Donald Trump made America Great, let's keep it GREAT. WINNING!



Oh Atlanta :(

Of course the real danger is that chemtrail in the sky

and the democrats are helping him, but they could stop, if they wanted:







Wait, you're saying the Democratic led House needs to pass a bill that would then need to get passed in the US Senate and then signed by the POTUS? Are you high?


(NO...I didn't open the link)

you support the dems passing trump's agenda? 

that makes sense since you're all in for republican lite biden. 

yes i am high. 

i know you are too. ripping the chem filled vape pen you colorado people love. 

I abstain until after work, but thanks.


>> you support the dems passing trump's agenda?  <<


No I'm saying what bill(s) restricting/limiting Trump's "power" could the US House pass that would get approval in Senate and Trump's signature into law?

>> What bill(s) emboldening Trump's vision could the US House refuse to pass?

Here you go, Ned. I did some thinking for you.

Well, duh. What bill(s) is Trump trying to push through the US House? derp.

jesus christ. 


OK opened the link. Good read. Go get stoned again depheater'd.


take a breath, or a walk. You are having a bad day 


"10 things dems could do to stop trump's power grab"

rise as one, tell americans that the entire financial system is a scam, the appearance of decent society is only an illusion, murder trump in cold blood, and rebaptize america in some kind of occult nihilistic ayahuasca ceremony held in the burning halls of congress?

what are the other 9 things?

Trump claims he went to bunker for 'inspection' amid violent protests


Made it so great, senate repubs are cloning lord farquads dyed hair look, Only For Assholes.

‘Cannot unsee’: Lindsey Graham’s new Trump-like hair color overshadows Rosenstein hearing – Raw Story



From the TMI link, I like the category "dangerous horseshit" as a literal concept, but also as band name.

<<>>>take a breath, or a walk. You are having a bad day 

im having a great day. 

although, you, sir, are kind of making a fool of yourself in the curfew thread.