Faith Spotted Eagle


Faith Spotted Eagle is a Yankton Sioux Nation protester of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Without ever running for president, she is now one of two women in American history to win an Electoral College vote for president.

Oh hey it's the guy who tells everyone they should "get over" the fact that Trump was elected and get on with their lives and then bitches about Obama! 


“I think it’s a rebirth of a nation, and I think that all of these young people here dream that one day they would live in a camp like this, because they heard the old people telling the stories of living along the river,” she said. “… They’re living the dream.”

Bucky, you might take notice that all I mentioned was the fact that she is only the second women to receive a vote from the Electoral College.  It's an interesting historical fact.  I didn't take a stand on the issue that she represents, so any assumptions that you might be making about my thoughts on that issue are just that; assumptions.

I'm not making any assumptions, I know you're a hypocrite and you contradict yourself from another thread! I can freely apply that knowledge here! 

Nice try though! 

And hey just so you know I voted for Trump too, it's ok. I couldn't vote for Hillary because she's part Italian so I get it. I don't hate the blacks or Muslims like most MAGA's but I understand being motivated by hatred, because of the Italians. 

What is your problem with the Italians?

bucky the badger must suffer from the irsh curse

giggles. What are you saying Thom? Im confused. Should we just go look at Drudge report?

As for the original post, this election is also historic in that it has seen the greatest number of individuals receiving electoral college votes for president.   Specifically, there were 

Trump - 304

H. Clinton - 227

Colin Powell - 3

John Kaisch - 1

Ron Paul -1

Faith Spotted Eagle -1

Bernie Sanders -1

Check it out.  This is unpresidented.

2016 Electoral College Results.png

I'm saying it's an interesting historical fact asshole.

Simple things are lost on idiots.

And as far as I can tell. Bernie Sanders is the first Jew to receive an electoral college vote in American history.

If one is going to cast a protest vote Ms. Spotted Eagle is as good as any.

Try to stay on topic, Bucky.


Thanks for sharing, Thom.

She is perfect Les.

Here's another interesting historical fact

When 5 electors abandoned Hillary Clinton yesterday (over twice as many as deserted Trump BTW) it was the most desertions from a candidate in the Electoral College since 1872.

That women just continues to make history.

I'm sure that some of you can make more of this than I intended.  Go for it.

E can write a song about this person.  

Seems like ol' sweater vest is trying to poke some bear that doesn't exist here. 

Hope his thread gets more traction, the effort is there.

Honestly, I wish that more Republicans would've considered organizing to get a more qualified Republican in office.


Not trying to stir shit up, just still a bit worried how World Events will unfold over the next few years.


I'm hoping that all branches will work to help the most American people that they can.

I keep wanting to hyphenate "Faith Spotted".


Occupational hazard.

pretty funny, the folks going after thom for nothing but pointing out a fact. 

I am now wondering about unfaithful electors from other years, who, when, etc.

Not enough to look it up though.

Unfaithful Electors for band name.

>>>>I am now wondering about unfaithful electors from other years, who, when, etc.

Its all right here:




People "go after" Thom because he's an ass.


Not everything is thread-specific.