Does Your Partner's Political Views Match Yours ?


For those of you with a significant other,, does their politics match yours ? 

In my case, absolutely. We have many things that that we don't see eye to eye on,, like I'm Yankees she's Red Sox, I'm buttercup squash she's butternut,,,  and there's a few other things,, but not politics. There we are simpatico. Fuck I would never be caught dead living with a republikan, just no way no how. I'm too scared their form of retardation may be contagious.  How bout you ?

my wife and i agree that it's offensive to toss around the term 'retard' or any of it's variations.

where does your wife stand on this topic?

Not bantering words monkey, I call it like I see it,, sorry you and your lady can't deal.  

That is exactly what today's repub supporters have, a form of mental retardation,, or if you prefer, a terminal brain imbalance.

Now show me where the horrible words hurt you,, hahaaaaa fuck off  

We yelled fuck you Trump many times together.

While I agree calling someone a retard is not nice, dated, and worthy of prohibition, I  have little problem with the term "retarded".  It's based in science. I will stop using it when we agree to abolish the term "advanced".  Also a scientific description.  This is dialect my wife and I don't see eye to eye. I too I. ¡Hay two Hay!

My SO is a progressive, Huffington Post reading, ACLU donating Democrat who had a moderate case of TDS and supported Bernie in the primary, but then jumped in and fully supporting Biden. By contrast, I am a DSA/Green leaning independent.  While we agree on most things, she is a bit more PC than me and we have different takes on the Second Amendment, but is reluctantly ok with my guns, especially in more recent times,   We often fill out our ballots together and she will vote straight "D" while my ballot will have a lot more Green Party and socialist candidates checked.   Works out fine.  She came out for the Women's March but stayed home for the protests over the summer.  She was supportive of them though and only asked that I take a shower and change my clothes when I got back to get rid of the tear gas smell.    

I don't know if I could be with a Republican or Trump supporter.  Most of my family are Goldwater Republicans, so I can understand why people think that way, but wouldn't want to be in a relationship with them.

While I agree calling someone a retard is not nice, dated, and worthy of prohibition, I  have little problem with the term "retarded". <<



I'm also OK with F...tard when applied with reference the egregiously assholish.  They've earned it and it harms no one else.

That said, I find myself using "F...wit" more often to spare overly sensitive F...wits.smiley


"than I am", not "than me" - i cant help but be the grammar police - my wife and I see eye to eye on that one...

would you use that term when talking to the parents or siblings of a child with that condition?

Of course not,, and it was not my intent to offend anyone --  other than repubs. If I did I'm truly sorry. 


This is about as far as I'll go to making actual fun of special persons >>

The Correct Way To Arrange Magazines


Next time you wanna spank me, start a Politically Incorrect Assholes thread,, you pretty much ruined this one.

Yes. Both "progressives". One less life challenge.

How could you live with someone that you don't respect?  How could you respect trumper idiots?   My dog stays apolitical. Good with me.

Me and my wife are very different from each other, politically, musically and in other areas too. She is a smart women, and I respect her. We have been married over 30 years. If I needed a mirror image of myself I would still be single. She is not a Trumper, but my son was, not so much anymore but he was, and we discussed our different views, both passionately at the time, and that is a positive thing to be able to express your views, and live with peoples differences. We all evolve for good or bad and are never 100% right. 

My wife and i agree on politics, but she doesn't like going to shows. that's why when i go to shows i'm single.

I sometimes jokingly call my friends fags. Is that bad? 

i called the bandana mine put on our cat a fag bib. her dad agreed...

I use/watch Amazon since my wife signed up.


But I feel a little dirty when I do.

>>I'm Yankees she's Red Sox

I remember seeing a car with a Coexist bumper sticker and then a Yankees Still Suck sticker. I think Red Sox Yankees might be harder than Trump Biden.

> I think Red Sox Yankees might be harder than Trump Biden.

Not as long as you acknowledge that the Yankees do still suck.