Does Seadoggie like Russia now?



Come and keep your comrade warm...

The line in the sand keeps getting deeper.

fake news.

Most people I talk to say he's a strong leader. The people want authoritarian government. Just look at the world.

No shit so when you talk wth people that you know, one of the subjects that comes up is whether Putin is a "strong leader"? And then those people that you are speaking with say he is a strong leader and that's the type of leader they want? This is happening to you in real life? 

To be fair, he still has a negative favorability rating amongst Republicans. It's just 6x more favorable than it was in July.

This is another one of those "sore loser/winner" things. The Reps bitched and moaned about Obama being too authoritarian and bypassing the Constitution. If the person doing it is more aligned with their ideals, then they are all for it.

Another is how the Reps keep telling the dissenters to leave the country. Eight fucking years we had to listen to their blubbering about Obama, the lies, crying, insults and all that other crap. A few weeks of bitching about Trump and they want people to leave.



^ in real life





Russia is the bogey man that just keeps on giving. Both right and left use it when it is convenient for their narrative. silly sheep.. LOL

This Russia stuff is all just a distraction by the dems to deflect from pizzagate

Watch Megan McCain talk about this. She gets so flustered trying to be partisan and contradict herself that it looks like she's gonna punch her own face. 

I didn't realize until last night that Putin is the richest person in the world.

Worth 85 Billion!

How did he get all of that money?

He raped his own people for it.

Great guy that Putin.

Raping your own people is the Russian way.

Culturally, they respect leaders who treat them like shit.

they have no souls and cannot be trusted

None of you know what Putin's net worth is. LOL

Where's the obligatory pic of Putin shirtless on a horse...repubs like seadoggie loved how strong and manly he was...not da weak mooslum obamma...

Interesting news today, interesting news conference from Obama.

His worth seems to be somewhere between $500,000 and $200,000,000.

>>None of you know what Putin's net worth is. LOL

You're probably right about that somewhat.

No one knows exactly what his net worth is but there's not much dispute that he's the richest person in the world.

He may even be worth around 200 billion.

Don't believe me look it up yourself.

There's also not much dispute that he got that rich by stealing from his own people and seizing companies and selling them back to himself for ridiculously low amounts.

That's why Forbes doesn't list him. They don't list monarchs and despots who steal from their own people.

Does he or any other wealthy and powerful person ever do anything fun? 

Russian "hacks" had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with actually affecting the votes or the outcome of this election.  Not one entity has proven this in any way.  It's all a very DESPERATE LAME ATTEMPT to have a coup de tat by the Demoncrats right here in the Good Ole USA.


Oh how she lectured us on and on how it was a "Threat to our Democracy" to not ACCEPT THE RES+ULTS of the fair and square election.  Such a fraud is this UNQUALIFIED "woman" who ran agaianst Trump.


She is such a disgusting human being it's really off the charts, and the BRAIN WASHED people who apparently cannot handle LOSING are OUT OF TRIER FRIGGIN MINDS IF THEY THINK FOR ONE MINUTE THAT TRUMP WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT.


Their immaturity and recklessness regarding this is the TRUTH THREAT to our REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.


Please remind her we DO NOT live in a Dumbocracy, aka MOBOCRACY.



Seadoggie has spoken!



Russian will not be all that hard to learn . The alphabet comes easy . Russian history education might be interesting ... But all the crappy stuff that we will be "allowed" to buy is going to suck

And no, I think Putin is a murderer and a very dangerous man.

Not a friend.

argumentum ad passiones



Someone needs a waaaaambulance!

Are colors and fonts not possible on Viva? These Seadog threads are confusing. I don't know  which sentence to focus on anymore. 

Russian "hacks" had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with actually affecting the votes or the outcome of this election.  Not one entity has proven this in any way.  It's all a very DESPERATE LAME ATTEMPT to have a coup de tat by the Demoncrats right here in the Good Ole USA.


Oh how she lectured us on and on how it was a "Threat to our Democracy" to not ACCEPT THE RES+ULTS of the fair and square election.  Such a fraud is this UNQUALIFIED "woman" who ran agaianst Trump.


She is such a disgusting human being it's really off the charts, and the BRAIN WASHED people who apparently cannot handle LOSING are OUT OF TRIER FRIGGIN MINDS IF THEY THINK FOR ONE MINUTE THAT TRUMP WILL NOT BE PRESIDENT.


Their immaturity and recklessness regarding this is the TRUTH THREAT to our REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.


Please remind her we DO NOT live in a Dumbocracy, aka MOBOCRACY.



Seadoggie has spoken!



thanks, hall