have happened if Obama did this?




He's out on bail. Who isn't out on bail and is currently getting raped in jail? 



     I wasn't referring to the Randy Rainbow link, it's just something that I've noticed lately, l suppose one of the reasons it puzzles me so much is that you're otherwise a really nice person that I find enjoyable & intelligent, I thought I'd make mention of it, so I did.

The prankster in me likes to challenge systems of control...   fundamentalists churches fall into the "control" category (not religion).   Such as the fundamentalists that are against Sharia law, but fail to recognize it's from the old testament (yes, those Muslims that refuse to eat bacon are following the old testament dietary laws), and who's policy choices are identical with Sharia law....   hypocrisies should always be called out.  


     I don't recall Kesey being disrespectful of people's religious beliefs.

Should have brought it up with George the other night, i'll ask him next time I see him....  


     Did you ever hear a story involving the Pranksters and a spot in the deep woods of either Oregon or Washington [?] I want to say possibly near the Olympic Peninsula...maybe Olympia, but the story I was told was there's like this long row of old school buses parked side by side on either side of a small path in the deep forest with like moss growing over the exteriors, it sounded pretty extraordinary, I'd like to think it exists.  The guy who told me about it did a better job describing it.

There's a bunch of old green tortoise busses in Lowell, Oregon, just across the lake from the "Dexter Lake Club," where the bar scene in Animal House was filmed.  But a bunch of Kesey's old rigs are all in Georges yard, lol, one of these days i'll take some pics and post them...  


     What's the thing with all the fur coats?  It seems like that's some kind of tribal fashion thing some of the Pranksters got going on...kind of different.


    ^ not to be a fashion critic, just curious 





Democrats have had the power to request Trump’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service since they assumed control of the House this year, but they’ve hesitated. To build the public case for disclosure, the House tax committee’s oversight panel will examine its authority to obtain the president’s tax returns at a Feb. 7 hearing.


"persons known and unknown to the Grand Jury (collectively, the "Conspirators")..."


How many of those guys are getting raped in prison? 

This thread was a good example of people talking about the topic without berating or putting other zoners down, and doing it well.

Are you claiming propaganda doesn't influence decision making? That doesn't seem to be your position as you acknowledge those that believe Russia influenced the election are buying into propaganda. Why then do you deny an organized effort, highly directed at impressionable voters, did not sway the election for Trump? There are far too many historical references that validate propaganda's effectiveness to deny such a claim. If you are into American history at all, the pamphlet war provides a good example.  

Pizzagate anybody...peeps are dumb....Russia knows that.....Hilary's health anybody....peeps are dumb....uranium one anybody....peeps are dumb...throw enough shit at a wall some of it sticks...Russia if you are listening can you please find Clintons emails....I love wikileaks...peeps are dumb....


     So in theory, there are tens of thousands of people living in the rust belt today that could offer up personal anecdotes of how they were committed to voting for Hillary Clinton, subsequently stumbled onto social media posts & YouTube videos, and then decided at the last minute to vote for Donald Trump.  It would be interesting to see some of these people interviewed discussing this phenomena, I've looked online but I wasn't able to find any'd think CNN would be all over those stories.

Yeah, the stories that we did hear were, “Hillary is a criminal and scumbag and I couldn’t vote for her. I just didn’t vote at all.” Those stories were more than plentiful. 

The real head-scratchers were the contingent of Bernie Bros who voted for Trump because they wanted an “outsider.” There were plenty of them too, but they had to do with ignorance, not social media.

If you believe not one voter thought Hillary was about to stroke out or was part of a pedo ring or she was involved in the sale of uranium to (shocker) the Russians, well then u ain't paying attention...the blue collar billionaire narrative worked pretty well in the rustbelt...peeps are media is just an easier way to exploit it...don't forget about Seth Rich or Podesta's emails....and on and on and on....

Oh yeah, let’s not forget the voter suppression, also not related to Russia. For instance, my daughter goes to college in one of those important PA swing districts, where the voting commission is run by the Republicans. She and many of her schoolmates registered to vote through one of the voter registration orgs on campus. Lo and behold, only 1 in 3 of the people who registered on campus were on the voter rolls. How much of that shit happened in those important districts?

Between voter suppression and gerrymandering, we have huge issues. Politicians are picking their voters, not the other way around. Talk about a threat to democracy!

The progressives and far left bought right in to the propaganda about Hillary, hook, line and sinker. People here were even mumbling, “lock her up!”

Maybe I missed wikileaks releasing the RNC emails...oh that's right....they didn't...

I missed the Democratic candidate who said at a speech, “If Russia has Trump’s emails, release them. Maybe break in and steal them, then release them.”

One has to admit, whatever side of the aisle you are on, that was some fucked up shit that Trump said.

Bryen,  Your focus is on the effectiveness of the Russian interference instead of the fact that they interfered in the first place, regardless of it's effectiveness.  You do this to justify calling the investigation a scam, a ruse and a hoax.  Why is Russian interference into our elections not worthy of an investigation? 

... not to mention the multiple sketchy 1 on 1's with Putin with no one else in the room.

What do you think they're talking about Bryen?

When do you think we'll find out? 

Bryan, you've been answered effectively, and your attempt to frame us all as asshole idiots has been killed. 

Why are you attached to this false world view that you're pushing? What do you get out of it? 


     Obviously, at the end of the day, this is entering into the territory of one's belief system, which maybe is a matter of cognitive dissonance, it was in many ways the election of a lifetime, certainly the political upset of a lifetime, rather than just accepting the results the mind needs to invent other narratives.  Enter the manufactured investigation to rationalize the eavesdropping of a presidential campaign and half the country is basically brainwashed for 2 years.  

All that winning definitely supports your narrative Bryen.


Please remind us how the president you voted for is making america great again.


Thanks in advance,

rather than just accepting the results the mind needs to invent other narratives<<<

I voted for Gary Johnson.

Knowing that he had a snowball's chance in hell of winning, how is my enormous suspicion of Trump a product of not "just accepting the results"?  

Why are you attached to this false world view that you're pushing? What do you get out of it?<<<

He gets the satisfaction of believing he's "right", or simply doesn't have the courage to ....

>> it was in many ways the election of a lifetime, <<

2000 was a doozie


>> certainly the political upset of a lifetime, <<

Carter was a bigger upset


>> rather than just accepting the results the mind needs to invent other narratives.  <<

Like birth certificates propagated by Trump himself?


>> Enter the manufactured investigation to rationalize the eavesdropping of a presidential campaign and half the country is basically brainwashed for 2 years.  <<

Hellooooo Irony. Dude, you can't be serious with this crap.

We'll get back to your derp in a minute Bryen...


>>> I voted for Gary Johnson.

Knowing that he had a snowball's chance in hell of winning, how is my enormous suspicion of Trump a product of not "just accepting the results"?  <<<

So you're a Republican with a bong that spends a lot of time on pornhub?

Got it.

>>rather than just accepting the results the mind needs to invent other narratives.  Enter the manufactured investigation.

Here's your issue.....  You think the investigation is a result of the left not accepting Trumps election victory.  Total bullshit.  Just stop

>>>>2000 was a doozie

Yep.  One for the history books.  Hadn't been anything like that since the election of 1876.

>>>>Carter was a bigger upset

Ford was damaged goods from the get go because of the Nixon pardon.  He also had Reagan nipping at his heels, which further damaged him coming out of the primaries.   Carter ran as a squeaky clean, down home political outsider, which had a special appeal in the post-Watergate years, and was able to best Ford in key debates.   Trump winning was a much bigger surprise.

>> Trump winning was a much bigger surprise.

Perhaps you're right. Kinda strange when everyone, including the victor, are surprised by the results. A head scratcher, indeed. Yet, somehow Bryen thinks the FBI and the Derp State were conspiring to ruin his campaign, then let him get elected (I guess?), only to then investigate him. Makes no sense.

>So you're a Republican with a bong that spends a lot of time on pornhub?

Got it



Kudos on such a concise and right to the point definition of a Libertarian.    



>Makes no sense.

Of course it doesn't make any sense.

 The GOP is getting away with bending reality.   I have to give them props for energizing the morons, the racists, the religious zealots and assorted shit birds to climb out of their trailers.



Yep.  One for the history books.  Hadn't been anything like that since the election of 1876.<<<

Setting the stage for nearly 100 years of "national denial" or at least not addressing the issue of civil rights head on.  It could be argued the situation we're in today is a long term byproduct of the consequences of that election.

   >>> I truly believe that most of the people that lay claim to believing this scam actually believe it, but there must be a huge amount of people that know it's absolute malarkey and are just going along with the ruse because it suits their political agenda,<<<< 


 Let's assume for a second that Bryen is correct... How is that different then trying to de-legitimize Obama over his birth certificate ? Or impeaching Clinton for lying about sex ? 


Also you just should understand that Russia and China are both Autocratic Capitalist States...

Autocratic Capitalism is the competing system not Communism.. Autocratic Capitalist states will try to assert superiority over Democracy... Putin wants to make it look like our system is not working.. Democracy is slow and inefficient.. The Free Press is Fake News.. Both Parties don't work for you.. That's his message and Trump parrots it  





Indicted so far:

1) George Papadopoulos

2) Paul Manafort

3) Rick Gates

4) Michael Flynn

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies

21) Richard Pinedo

22) Alex van der Zwaan

23) Konstantin Kilimnik

24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers

36) Michael Cohen

37) Roger Stone

it's a hoax plain and simple.  nothing to see here.  bengazi!  birth certificate!  brown skinned people!  squirrel!

>>> it's a hoax plain and simple.  nothing to see here.  bengazi!  birth certificate!  brown skinned people!  squirrel!


Stephen Miller speech coming Tuesday, let's dissect it for a couple day's...


Meanwhile Mueller Hammer!

Does anyone NOT believe Donald Trump won the 2016 Election because of Russian Shenanigans?