Fast Car


Tracy Chapman is the first black women to have a number one hit on the country charts because Luke Combs covered Fast Car. The more things change the more they stay the same.

No idea who Luke Combs is. I'm thinkin' baseball-cap country guy?

Possibly tours with three guitar players (one acoustic that no one can hear) AND a pedal-steel.

[Yeah, I could've been halfway through the video by now.  Odds are one or more of the 'FUV weekend shows will spin it.  History 'n all.]



>>baseball-cap country guy?

don't country guys call them "trucker" caps?

great song. i like his voice.

"be a roper, not a doper" 

don't country guys call them "trucker" caps?

They do.

But c'mon.

You still ain't got a job
And I work in the market as a checkout girl..

Um, no.. coming from a good ol boy like Luke that sounds very transgenderish  

Whatever happened to Tracy Chapman?


I guess we didn't give her one good reason.....

and true to most modern country covers, there is no originality in this remake. It sounds like they dubbed his singing onto the Tracey Chapman recording.

never really liked the song then and not now either, it is well written, and played well but not my thing, maybe a good song that just was overplayed

Here is 1 studio from Ryan Montbleau 

gross x infinity

if only she were white

shruggy emoji

well played

You tube rabbit hole led me to this 16 year old who is autistic and could have a conversation until 10