Family feud.




First Topic... and go!

Score a free brew, brah

Brag about weed

Let his puppy die of parvo.

hawk a lugge on the sidewalk...

Sell a 2.3 gram "eighth" for $60 to a clueless custie.



Don't shower for a week or two

Don't shower for a month or two

Don't shower. 

Shit in parked cars?

Maybe that's just homeless folks in Philly. Lock you car doors overnight.

Your sister

Walk around parking lots in no particular direction with no intention of going to the show.

Struggle with life?

In a recent "cheese off", just a lil more than a lab rat

Smell bad

Claim to be at every "epic" show but never stepped foot in the venue....

That's not the real Family Feud host ... have no idea who he is or who the real one is, but it's clearly not him ... kinda now remember, wasn't he on Hogan's Heros?

But this guy is pretty fucking funny...a worthy follow up to the original.  

Family feud hosts

  • Richard Dawson (1976–85, 1994–95)
  • Ray Combs (1988–94)
  • Louie Anderson (1999–2002)
  • Richard Karn (2002–06)
  • John O'Hurley (2006–10)
  • Steve Harvey (2010–present)

Family Feud - Wikipedia

>>>>But this guy is pretty fucking funny...

Yeah, I have caught a few episodes with the new guy.  It can be PG-13 sometimes and the dude is funny.  But its a little weird that now days it is always a black family vs a white family. Always.



Go wookin' fuh nub?

What is "the song playing in Mayers head when performing Cumberland Blues"...