EPA Head


So Oklahoma AG Pruitt, the same guy who has many lawsuits open against the EPA, is now tapped to be head of the EPA.

Isnt this the guy who blocked the med marijuana referendum as well. 


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

Exactly, TH. Crazy it is.

Go with the felling Hoover. Got a sense it's gonna be a long 4 years.

All this was predictable and predicted when Rump first threw his hat in the ring. It's only gonna get worse. Head of Exxon for Sec. State? He already has deals w/ Putin.

Pretty obvious that Rump is Putin's bitch. If Rump ever gets out of hand because he heard something bad about Russia on the interwebs, Putin has only to tweet "Squirrel!" and Rump will dart off in another direction.

make the rivers black again

>make the rivers black again<


Rivers? Who needs rivers?


Frank Zappa, The Mothers of Invention - Let's Make The Water Turn Black - Live 1968 Germany




Dept. of Ed designee never went to public school, never worked in education, and is an investor in student loans.

School choice/vouchers advocate which are subsidies for people with money to send their kids to an expensive private school.

 I.E. school costs $12,000 a year.  $6,000 voucher and $6,000 of their own money.  Those schools don't have to take anybody, public schools have to take everybody.

Also, public money for private religious school is a violation of the separation clause, at least while the Constitution is still intact.

I'm so sure that Happy Valley preparatory school is gonna take that inner city kid but you know Ben Carson says that poverty is a personal choice.


Can someone please remind me what EPA stands for???

>> School choice/vouchers advocate which are subsidies for people with money to send their kids to an expensive private school.

You can just as easily say parents who pay to send their kids to private school are forced to subsidize public schools.

>> Those schools don't have to take anybody, public schools have to take everybody.

I hear this on the zone like it's a negative. It's not. I'm confident that enforcing academic standards and a code of conduct will/could help the great majority of students.

There will always be public schools, but I'm hoping for more choices for more families.

Energy Protection Agency

This was posted on FB Johnny. Seems about right.

Buckle up kids.

Supporting public schools is considered by many to be part of the social contract.  When did the private school movement get energized?  Check the founding dates of the private schools in your area.  Around the time of the Civil Rights bill is not uncommon, many associated with religious institutions. 


My admissions statement is about disabilities.  Also, to imply that most public schools lack standards or discipline is disingenuous.


Most private, charter,  or for profit schools perform about the same or worse (Edison Project)  than traditional public schools when cohort data is compared.  


The avoidance response just hides problems instead of solving them.