The Door Was Ajar


Hi Everybody ~

Moses came riding up on a quasar
His spurs were a-jingling, the door was ajar
His buckle was silver, his manner was bold
I asked him to come on in out of the cold
His brain was boiling, his reason was spent


What's cooking?

If nothing is Ramadan nothing is Lent.

my wife's parents had an 80's Chrysler that could speak and The Door Is Ajar was by far it's favorite line.

The jar was a door.


You'd get right to work if you had any sinse !

The jar was a portal.


















And the train was arunnin' late.

and I made a sharp wife is now on the roadway...........should I stop and help or should I pretend all is grand........look there is a taco truck right up the road

No left turn unstoned.

I have a coworker that can pass a drug test. Yet I wonder why they don't have a stupid test.