This explains a lot about DJT.


I just learned that Joseph McCarthy's (the un American inquisition) legal council Roy Cohn became the Trump family lawyer and taught DJT everything he knew about being a lying, cheating, prick. Makes sense but I'm surprised it isn't more common knowledge.

what? who didn't already know this ?  has been common knowledge for decades - at least to those of us living in NY and knowing forever that he is a piece of sh%t 

Speaking of which, how the fuck is this even people?

I honestly do not know my 'fellow' Americans at all:

CNN Poll: Harris and Trump locked in exceedingly close presidential race

my deadhead tour buddy is from a very conservative state, he is all in for trump. i thought he ate enough lsd to know better, but apparently not.

god n guns...


> This explains a lot about DJT.
