Excellent "Reproduction" of the Zone -- Very Impressive!!


I wasn't sure what to expect re: vivalazone and was even wondering how a "new interface" would go over with everyone ... so I was totally surprised to see a reproduction of the old zone with careful attention paid to the details.  I still haven't explored all the nooks and crannies to see how various aspects might differ, but by and large it's been pulled off extremely well.  I actually work in the line of web development, so I know it's not an easy task - even though the old zone was extremely retro / antiquated ... there are a lot of details & minutia which needs attention to pull it off well.

Job well done to Judit & everyone else involved!

If I hadn't been involved in it, I wouldn't have any idea about what goes into it. Lava did the majority of it with a little help from HeyDavey and me to make it come alive by the deadline. Wow have I learned a lot about things I didn't know exist! Thanks for the acknowledgment.

Lava rules!

much respect

No doubt a great job. Thanks Judit, Lava, HeyDavey & any others involved.

Agreed folks.  I'm highly impressed and happy to see that at least I'll have a place to hang out for a couple of more years.  Thanks ladies and gentlemen for all the hard work!

Lava does rule. He's also one of the nicest guys in real life and a good friend. Thanks for everything lava, Judit and everyone else involved. 


The madness continues.  :)


Feels like No Stranger... Zone 2.0+

Good Job!

Judit, do you have experience with web design or was this your first experience?

^^Job well done to Judit & everyone else involved!



That bears repeating. A seamless transition for sure.

Absolutely fantastic.

Thank you team VLZ!!!!!

i totally haz can lavas.......


hi langy!

Wish you all the best, Thanks for the 2.0 VivaZone


Just got my login email - Phantastic!  

Major Tip of the Hat and Many Hugs to Judit, Lava, HeyDavey and The Viva Crew for the shiny new Zone 2.0 !

Having worked old-skool tech half my years - deadlines are always so tough and stressful.....but so often the pressure leads to great results!

That certainly can be said of this team!    Great look and feel and a breeze registering.

New car smell with more bells and whistles..... but that old ride feel ...for sure!

html editor!   let's everyone join in the phun!  sans having to write code  ! woo~hoo ! 

Applause all around!

Lager, this was my first experience with anything like this. I've done a lot of design on paper in the past, but the technical aspect of this was all lava except a little help from HeyDavey. I learned enough to help them out on the site once it was mostly created. Still learning every day. It's fun.

Absolutely love it laugh

JUST Lovin' It!

So Cool!

Way to save a community from the brink!j

totally amazingheart


heartheartheart IT!!!

Taco flavored kisses

Very cool, Judit! What kind of stuff did you do?


Hi BJT!!!


Agreed, looks just right to me. Impressed.

So Lava and HeyDavey dealt with nuts 'n bolts.


Judits' left with just the nutz.


Thanks, all.


I still find myself:


looking for the PZ icon; and

trying to tab up and down with the green/blue mushrooms/arrows.


And reaching for the mouse with my right hand, even tho' I moved it to the left side of the keyboard.

until the arrows are activated, this may help some ---> 
if using a wheel mouse on your device : on most you can push down on the wheel and a up/down arrow box will appear.

move your mouse cursor above arrow box - for faster scrolling;  the higher above, the faster the scroll. 
reverse for scroll down of course.


until the arrows are activated, this may help some ---> 
if using a wheel mouse on your device : on most you can push down on the wheel and a up/down arrow box will appear.<<


You just learned that, didn't you?enlightened

I don't know if you can do this on other keyboards, but on my mac keyboard I can hold command and the up or down arrow on the bottom right of the keyboard to quickly scroll to the top or bottom of the page.

VivaLaZone's similarity in layout to the Phil Zone is uncannily familiar, Although obviously by design, I was still surprised to see just how close it is!

>>> You just learned that, didn't you?enlightened  

Old techie bluesnote!  Learned that prob back with windoze 98... and, uh .. pre-optical mice!~  smiley 

Speaking of windoze : You can also use CTRL+ arrow keys for faster scrolling angel

oops.  I thought Judit posted that, JJB.


I discovered that thing by accident.  Not sure I've ever made practical use of it before.

A good wheel-spin is doing the trick here.

Two-finger swipe on the Mac @ home.

See how it goes if we get any stupid-long threads.



  • old friends
  • kiss
  • devil


John JB in SF (Jbsf420) >>>>> Sarah Michele is that you


John JB in SF (Jbsf420) >>>>> Sarah Michele is that you




cool i heart Us

Good clean fun! A gentle request for more streams, reviews, and set lists. Don't get to get out like I used to.